The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins

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This short essay reviews the traditional Christian list of the attitudes that make people do wrong. "The seven deadly sins" is a list from the early middle ages, more properly "the seven capital vices", or roots of misbehavior. You will not find the list in the Bible. But it has been popular since the Middle Ages.

I will try to make a brief case against sin, based both on my reading and my own experience of life. Although I am a Christian, you may find yourself agreeing with much of what I have to say regardless of your own background and beliefs.

This is not an essay on the theology of sin, repentance, or forgiveness.

If you are a radical liberal, you will be "offended" by most of what I have to say, and if you read any further, you will want to write and tell me that I am "pathetic", "pretentious", "racist", etc. Please leave now.

If you are a religionist (Christian or otherwise) who is not tolerant of those who differ from you, then I am one of the people you have heard so many horrible things about. Please leave now.

Many of the world-faiths provide lists of good and bad deeds. The Buddhist sangha has a long literature of lists which were passed on as an easy-to-remember oral tradition. The Jewish Bible lists the ten commandments, and the Paul of Tarsus's lists of behaviors "that will not inherit the kingdom of heaven" continue to generate much discussion.

The theme of "The Seven Deadly Sins" has been a part of our culture. Marlowe's Faust is treated to a pageant of the sins which mirrored early popular morality plays. In "Camelot", Mordred sings "The Seven Deadly Virtues", a parody in which the bad knight chooses selfishness. David Niven and Jerry Pournelle updated Dante in their own "Inferno", in which a contrite Benito Mussolini guides the writer though a tour of sin in the modern world. David Fincher's "Seven" was among the most violent of all movies, though the v******e was never shown, just as the seven deadly sins underlie all that is wrong in this world even though they are not actions in themselves.

Now, it seems to me that all the rules (guidelines?) in the Bible that don't deal with worship (where the focus is on keeping things simple and reasonable and not trying to engage in magic) deal with how we treat each other. So it seems to me that sin mostly means behavior that actually hurts other people for no good reason. Even somebody who does not believe in religion might accept this.

The seven deadly sins are acutally attitudes which early Christians listed as the causes of human misbehavior -- the actual reasons that we hurt each other. They are not "sins", i.e., actions that will separate you from a right standing with the Good Lord. But they're the underlying causes of actions that will.

The list remains strikingly contemporary.

" ENVY "
" LUST "


Envy (wishing you had an emotion) combined with Wrath (wishing someone harm) is jealousy (wanting to deny other people an emotion).

The Seven Deadly Sins Page " short"
This is a plain text explanation of the traditional christian 7 deadly sins, with normal explanations.

Last Notes
In accounts from visionaries who've though they've glimpsed the afterlife, the "punishment" for sin seems to be the sin itself. This has been a theme in fictional accounts even before Dante's famous poem. And I've actually heard a couple of these directly from friends and acquaintances (surprisingly numerous) who've seemed to have experiences of the supernatural. One described hell as a place, much like our own world, but populated by souls who were utterly preoccupied with the particular bad attitudes they'd had in life. This is a perfect match for many other accounts I've heard.
Even if there is no afterlife, my own experience has satisfied me that we are happier even in this life when we decide to turn away from the seven deadly sins and the misbehavior they cause. If you want to do this, there will be others who'll help you. Don't hesitate to ask.

something to start one thinking

More than 1.5 billion people around the globe do not have access to safe drinking water, and diseases associated with dirty water kill more than 25,000 people per day, more than 9 million each year around the world, according to the World Health Organization. Presently, only about 10% of the waste water generated is treated; the rest is discharged as it is into our water bodies. This serious problem of water pollution is not only serious for the present day but, it is also getting worst on a regular day to day basis.

Today, 98 percent of U.S. public water supplies that are disinfected are made clean and safe with chlorine or chlorine-based compounds. It is also increasingly used by all municipal corporations such as BMC, DJB, MCD etc to purify the drinking water supply. This ensures that the water we get in our taps is relatively safe for drinking.

Chlorination is the only water disinfection method that protects all the way to the tap, for just pennies a day. Chlorine does much more than kill deadly germs and microorganisms in the nation's water supply.
But with growing awareness there is concern about the harmful effects of certain chemicals. If there is concern about the usage of chlorine then the municipal corporations should ensure that there is no excess chlorine in the water supply given by them.

发布者 _osiris_
11 年 前