13 XHamster Users To Avoid
These are the the types of XHamster Users that I do not like:
1- The Chatty Batty: These users want you to chat with them for hours as a condition of your being a friend. OMG get a fucking life!!! Some of us have a life outside of XH.
2- The Detective: These users are full of questions about you. They want you to send them identifying pictures of yourself so that they can prove that you are you. WTF, this is a porn site, if you want to post your picture, then fine, but I don't have to. Back off Sherlock
3- The Flasher: These users send pictures of their genitalia in the hopes that you will be turned on, or whatever. My response: Get that little wrinkled ass dick off my page!!!
4- The Control Freak: These users have so many damn profile rules that you cannot keep up. You get deleted and blocked by them, but you have no idea what went wrong. Fuck them, they were probably too tight-assed anyway!!!
5- The Stingy Friend: These users post great videos that everyone would want to see. But, those videos are only reserved for their tiny group of friends. When you look at their friend list, there are only about 25 people. More than likely they also fall under the control freak category. My response: Get over yourself!!!
6- The Voyeur: "Peekabooo" These users just want to see your stuff. They have absolutely nothing on their page. It is a one-way show, and you are it. Delete these creeps!!!
7- The XHamster Police: These users actually work for XHamster. They actually monitor our page for the company. They have access to your page whether you friend them or not, which really sucks!!
8- The XHamster Informant: These users notice every little change on your page and point out XHamster Rules. Or, they are the ones that report to XHamster video content, or whatever. Get the fuck off my page Snitch.
9- The Chameleon: These users change their identity to get on to your page or appeal to you for friendship. These are guys that pose as lesbian girls, changing age and sex day by day, or French one day and South American another. Just be real and be who you are. Most of us dont care and are just here for the porn anyway!!
10- The Showoff: These users compare themselves to others based on how much content they can download. Not all of us can download three 2 hour movies in a day, you prick!! Most of us have lives!! Stop bragging and showing off!! "Keep the videos coming though."
11- The Parasite (suggested by Mercedezbabii:) These users will steal your photos, vidz, etc, and post on other sites as their own!! No tolerance for leeches and maggots!!!
12- The Ghost (Suggested by tetkalmwencho): These users signed up 1001 days ago and last activity 1000 days ago. wtf don't create a profile if you dont plan on being active!!
13- The Collector (Suggested by tetkalmwench): These users have reached the friend limit (5000 friends if i'm right) but don't give a shit about them i can't understand why they add all those people...
What do you think?
11 年 前