Why so negative? my first blog

As mentioned this is blog numero uno for me so im gonna do my best to make it good. OK people we're all on this site to get our visual freak on & our rocks off. This a very large plethora of the porno kind containing something for everyone. With that being said obviously there are gonna be somethings that just isn't for everyone, but that's fine. Doing my xxxploits I've noticed lots of positive feedback to lots of videos & pictures, which is great. Positive feedback encourages the masses to post more of what couples or individuals prefer. That kind of feedback also gives some people that boost they may need to come out of some kind of sexual shell & be themselves in a comfortable new way. Positivity begots positivity. Now.....Why so negative? I've never been someone to stop anyones else's right to say anything & im not about to start now...... But! Negative feedback is the cancer of xhamster. For every stiffy & pair wet panties this website provides per day there's an individual dissing the content for a wide variety of reasons. Some people slam interracial, different ethnic groups,age differences,bbw's,even make money-shots seem racist. Truth be told EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion, that's what helps to make us individuals. But is it really necessary to comment how gross someone's breasts are? Or how superior the white man's cum blast is to the black man's? And least we not forget about those digusting bbws or how butt ugly that cougar is. For some fellow porn junkies it took a great deal of moxie to post pictures & lets not even get started on those gutsy personal videos. Anytime (well for the most part) something doesn't pitch my tent i truly tend to post nothing. In my world negative attention is still attention nontheless. Let's say i post a video & get 1 positive comment & 499 negative comments. At the close of the business day i still got 500 viewers taking time out of their day to post a comment. If i only had that 1 positive comment that would have more of an impact because only 1 person thought i was worthy of a comment, be it positive nor negative. One of the funniest (or ironic) things is there is always a thumbnail pic & description of anything before you decide to indulge yourself. So why watch "gay white bukkake" if yoy don't like white or gay men? Theres simply too much to enjoy about this wonderful den of sin without pissing in someone elses cornflakes. On a personal, note I despise racism of any kind, including racist comments. Being a black man I see enough of it on an everyday basis. But what really makes my blood run cold about this site are comments with such racially charged rhetoric they border along the lines of klansman whom of which swapped out their hoods for laptops, but I digress. Let's wrap this up! If something doesn't appeal to you just leave it alone. Is it that difficult? Negative attention still takes time out of your day so reserve your precious time! I may blog again, & i may not. I'm not sure, but I'll always try to part with a little wisdom so here goes: There are many signs of success but none more indicative than the presence of haters. Peace. Any feedback welcome.
发布者 pornospiral
11 年 前
SawBuck1956 4 年 前
catcat71 9 年 前
Well said, thank you for saying it.
*clap! clap! clap!* well said!!! :wink:
choclic 11 年 前
Since there is not a like button I'll just save this to my page.
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