My Question To The Sissy Cocksuckers Of The World
This week I sucked off a total of five cocks. Two were absolutely and completely orgasmic experiences, one was better than average, and the other two were just average experiences (I hope the sissies reading this know what I am talking about so I don't have to explain). Tonight I gave one of the best and satisfying blow jobs I have ever given, the type that makes a sissy feel even more feminine and alive with sexuality. To make it even better, he uttered the words every sissy cocksucker wants to hear while you are stuffing your eager mouth with cock: "Oh my God, you really know how to suck dick.", and the even more heavenly words: "Can you do this tomorrow?"
I think we all know the answer to that question.
However, now, just a few short hours later, I find myself craving more cock in my mouth. I do not think this is an unnatural feeling for sissies to have (or is it?), but it made me think back to the time when I was totally straight and the women that I had dated during that time. A large majority of the women I dated perceived cocksucking as something of a... chore. Not ALL of the women, mind you, but about, oh, I don't know, 98% of them. (Thank God for the other two percent and I will bring up anal on another day). During my 'totally straight' years, I was sexually prolific and had a very healthy sex-life (I still do, but it swings in the other direction now, if you know what I mean, wink wink nudge nudge). The obvious thing that could be stated here is: I was sleeping with the wrong women.
Maybe. There can be a good strong argument made there.
The gentleman I serviced tonight was good-looking with a very kind nature and was gifted with a really beautiful cock. So, why wasn't his girlfriend giving him what he obviously needs? Like... on a daily basis? I had even pointed this out to him as we were getting dressed later.
ME: You know, your girlfriend should suck that beautiful cock whenever you want it.
HIM: [laughs] Okay! I'll tell her you said that.
But odds are he won't. And the better odds are that I will get a text today asking me to service him again later tonight.
And to the married women and girlfriends of the world - I will.
So, my question Dear Reader is this: DO a majority of women (and let us not say ALL, just - a majority) see the act of cocksucking differently than sissies? Personally, if I could, I would suck cock every day of the week - multiple times.
At the drop of a hat. No questions asked.
How many women can honestly say that? The gentleman tonight seemed as if he only got a blowjob on his birthday and maybe Valentine's Day.
I do not believe for one second that my thoughts and behaviour are perverse or abnormal in any way. I can almost guarantee that I am not the first person to walk the face of this planet who thinks and behaves the way I do. It is one of the reasons I started this 'little hobby' of mine - to share what I think is hot and erotic with others and to seek out like-minded people such as myself. I am not ashamed of my sexuality, nor am I afraid of it. True, I may be one of the minority of people who actually act on my sexual nature and needs instead of fantasizing about it (and believe me, I had been fantasizing about it waaaaaay before I acted on having another man stick his cock in my mouth or ass - so I know there are others out there who have not acted on their sexual motivations because I was once one of you).
What are your thoughts? What do you think? I am curious. I want to know.
Thank you for reading! And good night, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.
- Miss Dyes Limns
Side Note Of No Consequence - I accidentally had the chance to live out one of my fantasies tonight. While I had his cock fully down my throat, his girlfriend called to see where he was and what he was doing. I waited for some sort of sign to stop what I was doing so he could take the call - but he held my head in place and kept fucking my mouth as he was lying to her. I almost came right there.
I think we all know the answer to that question.
However, now, just a few short hours later, I find myself craving more cock in my mouth. I do not think this is an unnatural feeling for sissies to have (or is it?), but it made me think back to the time when I was totally straight and the women that I had dated during that time. A large majority of the women I dated perceived cocksucking as something of a... chore. Not ALL of the women, mind you, but about, oh, I don't know, 98% of them. (Thank God for the other two percent and I will bring up anal on another day). During my 'totally straight' years, I was sexually prolific and had a very healthy sex-life (I still do, but it swings in the other direction now, if you know what I mean, wink wink nudge nudge). The obvious thing that could be stated here is: I was sleeping with the wrong women.
Maybe. There can be a good strong argument made there.
The gentleman I serviced tonight was good-looking with a very kind nature and was gifted with a really beautiful cock. So, why wasn't his girlfriend giving him what he obviously needs? Like... on a daily basis? I had even pointed this out to him as we were getting dressed later.
ME: You know, your girlfriend should suck that beautiful cock whenever you want it.
HIM: [laughs] Okay! I'll tell her you said that.
But odds are he won't. And the better odds are that I will get a text today asking me to service him again later tonight.
And to the married women and girlfriends of the world - I will.
So, my question Dear Reader is this: DO a majority of women (and let us not say ALL, just - a majority) see the act of cocksucking differently than sissies? Personally, if I could, I would suck cock every day of the week - multiple times.
At the drop of a hat. No questions asked.
How many women can honestly say that? The gentleman tonight seemed as if he only got a blowjob on his birthday and maybe Valentine's Day.
I do not believe for one second that my thoughts and behaviour are perverse or abnormal in any way. I can almost guarantee that I am not the first person to walk the face of this planet who thinks and behaves the way I do. It is one of the reasons I started this 'little hobby' of mine - to share what I think is hot and erotic with others and to seek out like-minded people such as myself. I am not ashamed of my sexuality, nor am I afraid of it. True, I may be one of the minority of people who actually act on my sexual nature and needs instead of fantasizing about it (and believe me, I had been fantasizing about it waaaaaay before I acted on having another man stick his cock in my mouth or ass - so I know there are others out there who have not acted on their sexual motivations because I was once one of you).
What are your thoughts? What do you think? I am curious. I want to know.
Thank you for reading! And good night, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.
- Miss Dyes Limns
Side Note Of No Consequence - I accidentally had the chance to live out one of my fantasies tonight. While I had his cock fully down my throat, his girlfriend called to see where he was and what he was doing. I waited for some sort of sign to stop what I was doing so he could take the call - but he held my head in place and kept fucking my mouth as he was lying to her. I almost came right there.
11 年 前
Where as men use sex purely to satisfy their own desires.
I found it very rare to find a woman who actually loves sucking cock & gets off on it.
Sissies suck cock purely for the enjoyment.
One day I will live out my sissy fantasy, but it will be under the orders of another mistress or master.