Think Like a b**st - Positive Thinking 101

You know how often I read that Germany is great for a black man, or it's a black man's dream or whatever, but then I think to myself....well actually I fucked 4 girls in 1 week in Texas, 5 in 1 week in Virginia, 8 DP's in a row in makes me wonder, actually no, it's proof to me that it has nothing to do with my location. It's got everything to do with my inner perspective (where you find yourself) in my head.

You see continuing on from where I left off, I find myself having to explain to people stop relying on chance for sex, start relying on yourself. You don't get successful as something without focusing on it, or better yet, not focusing I guess it's more like believing. Of course there are things out there where you must learn something in a textbook manner first and then go forth and apply the knowledge learned. But this isn't quantum physics I'm talking about, I am talking about human interaction. Remember the three pillars from last time: respect, confidence and positive thinking. Lets expand on the positive thinking...I'm telling you it works.

Ok so I landed in Dallas Fort Worth (DFW), Texas at close to 2 pm, I got my rental and headed to the hotel, I had already changed my social networking sites to represent the city I was going to be in a week before I had actually arrived. By the time I got set up at the hotel, all I had to do was check who had said hello or shown interest and see who was (in order) the smartest, prettiest, and closest. I logged in, changed my status to:

"Arrived and hungry" (I called that fishing)

and hit the shower. While I was in the shower, I started doing something I call sort of like a mind exercise. I didn't picture SOMEBODY I pictured some SITUATION, a good one, laughing, talking, kissing, fucking, hearing a woman cum. I didn't picture it with whom on purpose because that would build expectation (one of the triggers to disappointment and a large element in a closed mind - I'll explain that later) When I got out the shower, I checked the inbox, I had 7 messages, 2 from the same lady. I changed my status to:

"Brushing teeth, getting dressed....short sleeve or tank top??" (in the same train of thought as fishing...this was now picking the biggest fish that you catch, and throwing back the others for a later day)

I went to the bathroom did what I needed to do put on the tank top without checking the messages and then sat down at my desk to read through the messages. By this time I had 18 messages, 5 from the same lady. I checked each profile from the oldest email to the newest and responded to those that seemed interesting to me. By the time I had made my selection I had picked the woman that would later be known as The Spanish Mammi in so many HOT, HOT videos I will be posting. The top three behind her were the Red Bone (from one video) and Texas' Finest from several more. And a gorgeous woman who will remain anonymous. Was I lucky? Was it because I was a black man in Germany? The answer to both questions are a loud and thunderous NO!

It's because I am Respectful, I am Confident and I think Positive thoughts. I don't focus on a person, the reason, people are inherently selfish and hate to be wrong or worse let you be right. Think about that for a minute. Yeah that's what I many times do you like to hear that someone else was right about something with yourself? Normally you hear it when something has gone wrong and you've screwed up in some way. That's when all the know-it-all's come out and basically try to tell you how right their choice would have been. Now take that same concept and scale it back, deep into the psyche, you don't want a girl to be right about you generally because she's thinking that you are going to let her down in some way, or not live up to her expectation. On the same note, no woman wants you to be right about them, she doesn't want to give you that squirting pussy she can so easily if you keep telling her to, she doesn't want you to know she's going to suck your dick so good, she wants to surprise you. Besides, personally if I focus on one person I tend to miss hints from others or worse ignore warnings and indicators from the one I am focused in on. Instead I think positive thoughts. I don't know what the night will bring with a woman, but I know I will have a good time.

I truly believe it too, good conversation is awesome with the right person, that's why intelligence is key for me and if that's all the nights going to bring so be it and....her loss (remember that from lesson one). I'll just be better rested for the next person I meet. If she wants to meet again, she'll have to wait until I've finished my top 5. She was first choice, but for some reason, she chose to not be physical, can't control that, and I never want to. I can control where I visit and how often though. But I do it all with a positive manner. It's not bad she didn't fuck me, I was wanting a good time, from conversation all the way to mind blowing orgasms....I got good conversation that night. Some nights I get mind blowing sex, all of them though are great times. So I stay positive.

What if I begin focusing in on her once I am there, she's gorgeous and I want her....what do I do. Focus on the conversation and not try to lead it to something sexual. Remember that thing about someone being right. If sex happens then it will. Chances of it happening are greatly increased when you don't make it a reoccurring topic or focus on it.

Laughter is a great aphrodisiac, so lighten up. A person that can laugh at himself is a great person to be around.

Treat waiters and waitresses with dignity and respect, it shows a lot about your character.

Be a gentleman and pay for the drinks, don't set up a dinner date as a start because you don't yet know the person's character and they don't deserve a meal yet honestly.

But do all of those things with a positive mindset. It's going to be great conversations, the waiters and waitresses are awesomely friendly and helpful, the drinks were good and worth the price. You will know when to be that assertive and take charge kind of guy. And when she asks what do you want to do...please don't say I don't indecisive man is no man at all for a real woman.

11 年 前
kengozin 8 年 前
You the real MVP
levettemcd 11 年 前
Great blog post; for me, the last two sentences especially make a key point: don't be indecisive. As a woman, if I ask a date "what do you want to do" either I'm up for anything or I just want to confirm that we're thinking the same thing. Otherwise, I wouldn't ask such an open ended question. And depending on the chemistry, the only decision I want to make is 'his place or mine'....
indianguy69 11 年 前
Thanks a lot lot man !!!! please share more and more insights with us !!! u r great and good hearted person :smile:
borock44 11 年 前
You could not have said it any better bro,For the most part i have always had what i call the mind set of a politician basically going into a campaign with the mind set of winning even if i don't win the election i'm gonna gain something from the experience.I grew up with a physical disability but i never let the challenge stop my success,I have had scores of beautiful women and even more opportunities simply because i changed my prospective of how i viewed myself and each situation that i was presented with,Always Positive positive Positive and like you quoted humor is a great aphrodisiac and my ass is very funny lol. What i like about you for the most apart you never need to be wished good luck, because you make your own.
nice_2b_naughty 出版商 11 年 前
@ deacon9765 - Bro, don't thank me, you did it. You thought positive, you said to yourself no matter what I will have a good time tonight, that in turn took off that desperation and "want to fuck" out of your tone, your actions, your entire body you know how intriguing that was to that lady who's been out with you twice and probably watched you squirm just because it was sheer entertainment for her? It's not out of her being callous or mean's just nature. The more you "want it" the more it's going to be dangled in front of your face for you to perform for it. But if you just genuinely want to be around someone, not out of selfish desires...then your attraction level increases tenfold, so seriously. Thank yourself for trusting in yourself. Great don't go falling in love with her ok. I'll explain why later.
myfairladyz 11 年 前
good conversation and confidence goes along way with women. nice blog n good insight.
blink_eye 11 年 前
that was some nice thought sharing.. :smile:
deacon9765 11 年 前
Beast, read this yesterday... Saw a woman I had met a couple of times before last night but hadnt gotten very far with but i tried applying these concepts... lets just say "Thank You" things went very well.
Great way of thinking!
eddieasisa 11 年 前
nice bro