Where Do You Buy Your Lingerie?

I do get a kick out of being naughty. I nearly always buy my lingerie in shops where I am happy to browse amount the female customers. What about you – in person or online?

Last week I was shopping in the local branch of Tesco (think WalMart) and spotted a gorgeous pair of red panties that I couldn't resist, so put them in my basket with the cheese, cream, vegetables etc. When I was picking up the carrier bags at the checkout I dropped the one with the panties in and the sexy young(ish) lady at the checkout said "watch out, you'll get into trouble if you drop your panties". I think I'm in there!
发布者 daviea9
11 年 前
daviea9 出版商 6 年 前
Loveitall66 : Just brazen it out. As you say they don't know who you are buying it for but if you look a bit "sheepish" you'll be giving yourself away. Mind you, all the major shops have a "CD/Tranny friendly" policy of non discrimination. You could insist of taking clothes into the female fitting rooms but it's less hassle just to take them to the male one.
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Loveitall66 6 年 前
Ive used Tesco, Asda and Matalan, I do find it quite embarrassing selecting items sometimes but at the checkout I think "what the hell" they don't know or probably care who I'm buying for. High heels are the worst, I'd just love to try them on but would never have the courage, I'm a closet crossdresser after all it's my little secret!
i find tescos good.....
love_nylon_panty 10 年 前
daviea9 : What have been your experiences?
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love_nylon_panty 10 年 前
daviea9 : When shopping in busy stores, the sales staff were very indifferent. They were just too busy to really notice. When the customer traffic is slow, all are willing to offer lots of personal attention. I don't indicate the lingerie is for me, and I otherwise just act very confident and knowledgeable.
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daviea9 出版商 10 年 前
love_nylon_panty : What sort of attitude do you get from sales staff when you shop in person. Do you give the impression you are buying for yourself or someone else?
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love_nylon_panty 10 年 前
Most of the responses are from guys in the UK. Here in the USA, I've been doing my shopping in traditional department stores and lingerie shops for decades. My style preference is old style (Vintage?) nylon. Lately I've been fortunate to live near outlet malls with specialty lingerie shops (Vanity Fair and Shadowline). The prices there are significantly lower. I also purchased many pieces on eBay.
daviea9 出版商 11 年 前
toffeeboy : Yes, it can be fun shopping in person can't it?
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toffeeboy 11 年 前
i like going in any shop that sells my girlie gear,and look through all the shelves,get some funny looks but i don't care,also buy from littlewoods catalogue
lacelicker 11 年 前
daviea9 : exactly. i have a few older friends who love to see me wearing panties. one in particular gets wet just seeing me like that & buys my things to wear for her.
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daviea9 出版商 11 年 前
lacelicker : I agree, older women seem a bit more accepting or perhaps they are just displaying a more mature (no pun intended) reaction. Young girls sometimes get giggly and silly or occasionally abusive. Childish really.
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lacelicker 11 年 前
sometimes get funny looks but if you find a Lingerie shop with an older owner they can be pretty cool. i like going through the department store checkout with panties, lube, condoms, papertowels. i always pick a young girl just so i can watch their face lol
daviea9 出版商 11 年 前
I sometimes get provocative and hold items up against my body to see how they look in the mirrors. Usually causes some amusing reactions.
daviea9 出版商 11 年 前
michaella_cd : I've never tried Matalan.
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daviea9 出版商 11 年 前
ukstockinglover : Thanks. Where would the UK population (male or female) buy their lingerie if it wasn't for dear old M&S?
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michaella_cd 11 年 前
Tesco, Matalan....
ukstockinglover 11 年 前
Normally M&S but also buy online from Debenhams, luv your pics.x
daviea9 出版商 11 年 前
cdlover71 : I don't have an Asda locally but Tesco do have some nice things.
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When I get. Mine it is from adsa or tesco lovely pics. Hun xxxxx
LacyNylons 11 年 前
daviea9 : No idea. I never ask them, and they have never asked me (I think M&S have a positive tranny policy for their staff). I assume that they think I am buying for myself, but I could be wrong.
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daviea9 出版商 11 年 前
Yes, do you think the ladies around you believe you are buying for yourself?
daviea9 出版商 11 年 前
secretpanty : You must tell me that story then. I too have had some fun when buying in M&S (in particular). I love the fact that the branch I use have changing rooms with a shared access point. I do get some very interesting looks when I show the staff the three items I'm going to try on.
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daviea9 出版商 11 年 前
allballs300 : Do the staff think you are buying for someone else or have they an idea that you are buying for yourself?
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daviea9 出版商 11 年 前
LacyNylons : Do the sales staff know/think you are buying for yourself?
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daviea9 出版商 11 年 前
rita43 : Hmm, I've not tried them.
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secretpanty 11 年 前
Premark,M&S,and a few smaller shops,alway get a buss when in the line to pay,there was a guy behind me i the line who asked me if they where for me,but thats another story.
online and a local lingerie shop where i find the sexy panties
LacyNylons 11 年 前
Marks and Spencers, same as 90% of women in the UK.
LacyNylons 11 年 前
Marks and Spencers, same as 90% of women in the UK.
rita43 11 年 前