It's all about sex(questions answered again)

I saw this on someone else page and they're always interesting so I figured what the hell...

What’s your favorite place to be kissed?
Lips, but I enjoy being kissed all over...

What’s your favorite color lingerie?
Depends on mood red or black

What color panties are you wearing?
pink bikini cut

What’s your favorite sexual position?

Do you prefer strawberries with whipped cream or chocolate?
Chocolate you have to suck harder to get it off :)

Do you prefer sex beneath the sheets or on top?
On top so you can see everything

Do you prefer sex with the lights on or off?
don't care both are good but moonlight is the best

Do you like rough sex or smooth sex?
depends on the mood ...

What one word would describe the most pleasurable night you’ve had?

What’s your favorite part of sex?
the closeness

Are you familiar with the term “erotic roleplay”?
Yes very fun to do

Have you ever had sex in a public place?
Oh yes

Do you enjoy phone sex?
not really

Where do you want to have sex the most?
ummmmm a beach

Would you ever Do anal?

Have you ever tried whipped cream in the bedroom?
of course

Do you want to do something really wild?
of course... tied up group sex

What would you do with me if we were alone right now?
lol depends who you are(dumb question)

Have you ever fantasised about a person of the same sex?

Have you ever had sex with someone of the same gender or indulged in kissing/fondling?

Do you find yourself attracted to people of the same sex sometimes?

Do you have any sexually transmitted diseases?
Heavens no never

Have you ever had unprotected sex?

Do you have any fetishes - including foot fetishes, sadism and masochism etc?
yes but not feet I don't get that. love to be controlled and a good swat now and then

How important is sex to you?
It's important got to have fun you know

How would you react if you found out your partner were disloyal to you?
hard to say really

How old were you when you first kissed? umm 11

Are you a virgin? If not, how old were you when you lost your virginity?
no ummm will not say for sure but I was to young

Who did you lose your virginity to? What was the experience like?
my first bf in HS. a learning one

Have you ever been forced into having sex?

How many sexual partners have you had to date?
none of your damn biz I don't kiss and tell

Have you ever used sex toys?
oh yes

Do you masturbate? How often?
yes when I feel like it

Have you ever forced yourself sexually on a person?
lol yes

Have you ever had sex with a person significantly older or younger than yourself?
yes older

Describe a sexual fantasy you would like to fulfil someday? To have a tall dark stranger push me over something and do me firmly with no words.

Have you ever had a one-night-stand?

Have you ever had sex with someone related to you?

hve you ever picked up someone from a singles bar?

Have you ever had phone sex?

Do you browse porn on the internet or on television?
UMMMM I am here correct?

Have you ever paid for sex?
No need to pay for penis

Have you ever been paid for sex?
ummmmm kinda I would say

Have you ever provided sexual favors to get anything in return, money or some other benefit?
yes I know dirty but the truth

If your boss promised you the promotion you were very keen to get but insisted that you spend a weekend with him/her, pleasing her sexually, would you agree?
Depends on the promotion, how much of a salary increase would be involved

Is there anything you would want to change about the way you look through plastic surgery if you had the choice and could afford it?
ummm no i am happy with who i am and any flaws i have

Would you pose nude for playboy if they offered you $1,000,000.
where do i sign up at

Have you ever been part of a sex orgy?
i have

Have you ever cross-dressed?
not sure this implies for me but yes i have
11 年 前
cuck1943 16 天 前
Again, love all of your answers.
luckyguy6969 2 年 前
Great answers, lil kinky but really normal gal who likes her sex!
engene55 2 年 前
im very interesting
camay1997 6 年 前
why would anyone need to pay for penis...?
camay1997 6 年 前
brad2010 8 年 前
If not, how old were you when you lost your virginity?
2damnhorny 8 年 前
sanxavier8 9 年 前
I actually read this whole thing.
sanxavier8 9 年 前
If I was ur boss I'd promote you to the way top
Boots2613 10 年 前
Great list. The only one I would change is: What color panties are you wearing? My favorite answer is I do not own a pair of panties. :smile:
bubby77 10 年 前
Have you ever paid for sex?
No need to pay for penis true
FellowTraveller 10 年 前
the answers fantastic, however, some of those questions were, ........... well questionable i think hahaha
Rockyskinner 11 年 前
What’s your favorite part of sex?
the closeness

couldn't have said it better
benson350 11 年 前
Fun to read