Being Cuckolded #25 Eating out
I was sat on the floor watching bull satisfy my wife, he had been doing it now for almost an hour. Have to admire him really, he's no spring chicken but he's still got it.
At least the bed wasn't creaking anymore, new bed, no creak! Unfortunately now the slap of his balls against my wife's pussy was distinctive....maybe the creaking wasn't so bad, at least it drowned that out.
"Boy..." bull summoned my attention away from the fascinating swing of my wife's breasts. My heart sank, whatever he wanted, probably wasn't good for me. "Yes sir?".
"She'll be.." he paused to grunt loudly as my wife contracted on his fat cock. "She'll be full soon, come get under her."
I sat there for a few moments, trying to think of an excuse why I shouldn't. "I'd rather just watch from here sir." Was about as strong a case as I could make.
"Don't make me say it again boy." My wife looked over at me, face red and sweaty. Lifting one hand off the bed she waved me up, I clumsily climbed onto the bed, my legs had gone to sleep kneeling for so long.
She kissed me, I could feel her lips press back and forth into mine as she took him. I played with her breasts briefly as I sat there, before eventually starting to thread my legs under. "No get your face down this end." Sigh...was worth a try.
After a bit of fidgeting down, there I was, under the business end I suppose you could call it. I felt like I knew where this was headed, he was trying to humiliate me, not that he wasn't doing that all the time anyway. This was just a new way.
There is something incredibly sexy about watching a pussy stretch open and swallow up a man as he thrusts inside. His balls were swinging a few inches above my face, I guess this was what he wanted me to see. I briefly hoped my wife would squirt, horniness overtaking my current feeling of inadequacy, sadly it didn't happen.
Bull paused and looked down to check I was where he wanted. Then he began slamming into my wife more urgently. "Watch your wife take it boy, see her filled by a real man"
My wife's face pressed down into my thigh as she started moaning. I dearly wished I was out of my cage, would have loved some oral. Bull reached forward, I think he must have held onto her shoulders, his thrusts were so rough now my wife's whole body was shaking.
I could hear her moaning between my legs "ooh god, fuck me daddy" she cried. Usually a good sign, if you're ever inside my wife and she says that to you, you know you're doing it right. Then again I suppose if you're inside any woman and she says that, you wouldn't complain!
"Here it comes..." He shouted out as he pulled my wife up. As he began to cum he lifted her back so his chest pressed into her shoulders. Then the horrible moment happened. As my wife sat up up her hips sank down, those big swinging hairy balls that were previously hovering precariously above my face were now suddenly planted right on my nose.
If you imagine the two seconds it took for this to happen, imagine the music from psycho playing and it going in slow motion. I saw it happening, but I had nowhere to move fast enough, his horrible sweaty nuts just lowered down onto my face.
I freaked, grabbing my wife's hips, trying to lift her up. The next moment he pulled away from us, I don't even want to talk about what dragged across my face next. Feeling my hands on her hips, my wife thought I was welcoming her down and as bull withdrew she pressed onto my face immediately after.
Now if you haven't spoken to me before, you won't know that I'm really not into guys. The idea of touching a guy creeps me out, I'm not afraid of nudity but contact...yeah that's not right. So the last seven seconds were horrific, I'm scarred for life now.
Of course now there is a new threat, my wife's freshly filled pussy is smothering me. Normally, a face full of my wife's pussy would be hours of welcome fun, but after what's just happened, it's the enemy. My wife's loving it though, giggling away as I struggle and wriggle under her, still oblivious that the mumbling is my complaining.
Bull slaps my wife's ass, apparently he approves. "Eat up boy" he says as he winks down at me. This was a defining moment for me, everything about this was horrible, I don't mean I was pretending not to enjoy it but secretly loving it...actually horrible.
However...I didn't try to stop it. I could have forced my wife off my face, I'm physically capable of throwing her off....but...she's my wife. I can't let her down by ruining her moment, instead I sunk my tongue into her, circling up inside her opening and mumbling under her as she bucked and arched her back, riding my face with lust.
After the balls fiasco it was like a "shit happens" epiphany. Can't get any worse than...oh that a glob of...
At least the bed wasn't creaking anymore, new bed, no creak! Unfortunately now the slap of his balls against my wife's pussy was distinctive....maybe the creaking wasn't so bad, at least it drowned that out.
"Boy..." bull summoned my attention away from the fascinating swing of my wife's breasts. My heart sank, whatever he wanted, probably wasn't good for me. "Yes sir?".
"She'll be.." he paused to grunt loudly as my wife contracted on his fat cock. "She'll be full soon, come get under her."
I sat there for a few moments, trying to think of an excuse why I shouldn't. "I'd rather just watch from here sir." Was about as strong a case as I could make.
"Don't make me say it again boy." My wife looked over at me, face red and sweaty. Lifting one hand off the bed she waved me up, I clumsily climbed onto the bed, my legs had gone to sleep kneeling for so long.
She kissed me, I could feel her lips press back and forth into mine as she took him. I played with her breasts briefly as I sat there, before eventually starting to thread my legs under. "No get your face down this end." Sigh...was worth a try.
After a bit of fidgeting down, there I was, under the business end I suppose you could call it. I felt like I knew where this was headed, he was trying to humiliate me, not that he wasn't doing that all the time anyway. This was just a new way.
There is something incredibly sexy about watching a pussy stretch open and swallow up a man as he thrusts inside. His balls were swinging a few inches above my face, I guess this was what he wanted me to see. I briefly hoped my wife would squirt, horniness overtaking my current feeling of inadequacy, sadly it didn't happen.
Bull paused and looked down to check I was where he wanted. Then he began slamming into my wife more urgently. "Watch your wife take it boy, see her filled by a real man"
My wife's face pressed down into my thigh as she started moaning. I dearly wished I was out of my cage, would have loved some oral. Bull reached forward, I think he must have held onto her shoulders, his thrusts were so rough now my wife's whole body was shaking.
I could hear her moaning between my legs "ooh god, fuck me daddy" she cried. Usually a good sign, if you're ever inside my wife and she says that to you, you know you're doing it right. Then again I suppose if you're inside any woman and she says that, you wouldn't complain!
"Here it comes..." He shouted out as he pulled my wife up. As he began to cum he lifted her back so his chest pressed into her shoulders. Then the horrible moment happened. As my wife sat up up her hips sank down, those big swinging hairy balls that were previously hovering precariously above my face were now suddenly planted right on my nose.
If you imagine the two seconds it took for this to happen, imagine the music from psycho playing and it going in slow motion. I saw it happening, but I had nowhere to move fast enough, his horrible sweaty nuts just lowered down onto my face.
I freaked, grabbing my wife's hips, trying to lift her up. The next moment he pulled away from us, I don't even want to talk about what dragged across my face next. Feeling my hands on her hips, my wife thought I was welcoming her down and as bull withdrew she pressed onto my face immediately after.
Now if you haven't spoken to me before, you won't know that I'm really not into guys. The idea of touching a guy creeps me out, I'm not afraid of nudity but contact...yeah that's not right. So the last seven seconds were horrific, I'm scarred for life now.
Of course now there is a new threat, my wife's freshly filled pussy is smothering me. Normally, a face full of my wife's pussy would be hours of welcome fun, but after what's just happened, it's the enemy. My wife's loving it though, giggling away as I struggle and wriggle under her, still oblivious that the mumbling is my complaining.
Bull slaps my wife's ass, apparently he approves. "Eat up boy" he says as he winks down at me. This was a defining moment for me, everything about this was horrible, I don't mean I was pretending not to enjoy it but secretly loving it...actually horrible.
However...I didn't try to stop it. I could have forced my wife off my face, I'm physically capable of throwing her off....but...she's my wife. I can't let her down by ruining her moment, instead I sunk my tongue into her, circling up inside her opening and mumbling under her as she bucked and arched her back, riding my face with lust.
After the balls fiasco it was like a "shit happens" epiphany. Can't get any worse than...oh that a glob of...
11 年 前
Your wife's desires should always be put before your own. I regularly get my cuck to eat my cum from his wife.
If I cum in her mouth ill get her to feed him the cum as well.
You'll soon learn to love the taste and be cleaning his cock as well.
One thing though. I would have rewarded you with an orgasm for doing a good job
Keep up the good work
Regards M
Great blog!