The Story Behind my Pantie Pic Profile
I thought you might be interested in the story behind my profile picture. My first wife’s best friend at school was a high flying business woman who never had a long term relationship as all her energy was channelled into building her career. She used to come to our house for dinner once a month and on one occasion, when she had too much to drink, was bemoaning the fact that she hadn’t had a good fuck in weeks and, in her own words, her “cunt was atrophying from lack of a shag”, and that she was fed up having to make do with a dildo.
During the conversation comments were made about some sexy lingerie my wife had recently purchased at an upmarket lingerie shop. June, the friend, asked if I liked the undies and my wife said “yes, I can’t get him out of them long enough to try them on myself”. To cut a long story short I was packed off to the bedroom to dress myself in the lingerie and then give June a fashion show. I was really excited and having dressed myself in the basque, stocking and panties I put a sexy negligee over the top, donned some high heels, and teetered back into our lounge. June was delighted and before long her cunt was getting all the attention it wanted.
From then on until June got a promotion to her firms New York office we had sex after each of our monthly dinners, often with my wife joining in with a strapon too.
Anyway, after one of our sessions June took some pictures of me on her new digital camera (they were just coming onto the market back then) of which this is one. I have to be honest and say that it isn’t a very recent photo. I’ve put some weight on since then but I still have the panties and they still fit me and give me a thrill when I pull them on.
During the conversation comments were made about some sexy lingerie my wife had recently purchased at an upmarket lingerie shop. June, the friend, asked if I liked the undies and my wife said “yes, I can’t get him out of them long enough to try them on myself”. To cut a long story short I was packed off to the bedroom to dress myself in the lingerie and then give June a fashion show. I was really excited and having dressed myself in the basque, stocking and panties I put a sexy negligee over the top, donned some high heels, and teetered back into our lounge. June was delighted and before long her cunt was getting all the attention it wanted.
From then on until June got a promotion to her firms New York office we had sex after each of our monthly dinners, often with my wife joining in with a strapon too.
Anyway, after one of our sessions June took some pictures of me on her new digital camera (they were just coming onto the market back then) of which this is one. I have to be honest and say that it isn’t a very recent photo. I’ve put some weight on since then but I still have the panties and they still fit me and give me a thrill when I pull them on.
11 年 前