Call me and leave a message.
Awhile back, I started really getting into leaving hot messages on a stripper's voice mail as I was beating off. I would get to the edge of cumming, call her VM and leave some filthy message that really helped get me off extra good.
So I figured what the hell. Let's try this, but with me picking up the messages. I've set up this free voicemail service where you can call, anytime day or night, and leave whatever filth you want me to hear. I'll be jerking off to your message, so talk as nasty as you want. It'll only be heard by you and I. If you want, you can tell me in your message what your XHamster name is so I can acknowledge the message. Or if you want to stay anonymous (which, to me, adds another level of hotness to it all), that's cool, too. Call often and let me hear what helps get you off. The number is 206-984-1386.
Awhile back, I started really getting into leaving hot messages on a stripper's voice mail as I was beating off. I would get to the edge of cumming, call her VM and leave some filthy message that really helped get me off extra good.
So I figured what the hell. Let's try this, but with me picking up the messages. I've set up this free voicemail service where you can call, anytime day or night, and leave whatever filth you want me to hear. I'll be jerking off to your message, so talk as nasty as you want. It'll only be heard by you and I. If you want, you can tell me in your message what your XHamster name is so I can acknowledge the message. Or if you want to stay anonymous (which, to me, adds another level of hotness to it all), that's cool, too. Call often and let me hear what helps get you off. The number is 206-984-1386.
11 年 前