Gang Bang 101 - A Guide To Doing Your First Gang B
Gang Bang 101 - A Guide To Doing Your First Gang Bang
by Alfrik
A great many women (and men, for that matter) have a fantasy of being the center in a gang bang - an event where several people are fucking one person simultaneously or in a train. And though many have this on their sexual bucket list,very few actually go through with it (for a variety of reasons).
Those who do find themselves facing a daunting task. Gang bangs are rarely spontaneous events, save for the occasional bang that happens in a swinger environment, and the amount of time and effort that goes into ensuring a successful, rewarding gang bang can be quite extensive if done correctly. It is therefore important that you understand all of the necessary measures you need to take to ensure your safety and to make it a good experience for all concerned. Being gang banged can be an intense, incredible, and empowering experience.
This guide is intended to be a brief “how to†for the gang bang newbie. You could literally write a book on all of the specifics about how to plan and conduct a bang, but this is designed to provide you with a basic outline of issues and concepts you’ll need to consider as you give thought to planning (or participating in) your first.
Note that a gang bang can involve any combination of genders, though they are most often organized as several men fucking a woman. For the purposes of simplicity, and so I dont have to expend massive amounts of time and effort ensuring every sentence is gender combination-neutral, this guide is written with a female center being used by men†construct in mind. Substitute your own gender combinations as you see fit. The basic point is that, regardless of which genders are present in which combination, the same principles discussed herein will apply.
Note that this is a fairly lengthy post, and is targeted toward those wanting to be the center in their first gang bang. The subject matter is such that this is necessary to ensure everything has been covered, however. You can find an article written by DarkTeddyBear on how to host a gang bang HERE
So we’re all operating from a common framework, let’s define the terms we’ll be using.
Gang Bang: A gang bang is a sex session where four or more people fuck one person known as a center (or guest of honor). This is usually four+ males fucking a female, but it could involve any gender combination. It is also possible to have multiple guests of honor in a single gang bang event as well.
Center, or Guest of Honor: The center in a gang bang is the person whos being fucked by the other participants (known as bangers).
Bangers: These are the people fucking the center(s).
Gang Bang Coordinator, or Host: The Gang Bang Coordinator/Host is a person who sets up the bang and makes all of the logistical arrangements. S/he can be one and the same with any other positions (including the center). Generally, its a good idea to have someone other than the center do all of the logistical and preparatory work so she can concentrate on enjoying the experience, however.
Monitor: The Monitor is a non-participant whose role is to keep an eye on the center and the participants to ensure that all of the rules and safety precautions are being followed, largely for the personal safety of the center. The Monitor can be one and the same as the Coordinator.
Fluffers: People (usually women) who work to keep the participants in an aroused state when theyre not actively engaging with the center. In a GB where you have 10 men working with one center, at any given point in time at least five of those will not be engaged with the center, and will usually require/desire some assistance in maintaining an erection. Though Viagra and other performance enhancers have alleviated the need for these in some cases, theyre still nice to have. They may also be responsible for dispensing lube, condoms, and other supplies during the event itself.
Is this something I want to do?
The decision to participate in a gang bang should not be taken lightly; you need to make sure you’re in the right mental state to get the most out of it. Gang bangs are typically high-energy, rougher, more athletically oriented sexual events, usually much more so than the standard single-partnered or threesome sex.
There are a variety of reasons why one might enjoy being in a gang bang, including:
Being the center of attention. It’s an awesome feeling to be lost in a sea of other people using you for their sexual pleasure.
The challenge. Some people like to challenge themselves sexually and a gang bang is the ultimate challenge most people will ever face.
Exploring Your Slutty Side. Group sex is a big taboo in our society, so many people get a rush from indulging in a sex act that is seen as the ultimate in slutty acts.
If youre overly concerned that people are going to think youre a slut (if you consider that a negative), or if you’re not 100% emotionally confident with your decision to engage in a gang bang, you should hold off until those are no longer issues. You dont want this to be a bad experience for you or the other participants.
If youre unsure about whether or not a gang bang is something you wish to do, one option you may wish to consider is serving as a fluffer at someone elses fuckfest. This will allow you to observe what happens through the actual bang itself and give you a feel for what it’s like. At that point you can make a decision about becoming the guest of honor in your own special event.
Your Significant Other
If you have a spouse, life partner, or significant other, youre obviously going to need to take his/her feelings into consideration. This is NOT something you want to hide from a partner - the after effects and potential ramifications are far too great to do that for most people.
Some partners will not care (and perhaps might even encourage participation in a bang), but others may have some issues knowing or watching a partner be used by multiple other people; thats just human nature. You need to discuss your desires with your partner and get him/her on board from the outset. It is essential that the two of you be secure in your relationship and arrive at a mutual understanding of feelings associated with the event.
In some cases, the partner may wish to participate, either as a banger or monitor. Assuming theyre comfortable with your participation in the gang bang, significant others make excellent monitors since theyre usually rather familiar with you emotionally and physically and are in a better position to notice problems in those areas.
If you are the partner of a potential guest of honor, be supportive, especially from an emotional standpoint. Shes liable to be very anxious about the event and you should help alleviate some of this by letting her know that youre behind her and will do what you can to help her through it.
Informal vs. Large Scale
For many, their first gang bang starts out small, with perhaps 4 or 5 men participating with the center, quite often acquaintances of the center herself. In other cases, the bang is set up for a dozen or more men. Some porn stars have taken on hundreds of men in a single session.
As a general rule, if youve not experienced group sex before, its probably a good idea to start off small and see how you function in a group dynamic. If that works well for you, you can always do it again with a larger group. Theres always the chance that it may not be the experience you think it will be, and crashing with a smaller group is a lot less painful for all concerned.
By starting off with a smaller group, you can avail yourself of a room in your home or a hotel room, and dont have to worry so much about things like fluffers and buying industrial size containers of lube. Large scale gang bangs may involve many people, larger spaces, larger quantities of supplies, and therefore, potentially, higher costs.
So your first decision will be how many men you wish to entertain. The specifics are likely to be determined by whether you elect to use people you know, recruit random participants, how the gang bang is constructed (as a stand alone event or part of a party or other gathering), etc. If you have a circle of friends from which you can draw a dozen participants, then you may elect to have a larger bang. One of the primary issues with a larger group of bangers is the potential for those not actively engaged in sex getting bored (and thus, the need for fluffers).
Once youve had your first experience, you may wish to move on to larger groups, or perhaps those involving alternative power differentials, role play (the school cheerleader is taken out back and gang ****d by the school basketball team, for example), bondage scenarios and the like.
Covered vs. Uncovered/Testing
Youll need to make a decision about whether or not to require condoms for penetration. The standard line issued by safer sex advocates is to always use condoms. The reality of a gang bang, however, is such that it is often more practical to disabuse everyone of having to worry about those. There are several reasons for this.
First, if the guys are rotating among orifices, youre going to end up with condoms in your mouth. Some dont mind that, but many people have an aversion to the taste of latex (or the materials used in non-latex condoms as well). Condoms also introduce more friction into the process and over a two-to-four hour GB, thats going to wear out your naughty bits a bit more than bare skin, even with lube.
One of the reasons some women enjoy a gang bang is being filled with and/or drenched in semen - a bukkake experience as it were. Obviously, being filled with semen isnt possible when using condoms (condoms can be removed prior to ejaculating on the centers face or body, of course).
If youre going to allow participants to fuck you without condoms, they will need to be tested and be prepared to provide results of those tests when they show up. You, too, will need to be tested and have your results available for inspection. I had my bangers do two sets of tests - one 30 days out and one within 7-10 of the bang itself. Keep in mind that even the best testing regimens cannot detect the presence of some diseases (for example, HPV in men), so everyone having negative tests does not preclude someone from actually having a contagious disease.
Risk is inherent in all sexual activities, so youll need to decide if that risk is low enough for you and the participants in the gang bang. Even if you elect to dispense with the condoms, you should still allow those who wish to use them to do so for their own safety and peace of mind.
Using a Gang Bang Coordinator
Organizing a gang bang of any size can be a daunting task, especially if you have to get into renting space, finding fluffers (how many people know where to go to find those? Theyre not in the Yellow Pages!), meeting prospective bangers, etc. So you are highly encouraged to hire/use the services of a Gang Bang Coordinator. This person will take care of all of the arrangements, to include finding and screening participants, securing space, setting up the room, and so forth. There's a lot more to that than you might imagine, and it will allow you to insulate yourself from having to deal with screening potential bangers (which has several advantages).
Unless the Coordinator agrees to do it for free, then you should be prepared to compensate him/her as well. If the Coordinator is going to be a participant, then no compensation is warranted, however. There are people who specialize in organizing gang bangs, by the way, though some will only do it if they get to video tape it and use it on a web site. There are many people in the fetish/kink community who have experience in organizing these kinds of events, as well. You can start at FetLife or one of the other fetish/kink boards.
You obviously want to get references from anyone claiming to be a gang bang organizer. This is not something you want to trust just anyone with.
The Coordinator should discuss with the center the kind of scene or power dynamic she wishes to create for her gang bang. For some they may simply wish to be fucked and not involve a power disparity. For others, they may wish to be treated like a whore,†objectified, etc. It is the Coordinatorâs responsibility to create that scene for her (through counseling the bangers, setting the music mood, etc.).
Another role of the Coordinator is to screen potential bangers. This includes verifying test results, as well as meeting each of them prior to the bang to ensure theyre suitable for the event and approving or rejecting them (I call it screening for assholishness). If you have any specific requirements for the men youll be fucking (race, sizes, marital status, etc.), you should discuss those prior the beginning the recruitment and include those in any recruitment announcements you publish.
Finding a Hosting Site
Where you elect to host will depend on how many people are going to be playing. If you just have 4 or 5 guys and the center, then a hotel room would usually suffice quite well. If youve got the center, 15 men, two fluffers, a monitor, and perhaps more, though, youre going to need a little bigger room.
Obviously, if you know someone whos got the room and theyll allow you to use it, then so much the better. Alternatively, you may need to rent some space. If you know someone in the local BDSM community, someone who has a dungeon, a swingers club, or some other place used for group sex activities, then those should be considered. If youre going to rent space, be sure you let the space owner know whats going to be happening and is comfortable with that.
The hosting site needs to have a bathroom and a shower at a minimum. When you get done, youll likely be covered in fuck funk - cum, sweat, saliva, lube, urine, etc. Youll want to wash it off before you head home. Some of the bangers may want to wash up as well. Work with the hosting site to ensure there are sufficient numbers of towels (or have everyone bring their own). If youre in a hotel, you can request extra towels from the housekeeping department (though they may wonder why you need an extra ten sets of bath towels!).
Finding Bangers
This will be your biggest challenge, despite the huge number of guys you see claiming they’d be right there for a gang bang. You’ll need to decide if you want to use people you know or recruit random participants. Generally, allowing random participants will increase your ability to get a sufficient number of bangers, especially if youre looking for a larger number.
There are two things to keep in mind when recruiting participants. First off, many wont show, even if they say they will. Second, some who do show wont be able to perform (get an erection). Thats not any fault of their own, but rather a function of anxiety from being naked and having to engage in sex in front of other people. It happens, so you need to take that into consideration. Therefore, if you want to be banged by 10 people, you should consider recruiting 15 or more to attend.
There are several ways you can recruit participants:
Use Craigslist: The W4MM Section is a good place to start.
If youre a member of a swing club, they may allow you to organize a gang bang in house and youd have a built-in source of participants.
Use FetLife or other kink/fetish board to announce the bang and recruit there.
If youll be attending a fetish convention (or similar event), you might be able to recruit participants there.
If youre aware of local sex boards, you can use those.
Most people prefer to use participants they know, largely because of the comfort factor. If you know everyone, theres less awkwardness involved and you can be a little more confident that everyone will follow the rules. The downside to using people you know, especially for those who are just experimenting, is that you may not wish for your acquaintances to know youre being gang fucked.
Using randoms will provide you with a much larger pool of potential participants and therefore make it easier to recruit sufficient numbers. The down side to this, of course, is that you wont know anything about these folks. Thats why it is a good idea for the Coordinator (see below) to meet with all potential participants prior to the actual gang bang itself. S/he can talk to them and rule out anyone who seems like they might not be a good fit.
Your recruiting announcement should include information about the extent of play (whos available, what penetrations are allowed, etc.); the rules, time, date, and expected duration; and any other pertinent information (i.e., location, availability of snacks, etc.).
You'll also want to protect your identity to prevent any of the idiots that might infiltrate the process from harassing you. Use a special e-mail address (create one in GMail if you don't have one already), and use it to coordinate everything if you don't have a Coordinator working for you (the Coordinator will protect your identity if s/he is doing the recruiting). You should use a pseudonym throughout the process to prevent disclosure of your true identity (accidentally or intentionally).
Charging Participants
Youll need to decide whether or not to charge participants. Again, small groups will fare better - everyone can bring drinks and snacks if they like. For larger groups, you may wish to set up a table and have the Coordinator take care of providing snacks and drinks for everyone. This will cost money. If you plan to use fluffers and/or a DJ, they should be compensated in some way, and if youre renting a space youll have that to figure in as well.
The best way to figure out whether or not, and how much to charge is to calculate your costs (space rental, snacks/drinks, fluffers, DJ, security guy and clean up crew(s) if you use them, etc.), and divide it by the number of guys youll be playing with. $25 - $30 is a reasonable price for someone to pay to participate in a gang bang, in my opinion, if you have free space available. If you set the rate too high, youll discourage people from participating.
Make sure you word the requirement for payments such that it indicates the fees are covering costs. Charging a fee to participate in the gang bang itself could be considered prostitution in many jurisdictions.
The actual logistics behind setting up a gang bang are just as important as finding people to play. Examples of things you need to consider include:
Drinks & Snacks: Make sure theres a good supply of non-alcoholic drinks, including water and sport drinks (Gatorade). Everyone will need to stay hydrated during the event.
Music & Ambiance: Have a good selection of music available, consistent with the nature of the gang bang. For example, if its a dirty whore kind of bang, raunchy music might be appropriate. If youre of a mindset to do it, you may wish to use the services of a DJ and allow him/her to select appropriate music (The DJ should be compensated for his/her time). You can also modify any other influence on the ambiance as well (lighting, temperature, candles, etc.)
Supplies: Youll need lube, condoms of various sizes, dental dams, and other safe sex supplies. These need to be set up on a table near the fuck space, or they can be managed and handed out by the fluffers if youre using them.
Fluffers: If youre going to have more than 4 or 5 bangers, its a good idea to have a fluffer or two to keep those not actively participating in the sex aroused. You can recruit these on Craigslist or through the fetish/kink boards (my coordinator recruited two dancers from a local strip club). Fluffers should be compensated for their time as well.
Towels and other sanitary items: People at a gang bang are going to work up a sweat, so you need to ensure that sufficient towels are available for everyone, as well as other essential sanitary supplies consistent with the nature of the participants and the activities planned for the bang.
The Coordinator should have everything set up an hour or so before guests begin arriving, and there should be some provision for recovering and cleaning up after the gang bang is over. If youre using someone elses space (including a hotel room), please clean it up before you depart. Leaving used condoms lying around and cum stains all over the place is just rude and nasty. You might also consider hiring someone to clean up the fuck space once the gang bang is over, depending upon your budget.
Preparing the Fuck Space
If youre having a small bang and will be using the bed and/or basic furniture that is in a hotel room or the bedroom of a house, then very little space preparation might be required. If youre having a larger bang, though, youll need to ensure appropriate padding, floor coverings, furniture, and other items are in place to support the fucking of one person.
In my first one, all we had was some soft padding on the floor and a chair. This meant I spent most of my time on my knees or haunches, and afterward they were bruised and sore. For my second one, we had several pieces of furniture (a bed, couch, chairs, ottoman, etc.). This allowed me to put myself in several different positions to add some variety. If you have access to sex furniture, this also makes a great addition to the event.
Disposable plastic sheeting is a good idea to put down on the floor at a minimum. You can also put it under sheets on a bed to help protect mattresses from the deluge of cum. If youre going to be allowing pee play, you should consider using a small k**die pool to catch everything.
The Monitor: Having Someone Watch for Your Safety
One thing you absolutely must have is someone to monitor your safety and to ensure the rules are followed as the gang bang progresses. This is especially true if youre requiring condoms or if there are specific orifices or activities that are expressly off limits. When youre being fucked by three men, you wont have any idea whether the guy in your ass has a condom on his cock or not, trust me.
The Monitor also needs to ensure youre physically doing well, and stopping the action if things appear to be getting out of hand. You should schedule a break for hydration if its going to be a long bang; the monitor should keep track of the time and announce breaks as appropriate.
The Monitor should also keep an eye out for physical safety conditions, such as the accumulation of semen and other fluids on the floor that might lead to someone slipping and falling. Imagine how embarrassing it would be to have to go to the emergency room and explain that youd slipped on cum during a gang bang and busted your head!
The Monitor must be a non-participant, though you can elect to switch people out to act as monitors throughout the event. Just be sure you trust anyone you elect to act as a monitor.
Prior to the beginning of the gang bang, talk to the monitor(s) and agree on safe words and visible signals you can use to indicate that a stop is needed. You need to have visible signals (such as a raised hand or fist) in addition to safe words since itll be impossible to utter a safe word when you have a cock buried in your throat (trust me on that!).
Mental Preparations
One assumes, if youre organizing a gang bang, that youre prepared for the onslaught of cock. In my opinion, you should have at least been involved in a threesome with two men prior to attempting a gang bang, just to give you some experience managing more than one cock at a time. At first blush it might not sound like that big of deal, but having multiple cocks penetrate you simultaneously is not as easy and logistically straightforward as it might sound.
Its not uncommon to have first time jitters, especially if this is the first time youll be engaging strangers or people youre not already comfortable with. Once you get started sucking cock, though, things will begin to flow normally - youll get into automatic mode where your knowing how to fuck will take over. Some women will even go through a meditation or other ritual prior to engaging in the bang to calm their nerve.
Once you get started, just focus on doing what you can do and enjoying the feeling of being used as a fuck toy. Youre going to be surprised at the new, unique sensations you encounter as all of these men penetrate you and interact with your body. You might consider being blindfolded - this allows you to enjoy the sensations of being fucked and allows the men to see you more as an object rather than a human being (if thats a portion of what youre aiming for).
Its important to note that, if at any time, you get cold feet and decide that you cant go through with it or need to stop, it is perfectly acceptable to back out. Any kind of sex play should be wholly consensual and you shouldnt feel goaded into the gang bang simply because all of these people are here. They will understand.
Physical Preparations
Stretch. Youll be bent into positions youve likely never been in before so everyone can reach a hole. It will be an athletic performance, and just as any other athlete does prior to the game, they stretch their muscles to prevent cramps and injuries.
Youll want to avail yourself of an enema to clean out your rectum if youre going to be allowing anal penetration (and probably even if you dont, just because youll be pushing at times and may not be able to control your rectum if things get wild). This needs to be done about an hour or so before the sex will begin. (Instructions on using enemas can be found HERE )
Youll also want to avoid any serious eating for a couple of hours before the bang as well, for two reasons. First, within a half hour or so of eating your lower digestive system will move material down into your rectum to be discharged - not good especially if youre going to be allowing anal penetration. Second, you dont want a full stomach if youre going to have cocks entering your throat (even if youre accustomed to being throat fucked), especially if youre going to be in any position where your head is lower than your abdomen, for obvious reasons.
You may eat some crackers (or other benign material) and drink water prior to the event, however, to keep your stomach stable. This is especially important if youre going to be swallowing semen over the course of the gang bang. Swallowing a lot of semen on an empty stomach can give you nausea, possibly interrupting the proceedings.
Setting/Enforcing Rules
Either you or your Monitor will need to explain the rules of engagement to the participants. Youll need to let them know what holes are available for penetration, rules for covers, physical activity limits. Things to outline include:
Extent of play and which orifices are available. Who all can be penetrated (including the fluffers?), which holes are available on the players, etc.
Which holes, if any, condoms are mandatory for.
Can they call you names (whore, slut, bitch, cunt, etc.)?
Can they fuck your face/throat or will you make all the movements when giving head?
Is ass-to-mouth oral sex permitted? (Risk of stomach upset)
Is ass to vaginal sex permitted? (Risk of UTI)
Are watersports permitted?
Can they slap you anywhere (ass, boobs, face)?
Can they spit on you anywhere (including your face)?
Can they grab your hair and pull it, use it to control you, etc.
Where the bangers are allowed to cum.
Explain what the safe words and signals are and expected reactions to them.
Explain any time constraints, break plans, etc.
Use of cell phones, still/video cameras: Unless you dont mind your gang bang showing up on the Internet, I would highly encourage you to prohibit the use of cell phones and cameras in the fuck space. Make everyone check them at the door. If you want the event recorded for your own use, have someone you trust operate the camera(s).
And though a bit of wine might loosen everyone up, youll want to avoid heavy alcohol consumption, largely to prevent things from getting out of hand, especially if you use random guys. Alcohol will also increase the chances of dehydration.
You may wish to write out the extent of play and list all of the performance rules and send them out to the bangers a few days or so before the gang bang to ensure they arrive familiar with them.
Getting Things Started
Once youve gotten everyone assembled in the same room and are ready to begin, its a good idea to quickly refamiliarize everyone with the rules and safewords/signs, introduce the fluffers to everyone, and introduce the center.
There are any number of ways you can begin, but perhaps the most common is for the center to start by blowing and handjobbing the guys as they stand around her. The center can select a position she wants to be in and then the bangers can take up positions around her in order to begin fucking her. Each guy can fuck for 5-10 minutes, or until he cums, whichever is shorter, and then move to another hole or move out of the way to allow the next guy to step in.
Over the course of the next several minutes or hours, the center can move to different furniture, move into different positions, and/or switch around as she sees fit, with the bangers following her lead. The gang bang continues until the center is ready to stop, the monitor stops the action due to concerns for the center, the time is up if a time limit was established, or the center outlasts all of the bangers.
You might consider some kind of game or competition to determine who gets first crack at fucking the center, or perhaps have a bidding war to see wholl bid the highest amount for first penetration of either the vagina or ass (or both). The money can be divided among those being compensated as tips.
If a significant other is present and participating as a banger, s/he should be the last person to engage the center. This will help re-establish their connection at the conclusion of the bang, something that may be critical to ensuring the emotions of both are drawn back together.
When my first gang bang was over I felt like a live electrical wire waiting to be discharged. Though I had had numerous orgasms, my body was still begging for more sex. I was physically exhausted; my legs/knees were sore; I was covered in cum, lube, sweat, and who knows what else; and I had to have someone help me to the shower. Still, I would have paid for someone to eat my cunt at that point.
Many women underestimate the impact that a gang bang will have on them, physically and emotionally. When its over, spend some time in the shower washing yourself and decompressing (or reveling in what youve just accomplished). Calm down and regain your composure before you go back out to talk to everyone or depart. You may wish to have someone drive you home.
Youll likely relive parts of the gang bang over and over again, that night and for the following few days (I still do, especially when I masturbate). Hopefully, the experience will be a positive one for you - youre likely to want to do another one, and soon.
Its not uncommon for a little bit of sexual shame to creep in afterward, either. You must come away with the understanding that theres nothing wrong with engaging in a gang bang or any other group sex event if everyone who was there was a willing, consensual participant.
If you have a significant other, be sure and reconnect with them after the event is over, either via phone if theyre not present or perhaps through a date where the two of you can be alone, followed up by sex between just the two of you. When youre comfortable with it, discuss the event, your feelings, and any thoughts you have about what you experienced.
Advice for the Bangers
Youll be standing around with several other men, naked, with their cocks out. The center is probably going to want two cocks in her mouth or perhaps even in one of her other orifices at the same time. That means your cock will be in contact with someone elses. If youre homophobic or have an aversion to these kinds of things, youre likely to have some issues. If you believe this to be the case, you should probably give second thoughts to volunteering to participate in a gang bang. A gang bang is not the place for that kind of drama.
Performance anxiety can be an issue for some guys as well. This is not uncommon at all, so be prepared for it. You may wish to avail yourself of Viagra or similar d**gs to last a bit longer. If you need to step back and just watch for a few minutes, thats perfectly fine. And, of course, if there are fluffers there, they can usually provide you with some assistance.
You'll need to get tested. If you don't wish to have your doctor know about this, you can have tests done at local Planned Parenthood or public health facilities. Keep in mind that some test results may take several days to arrive, so get tested well in advance (or in accordance with any rules the Coordinator or Center has provided you).
Show up on time, be prepared to have fun and respect the rules the center sets - thats the most critical thing you can do. Finally, If youre going to be unable to make the bang once youve indicated that youll be there, notify the Coordinator, though.
Once the bang is over, be supportive of the center and not critical or negative. If you have a criticism about the way things were run or something that occurred during the event itself, get with the Coordinator shortly after it is over and discuss your concerns. Don't leave everyone with a big pile of negative energy!
Advice for the Monitor
Your role is not one of participant - you should not be one of the cocks penetrating the center. If desired, arrange to swap out with another participant if you wish to play. You cant monitor and fuck at the same time.
The safety of the center is your ultimate priority. Discuss the rules and safety procedures with her prior to the beginning of the GB. Ask her what her safewords are, what alternate signs she wishes to use, and if she has any physical limitations that you need to take into account.
Agree on a time frame for breaks if it is to be an extended event. Mine was scheduled to last a maximum of four hours, with a break halfway through to allow everyone to cool down, rehydrate, use the bathroom, etc.
Dont get lost in watching whats going on, either. Itll be quite a sight, but you need to maintain focus on her safety.
Being gang banged can be an intense, incredible, and empowering experience if it is conducted and carried out in a well-organized manner, and if youre in the right place mentally to do it. One of the primary hurdles most people face in planning for one is understanding all of the logistics involved in setting one up and carrying it out. Hopefully, this guide will be of some assistance in that endeavor. The most important thing to keep in mind is that it should be fun for all concerned, and proper planning can help make that happen.
Id like to extend a huge special thanks to DarkTeddyBear and WillfulEnslavement from FetLife for some of the ideas and material used in this post, as well as several others whove proofread and offered suggestions about material that needed to be here.
11 年 前