My friend who liked panties.
When i was in my teens ,there was a guy in my class who was a bit off a fem/gay,boy and the rest off the class teased him relentlessly.
One time it was the big thing to wedgey people ,this involved grabbing the underwear off the guy from behind and lefting them up ,,way up! off your feet,up ! causing the guy to feel pain and give everyone a laugh.
Well this day it happened to (lets call him Peter) Peter ,the fem guy.
About 30 people where waiting to get into class and the class bully wedged paul, the only thing was ,there was no lefting up , the underwear came right off in his hand.
They where small pink nylon frilly panties that had ripped at the legs!
the people laughed and Peter grabbed the panties back off him and ran off down the corrador.
I felt sorry for him ,being humalited in front off everone and suprised that Peter had the same love off all thing frilly in the panty department.
I ran after him on the way home after we had got off the bus .He was very quite and i did most off the talking,he said there was nothing dry that morning for him to wear so he had put on his s,,ters . I said ,i understand.
He got to his house first and he asked if i wanted a drink ,so we both went in.There was no one home, so we went up to his room to drink.
I asked him if i could see the ripped panties,he pulled them out off his pocket and through them to me .I felt the lovely nylon panties in my hands and could see that the front part had lots off precum marks .
I wanted to put them up to my lips and nose but couldent infront of Peter.
I asked him what he was going to do with they and he said just through them away,i without thinking said i wanted them,He said what for what? and i said they felt sexy.
Paul said follow me so i did .Nextdoor to his room was his s,,,ters room He walked over to a set off drawers and said look at these.
I walked over and it was full to overflowing with sexy lingerie.Peter said if i liked the ripped panties in my hand ,i might like to see all these.
He said why dont i pick something nice from the drawer and he would too, i picked through the drawer full and decided on a white nylon see thu set with frilly edging.
He picked a pair that looked like what had been ripped from him that day ,only in black this time.
Next thing we heard noise down stairs ,someone had arrived home so i stuffed the panties in my pocket and said thanks.
Peter said he would ring me later .So i ran down stairs and up the road home.
Thinking about what i had in each pocket, a ripped damp pair and a lovely seethu pair.
When i got home i said i was taking a shower and locked the door.
Pulling my clothes off and getting the panties out took about 2 seconds.
I first lefted the ripped ones up to my nose and breathed in the smell i new to be precum.
I then pulled the other panties up my shaking legs.
OOOO they felt so smooth and sexy.My cock was over leaking precum into them , marking the front ,making them even more see thu.
All off a sudden my Mum called from down stairs that Peter was on the phone ,so i wrapped my sissy panty bottom in a dressing gown and said i would pick it up, from the phone upstairs.
Hi Peter i said,
Peter said hi and asked if i liked the presents,
i said very much,he asked right out if i had them on yet!
Shaking abit i said yes .
I big drip off precum hit the inner part of my leg,and i could feel the front off the panties getting tight against my raging hard on.
He said that he was going camping that weekend and wondered if i wanted to go.
I jumped at the chance,saying that i would wear the panties he give me ,for a laugh.
He said that he would too ,but not to tell anyone about it, so i said sure
(i dident want the other guys to no that i loved to wear panties too)
We said" happy wanking" and hung up.
I ran back to the bathroom ,precum flooding thu my panties ,all down my legs.
Locked the door, and stood there shaking with excitment and without touching myself ,
started to fill the panties with hot lines of cum that ran down throught the leg hole and down my leg.
The next day i washed the panties and repaired the ripped ones and pulled them on ,still full of Peters precum,and oo did they feel good!
Hung the other pair up to dry in a forest not far from my house,I couldent dry them at my house for fear off someone seeing them.
I was to go camping tomorrow with Peter and hoped they would be dry in time.
The next day i went back to the forest ,to get my sexy panties ,but to my surpise ,someone had left a bag hanging next to my panties.
I first got my own panties down and looked to see if they were ok,The front had some small precum marks ,which i thought odd ,because i had washed they .
No this was someone elses precum!
I quicky opened the plastic bag to find a white frilly suspender belt, and seamed black stocking.
My heart beating i quicky looked about to see if i was alone.
I could see a car parked on the road next to the forest ,with a guy sitting in it.
He was quite far away so i quicky took the bag and panties and headed off home .
It ment that i would have to walk past the car, so i walked past on the passanger side so i could look in.
Too be continued.(the camping trip,the guy in the car,the pantyflashing on the bus,precum swopping.
Sorry about the bad spelling and all.
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One time it was the big thing to wedgey people ,this involved grabbing the underwear off the guy from behind and lefting them up ,,way up! off your feet,up ! causing the guy to feel pain and give everyone a laugh.
Well this day it happened to (lets call him Peter) Peter ,the fem guy.
About 30 people where waiting to get into class and the class bully wedged paul, the only thing was ,there was no lefting up , the underwear came right off in his hand.
They where small pink nylon frilly panties that had ripped at the legs!
the people laughed and Peter grabbed the panties back off him and ran off down the corrador.
I felt sorry for him ,being humalited in front off everone and suprised that Peter had the same love off all thing frilly in the panty department.
I ran after him on the way home after we had got off the bus .He was very quite and i did most off the talking,he said there was nothing dry that morning for him to wear so he had put on his s,,ters . I said ,i understand.
He got to his house first and he asked if i wanted a drink ,so we both went in.There was no one home, so we went up to his room to drink.
I asked him if i could see the ripped panties,he pulled them out off his pocket and through them to me .I felt the lovely nylon panties in my hands and could see that the front part had lots off precum marks .
I wanted to put them up to my lips and nose but couldent infront of Peter.
I asked him what he was going to do with they and he said just through them away,i without thinking said i wanted them,He said what for what? and i said they felt sexy.
Paul said follow me so i did .Nextdoor to his room was his s,,,ters room He walked over to a set off drawers and said look at these.
I walked over and it was full to overflowing with sexy lingerie.Peter said if i liked the ripped panties in my hand ,i might like to see all these.
He said why dont i pick something nice from the drawer and he would too, i picked through the drawer full and decided on a white nylon see thu set with frilly edging.
He picked a pair that looked like what had been ripped from him that day ,only in black this time.
Next thing we heard noise down stairs ,someone had arrived home so i stuffed the panties in my pocket and said thanks.
Peter said he would ring me later .So i ran down stairs and up the road home.
Thinking about what i had in each pocket, a ripped damp pair and a lovely seethu pair.
When i got home i said i was taking a shower and locked the door.
Pulling my clothes off and getting the panties out took about 2 seconds.
I first lefted the ripped ones up to my nose and breathed in the smell i new to be precum.
I then pulled the other panties up my shaking legs.
OOOO they felt so smooth and sexy.My cock was over leaking precum into them , marking the front ,making them even more see thu.
All off a sudden my Mum called from down stairs that Peter was on the phone ,so i wrapped my sissy panty bottom in a dressing gown and said i would pick it up, from the phone upstairs.
Hi Peter i said,
Peter said hi and asked if i liked the presents,
i said very much,he asked right out if i had them on yet!
Shaking abit i said yes .
I big drip off precum hit the inner part of my leg,and i could feel the front off the panties getting tight against my raging hard on.
He said that he was going camping that weekend and wondered if i wanted to go.
I jumped at the chance,saying that i would wear the panties he give me ,for a laugh.
He said that he would too ,but not to tell anyone about it, so i said sure
(i dident want the other guys to no that i loved to wear panties too)
We said" happy wanking" and hung up.
I ran back to the bathroom ,precum flooding thu my panties ,all down my legs.
Locked the door, and stood there shaking with excitment and without touching myself ,
started to fill the panties with hot lines of cum that ran down throught the leg hole and down my leg.
The next day i washed the panties and repaired the ripped ones and pulled them on ,still full of Peters precum,and oo did they feel good!
Hung the other pair up to dry in a forest not far from my house,I couldent dry them at my house for fear off someone seeing them.
I was to go camping tomorrow with Peter and hoped they would be dry in time.
The next day i went back to the forest ,to get my sexy panties ,but to my surpise ,someone had left a bag hanging next to my panties.
I first got my own panties down and looked to see if they were ok,The front had some small precum marks ,which i thought odd ,because i had washed they .
No this was someone elses precum!
I quicky opened the plastic bag to find a white frilly suspender belt, and seamed black stocking.
My heart beating i quicky looked about to see if i was alone.
I could see a car parked on the road next to the forest ,with a guy sitting in it.
He was quite far away so i quicky took the bag and panties and headed off home .
It ment that i would have to walk past the car, so i walked past on the passanger side so i could look in.
Too be continued.(the camping trip,the guy in the car,the pantyflashing on the bus,precum swopping.
Sorry about the bad spelling and all.
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11 年 前