My Most Embarrassing Moment - What's Yours?
A day or two ago someone on this site asked me what my most embarrassing moment was. The question was posed because I’ve written and posted about being “caught” wearing female undies and I often openly purchase lingerie in person for myself.
Well of course there have been occasions when I have been embarrassed but having thought about it for a couple of days I think the single most embarrassing moment, and one that embarrassed me for several years, was the following.
It happened while I was still at school and this particular Christmas I had been invited by a friend to attend a posh dance at a big country club hotel. The ladies were all in posh frocks and, this being Scotland; most of the men including me were in kilts.
It must have been about 2 o’clock in the morning and I was walking down a corridor having spent a pleasant half hour or so in a bedroom with a young lady. As I turned a corner I nearly ran into a lady. As we smiled at each other she said “you seem to have something stuck in your teeth”. I tried to locate it with my tongue but she said “let me” and gently removed the offending object. We both looked at it and with an awful sense of realisation I saw it was a curly pubic hair. “I don’t suppose the young lady will miss this” she said, dropping it on the floor. I went bright red as she laughed gently and wagged a disapproving finger at me.
I wonder what she would have said if she had known that the hair was from her daughter’s pussy. For years later every time I saw that lady I blushed bright red.
What about you others – what would you say was your most embarrassing moment?
11 年 前