How my date went on my birthday
For my birthday I went to a bar with the same guy from my last date the one that kissed me and I had fun for the most part rode a mechanical bull and got drunk I had a good time but idk that he did we played pool but I realy suck like bad I told him so before we played and at one point my x showed up he didn't talk to us or start anything but that realy pissed me off cuz I know he was only there to find me and c what I was doin but I did get drunk and I'm fine with that its kind of what I wanted cuz I don't ever get drunk but when I do I bite hard and I bit my date and he didn't like it I felt bad after and he didn't kiss me after that he did take me home and get me in bed but he didn't do anything to me but then I was drunk like I said and I was ready to pass out so I kinda like that he didn't try anything I respect and trust him more for it I want him even more now than I did before but he hasn't txt me since its only been 2 days but normaly he txts me everyday so now I feel bad and idk if I fucked it all up and he doesn't want me now or what I realy hope I'm just woried over nothing and he has just been busy but with my luck I can't make my slef belive that all I want now is for him to txt me and say something cute and fuuny like he always does that makes me smile and makes it all better
...he just txt me now I'm all happy ^_^
...he just txt me now I'm all happy ^_^
11 年 前