Beach fun

This happened a couple of summers ago but it's such a hot story I feel I should share it with you. I went to the local bookstore where my favorite coffee shop is. It was there I ran into Denise, a very attractive woman who also happens to be my first girlfriend from high school. I knew she moved into the neighborhood since we have always kept in touch. In fact we were both 16 and lost our virginities to each other. We greeted each other with the casual kiss and the "hey it's great to see you". We started catching up and thought it would be a good idea to hang out for a while. We live a couple of miles from the beach on Long Island so we decided to go there. I stopped and picked up some beers, she had the blanket and chairs so off we went. Once at the beach went went towards the nude end but didn't quite go all the way there. We set up the chairs up by the dunes, layed out the blanket and popped open the beer. By the way, we didn't have bathing suits but since it was summer we did have our shorts on. After a short time the discussion turn to sex as always did between us. I asked her to lose the tee shirt and just hang out in her bra. She said she would if I took off my shorts. I told her I would take off my shorts only if she went topless. She said she would go topless if I pulled off my boxers. Well then I said if I was getting naked she had to suck my cock. She sat there for a few moments, smiled and took off her tee shirt. I pulled off my shorts. Another few gulps of beer and her bra came off and my boxers were off in a blink. Now here we are sitting on the beach, not really near anyone with my cock getting hard thinking I was about to get a blowjob. She teased me for what seemed like a long time but was in reality was like 2 minutes. First touching her tits and getting her nipples hard and then reaching over and stroking my already hard cock. Then she made her move. She got out of her chair and knealt in front of me and started sucking. I couldn't believe she was really doing it. Sure we've fucked around for a lot of years but she was blowing me on the beach. I did notice a guy who was about 40 yards away staring at us. He was really enjoying the show and that got me even more excited. She got me off and I came down her throat in less than 5 minutes. She got back in her chair, wiped her mouth and drank her beer. The guy gave me a thumbs up. She put her bra back on and I put on my shorts. After our day at the beach we went back to my house for a dip in the pool then she went home. She had to because her husband was due home shortly. All in all a great day was had.
发布者 headguy
11 年 前
phillymark1 10 年 前
nice story with a terrific ending as she swallowed your cum, took a swallow of beer and then went home to her husband.
lookin2play13 10 年 前
Hot stuff