Being Cuckolded #30 When you stop being a man. Pt2

Ok, so now you've given your wife confidence, unlocked that sexual need she requires satisfying and made her comfortable enough to meet a man who can probably, do a better job than you. Don't feel bad about it, this is your moment, this is how you make sure the man is going to do what you never could.

On the lead up to your wife's meeting it's important to increase her focus and stimulate that need she has. She'll be thinking about him anyway, make sure you keep that conversation going whenever you can. Talk about his visit, how you want your wife to feel, ask her about what she is hoping for. This will bring the fantasy into reality, make it easier to accept it is happening and stimulate your wife's mind (probably yours too!).

Several days before the meeting you should begin increasing the tension in your wife's body. She will already be more aroused than usual due to the nature of what she is planning to do. This is where your skill as a good cuckold really can't be under appreciated by your wife. Every day you need to arouse your wife physically, stroke, kiss, lick and tease her body at every opportunity but do not under any circumstances go for too long, the objective is to arouse her and make her desire sexual contact but not achieve sexual satisfaction.

No orgasms of any kind, if you over stimulate your wife you will fail to be a good cuck. She wants to cum, but not with you, she's already thinking of him. The more skillful you are the better you will be at this. Each time you stimulate your wife but stop she will increase in sexual desire, repetition of this is the objective. Remember it will be easier and easier to bring your wife to the brink of orgasm as this goes on over several days. True cuck skill is in spotting that edge and never going over it as you prolong the build up.

When your wife is literally salivating between her legs all day for a man, you have prepared her properly. You can check this in the gusset of her panties, you will see the effect you and the promise of an encounter with her bull with do to her. It's your responsibility to get this right, don't fail, perfect the ability to do this and your wife will appreciate the result.

Then the big day arrives, your wife is bathed, preened and dressed for the most amazing sexual encounter she has ever had. That's down to you, learning what she likes, helping her wash and dress so she has total confidence in her appearance and cleanliness. You should be used to doing that by now.

Ensure you have products of convenience to hand, refreshments for both of them, a fan if it is warm or heating if it is cold. I can't stress this enough, you need lube for your wife. Even if you are a champion at arousing her beforehand, you always need it available just in case. The last thing you want is your wife enduring uncomfortable penetration because she is dry. That will kill her enjoyment.

You should have already established with your wife and her bull if condoms will be needed. Make sure you have plenty if they are, having to stop mid cuckolding to go buy more is hardly appropriate. Remember oil based lube and condoms do not work, always make sure you have water based lube if condoms are being used. Never rely on bull bringing any of this for his visit, this is your job, do it well.

Alcohol may help relax any nervous or awkward feelings your wife may have, just remember not to go too far. She needs to be able to participate willingly and remember everything! I would suggest no cameras for the first visit of any bull, unless he is particularly confident in his role. It may hamper his performance and that will damage your wife's confidence. You don't want your wife feeling he can't get hard because she isn't attractive enough. Women always feel that way regardless of why the man may have difficulty unfortunately. Get them comfortable being together, then if she wishes to see him again, you can then think about photos or video if you wish.

Remember your wife and her bull are in charge, it's not up to you to bark orders or interrupt the flow of their activities. You're there to witness your wife's sexual enjoyment with a more satisfying man. Accept that role by remaining silent and allowing events to unfold as they deem appropriate. That doesn't mean you can't speak, just learn to be respectful of the situation.

During sexual contact/intercourse with her bull, your wife will look to you for comfort, she will still have nagging doubts she is hurting you and feeling guilty if she is enjoying it. You have to ensure she sees your approval, a smile, a wink, an encouraging word or two will be appreciated and help unlock greater potential for her satisfaction. Even at this late stage, you have to show her it's fine, you have accepted what you are.

Your wife may also want contact with you, note not sexual contact, that means you're overstepping the boundaries of being cuckolded. Holding her hands or feet, gentle kisses on exposed areas of her body or a deep smooch in the middle of a particularly good fucking help to show approval for her enjoyment.

Whatever happens, remember bull is with your wife, you are being cuckolded. Replaced as a sexual partner, it's not a threesome, you aren't conducting the action. You're there to help your wife feel safe, comfortable and satisfied with her bull.

Bull has priority, don't get in his way, ideally it's better if you sit or kneel at a distance. Show subservience to them both during cucking, it heightens the confidence and sexuality of the bull, which in turn increases the pleasure of your wife.

Most wives will get off feeling they are being "taken and enjoyed" by another man, seeing you kneeling before him may well do it for her too. A feeling of consensual none consent, as he takes her in front of you. The "Alpha Male" fantasy is a strong deep rooted social stereotype in many women, they feel more vulnerable and sexually open if they believe the bull is superior to you subconsciously.

If you are caged or have a particularly small endowment, it may help give the bull extra confidence to display it during cuckolding too. An unspoken comparison between your lack of masculinity and his superior equipment, may well stimulate your wife's arousal too. Reinforcing his dominance and enhancing your wife's emotional vulnerability to him.

Some cucks like to masturbate while their wives are having sex, unless given permission you should refrain. Always show you know your place, her satisfaction not yours. You're married to her, you can get what you need at any time after the event...if she thinks you're worthy. She is more likely to think that if you show utter devotion to her pleasure first.

When it's over and your wife and her bull are both relaxing, keep quiet, let them enjoy their moment together. Don't question them or try to start a conversation, just be happy. Your wife has been taken care of and you played a significant part in that happiness. She may want intimacy with you after, wait for her to call you over though, wait for her to come back to you, show her you are obedient and patient as her loving cuckold.

Over time repeating these activities and rituals with every cuckolding, your wife will open up to her lovers and no longer doubt her right to do so. With the confidence you give her she will be free to be as sexually slutty and adventurous as she desires. It will become a natural aspect of your relationship, that you share as easily as sitting together watching the tv.

发布者 Caged4Ever
11 年 前
cambriakid 6 年 前
gunter56 11 年 前
the last 2 entries have been very insightful & truthful about how the cuckold lifestyle works in a real marriage
doogaldog 11 年 前
Your writing is much stronger these days as the cuck, its clear you've learned the definition of the role and the eroticism in which you decribe it is fulfilling. All the best for 2014 C4E
wirecpl 11 年 前
Good instructions / hints / tips , we both love your blog and added yet another in our favs
frassuk 11 年 前
Interesting insite.