Weed Porn Video Collection
From the film, Ted
Ted: Oh hey listen, try this, I told my weed guy to step it up and he gave me that.
[Ted passes a bong to John]
John: What is this?
Ted: It's called "Mind ****", it's actually pretty mellow.
John: It doesn't sound very mellow.
Ted: Well he only had three other batches: "Gorilla Panic", "They're coming! They're coming!" and something called "This Is Permanent"... Go on, spark it up!
420 xhammies, name a funny new weed strain!
Like imagine these: "Permanently Fine", "Gone Daffy Duck" (add your own below!), "When Are We?"
Our latest additions are at the bottom of this page
Howdy 420 friendly xhammers,
We smoke herb, (and abide)
and we've really gotten into adding to this blog
over time as you can see.
JB and I have been adding to this particular blog
after at least one bong hit each
every once in awhile when we
happen upon a 420 video here in this ocean of porn that is xhamster.
We're still from Washington state in the USA and a 420 friendly couple making and collecting films of others herbally-inclined in the bedroom.
Marijuana is a better, more enjoyable, and smarter choice than alcohol.
Marijuana is a natural aphrodisiac, as many of the xhamsters we've been connecting with know
like MrSpud
...nothing ever scary or wild.
And it is medicinal in the many definitions of the word.
Two tokes from an iced bong
with freshly ground
creates a nicely different
yet more creative level-headed high
than a pint of fine hopped beer;
nothing uncontrollable
or addictive.
It's sort of like riding the same roller coaster,
only from time to time sitting in a different place in the train.
Different feel; same train and ride.
With the varying strains of weed, the highs vary from
laughies to
gonna sit for awhile to
"Let's play croquet!" to love the music.
Sort of like going to a fantastic amusement park and enjoying all of the variety of rides...from the tame to the thrilling.
Here's what we've both gathered so far:
If you have some of your own vids in this niche, please share.
M (mostly) and JB add to this blog when we stumble on ones good enough to post.
"A friend with weed is a friend indeed."
before we begin, copy and paste this into xham search: http://xhamster.com/search.php
1. http://xhamster.com/movies/388589/girls_smoking_bong_then_makeout_and_rub_eachother.html
2. http://xhamster.com/movies/1155851/having_a_big_bong...html
3. http://xhamster.com/movies/1139181/aphrodisiac_the_sexual_secret_of_marijuana_1971.html
4. http://xhamster.com/movies/2183056/alisha_in_europe.html
5. http://xhamster.com/movies/186882/ms_kitty_takes_bong.html
"A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face."--Bob Marley
6. This lady tokes from a bong in a much unusual way. Object du jour is at right when video begins. Worry not, it plays center stage later on. You won't unremember this video.
7. At first glance, this is a boring video of a gal smoking herb while not getting naked--
which is the opposite of what we pretty much expect here in one way or another here at xham
...but wait!
...there's something to appreciate in a left field sort of way here.
Give the vid a second glance, appreciate that this is a gal
bold enough to post herself getting high...very few here,
although in these here parts, no different than enjoying a glass of Zin.
8. SunshineDezi (http://xhamster.com/user/SunshineDezi) smoking then...well. We know you'll check out her site.
9. Good old fashioned joint rolling and smoking gal from Germany. Eventually she gets her guy to smoke while he is pumping her anally...have to watch the end--she is rolling a j while he fists her. Sheesh!
9. Sweet beginnings: Let's kick this off with McCartney's "Someone's Knocking at the Door" and a nice draw from her bong.
10. Light up, every-body! OK, this one is a bit of a teaser video; these fine females are voluptuous Asian ladies who have a nice glass pipe. Though the title of the film is "Carzy Asian Girls Gone Wild", they don't get too wild, though they do gyrate a lot on cam...and, yes well, they are hotties. Enjoy!
11. Angle: Pimps and their whores. The first 5 minutes is a bit harsh to swallow, but after that... (and yes, there is weed involved!) may be a rawer side of life than you're used to. MAY be. Proceed with caution (don't want to blind you nor cause you to sprout hair from your palms and fingers...although....;-)...
12. And yet another "From the Dark Side" of weed, though not as raw as #16.
13. "Why Stoner Girls Are the Coolest"---420 Compliant. This one comes from one of our favorite alt news sources, VICE. Even though it's not a vid, it's a fun read!
14. Self-shot, home-made, video of a tatted BBW sitting on her bong. We loved how raw the video was. Enjoy!
15. "Anal Bong Water Butt Babes Ass Smoking Weed" Thank you, serxpig69!
C'mon. With a title like that, ya gotta watch it to see how fuckin' funny nasty it is...at least we did. Especially after some martinis, chicken satays, red curry, a bowl of some fine sativa (Dutch Treat), and a bunch of gigglies together watching funny and different porn. One of our pre-func foreplay hobbies.
Interested in watching a pair of lesbians
a fetching heavier tramp-stamped blonde and a lithe brunette
playing in some basement/studio in low def? with masking tape? Clothes pins? Plastic painter's tarp? Filling a tube with piss and fake drinking it all?
And that's only the first 4 minutes of this one.
forced dildo swallowing.
You get the picture.
Wait for the bong to appear @23:00ish. Unfuckinforgettable. Not for the faint of heart either.
16. ok. delving into a different dark side here with this video.
gas masks. a couple. poppers. amateur.
only reason I include it is that though not 420 true, it's 420ishly freaky horny.
Besides, it's October as I post this; a fitting time for masks!
Thanks for the bizarre thrills, etoile07!
Here ya go...enjoy the roller coaster.
Imagine your gal grabbing the bong when you're stiff
her labia swollen red
and you've dotted a pearl of pre-cum on your cock with three fingers and dabbed and spread it across her clitoris,
a pearl drop dripping in a slickery creamy line
down where you smell her mustiness...her feminine root...where she wants you to complete.
Imagine you inside her, straddling you in her honey...
why don't more couples use honey? :-)
while you're sittin' on the couch naked and stiff.
And she's wet and wanting.
and 420ily friendly, indeed!
and that's just the beginning.
If you like that, you'll probably like this one that comes from DavidJones1985, and though he's so far face/icon-less and response-less,
we still mmphh to his choices.
helpless we are
Amateur, daring, baring, sharing.
19. Why don't we delete the vids xham has erased in our blog you may ask? Because we're pleasantly high when we connect here, and hope beyond hope that enterprising hamsters might use the title for a search and find what we posted here...
It has certainly been awhile since we posted to this 420 collection. Not for want of trying. Ironically, even though Colorado, Washington, Alaska, etc. has awakened to the fact that herb is fine,
there aren't that many more 420 friendlies filming themselves imbibing. Not that we're complaining.
Found this one this evening that we think you'll all enjoy if your of our mind.
Thanks, DavidJones1985!
20. enjoyed a bowl of snoop's dream this eve (meeting the requirement for us for adding to this page) after dinner and doing the dishes together. we got into a lengthy discussion over the newest Walking Dead installment--who took Rick's gun?--then revisited an old xham friend, waywardfriend.
Smiled and mmmMmmd watching his slideshow of gals from all walks of life enjoying life.
21. waywardfriend sent this to jb and me tonight: light up and relax and please
22. gal is tired and bored, but look at the spleef she draws from a few times in the middle of the film. does it make any difference? sadly, no. but then there are the odd stick toy/skewers she dribbles lubricant on, licks and inserts...then the vid is done. not many excellent herb-oriented vids out there. (*sigh*)
oh well, enjoy! thanks Dominatus65!
23. mmmmmmm 1:32 "I am a little high...."i'm also a bit tipsy."
"I feel the plug when I put my fingers inside...then I can feel it."
Thanks, kurwamac420!
420: 12:00.
24. This is how we love to roll...good amateur video and conversation over a playful herbal bowl (...and two...and three...)
in a comfortable setting.
connoisseurs of bongs will drool over the one here
...but maybe not as much as this gal does laughingly...
(anyone know the name of the bong?)
and blow smoke into each other's face!
PS: Thanks, ilygtr!
25. amateur and honest
she's definitely 420 friendly--starts vid lighting up her glass pipe in front of her open window
what's funny though, and why we enjoy it so much, is that...
* dildo on her bed, small apartment in city, fetching gal
* she opens the window obviously so the smoke goes outside...look where it goes! and then she blows her smoke into the room
* yoga pants
* she's smoking the entire bowl right from the start; must have taken at least 6 tokes; done at 2:40 (which for those in the Illuminati is 420 transposed, by the way)
* she leaves, finds a shirt, and spreads it on her bed...of course you know why!
* lube dripped on her dildo; bottle placed next to her pipe in the window sill
and that's only less than 1/2-way through this.
njoy the rest!
26. trained 420 lovers know once seeing this gal's eyes the very first second that she's already imbibed. she lights up a j around 6:20 (why not 4:20?)
thanks, hu12virgo!
27. pussy bong...of course someone would do this
thanks, LaWeed62!
ps: check out his site, 420 happy folks!
bizarre last 1/4
They spread their weed all over her body. then another gal shotguns a j's smoke over the gal's pussy.
30. ganja style: yeah, the music is obnoxious, but what the hey? the gals abide.
31. Thanks, negrofloripa for this "her eyes tell all"
32. and for vapers...as we are:
33. smokin a bowl from the get go and has a rabbit habit in her bedroom...wonderfully amateur and selfie but not webcammy. her little button is swollen...and she gets into the music and has no shame.
props to motoldm!
34. if you sprechen deutsch, then this will be a better video for you...the gal rolls a fine j and pretty much smokes most of it herself; her lover gets 2nd hand. love the schlopping of his cock into her...and of course she does anal...
icing on this cake: 11:35--she rolls another j while her lover fiercely fingers her well.
jb has doubts that she is actually rolling flowers...her eyes don't show it; i say it could be a sativa she smoked.
35. stylized, produced beginning of jj smoking and getting high, smoke play, "disco lights", different instruments--pipe, bong-- marijuana leaf on everything from panties and socks to hats and tapestries...
...which, though sort of obnoxious, actually shows her getting high--it's all in her eyes! you 420ers know.
good sloppy skull fuck, and some shockingly good deep anal from a swollen-girthed cock.
36. they don't imbibe, but you can tell she is high @ 8:50...damn it's great being high and fucking
Ted: Oh hey listen, try this, I told my weed guy to step it up and he gave me that.
[Ted passes a bong to John]
John: What is this?
Ted: It's called "Mind ****", it's actually pretty mellow.
John: It doesn't sound very mellow.
Ted: Well he only had three other batches: "Gorilla Panic", "They're coming! They're coming!" and something called "This Is Permanent"... Go on, spark it up!
420 xhammies, name a funny new weed strain!
Like imagine these: "Permanently Fine", "Gone Daffy Duck" (add your own below!), "When Are We?"
Our latest additions are at the bottom of this page
Howdy 420 friendly xhammers,
We smoke herb, (and abide)
and we've really gotten into adding to this blog
over time as you can see.
JB and I have been adding to this particular blog
after at least one bong hit each
every once in awhile when we
happen upon a 420 video here in this ocean of porn that is xhamster.
We're still from Washington state in the USA and a 420 friendly couple making and collecting films of others herbally-inclined in the bedroom.
Marijuana is a better, more enjoyable, and smarter choice than alcohol.
Marijuana is a natural aphrodisiac, as many of the xhamsters we've been connecting with know
like MrSpud
...nothing ever scary or wild.
And it is medicinal in the many definitions of the word.
Two tokes from an iced bong
with freshly ground
creates a nicely different
yet more creative level-headed high
than a pint of fine hopped beer;
nothing uncontrollable
or addictive.
It's sort of like riding the same roller coaster,
only from time to time sitting in a different place in the train.
Different feel; same train and ride.
With the varying strains of weed, the highs vary from
laughies to
gonna sit for awhile to
"Let's play croquet!" to love the music.
Sort of like going to a fantastic amusement park and enjoying all of the variety of rides...from the tame to the thrilling.
Here's what we've both gathered so far:
If you have some of your own vids in this niche, please share.
M (mostly) and JB add to this blog when we stumble on ones good enough to post.
"A friend with weed is a friend indeed."
before we begin, copy and paste this into xham search: http://xhamster.com/search.php
1. http://xhamster.com/movies/388589/girls_smoking_bong_then_makeout_and_rub_eachother.html
2. http://xhamster.com/movies/1155851/having_a_big_bong...html
3. http://xhamster.com/movies/1139181/aphrodisiac_the_sexual_secret_of_marijuana_1971.html
4. http://xhamster.com/movies/2183056/alisha_in_europe.html
5. http://xhamster.com/movies/186882/ms_kitty_takes_bong.html
"A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face."--Bob Marley
6. This lady tokes from a bong in a much unusual way. Object du jour is at right when video begins. Worry not, it plays center stage later on. You won't unremember this video.
7. At first glance, this is a boring video of a gal smoking herb while not getting naked--
which is the opposite of what we pretty much expect here in one way or another here at xham
...but wait!
...there's something to appreciate in a left field sort of way here.
Give the vid a second glance, appreciate that this is a gal
bold enough to post herself getting high...very few here,
although in these here parts, no different than enjoying a glass of Zin.
8. SunshineDezi (http://xhamster.com/user/SunshineDezi) smoking then...well. We know you'll check out her site.
9. Good old fashioned joint rolling and smoking gal from Germany. Eventually she gets her guy to smoke while he is pumping her anally...have to watch the end--she is rolling a j while he fists her. Sheesh!
9. Sweet beginnings: Let's kick this off with McCartney's "Someone's Knocking at the Door" and a nice draw from her bong.
10. Light up, every-body! OK, this one is a bit of a teaser video; these fine females are voluptuous Asian ladies who have a nice glass pipe. Though the title of the film is "Carzy Asian Girls Gone Wild", they don't get too wild, though they do gyrate a lot on cam...and, yes well, they are hotties. Enjoy!
11. Angle: Pimps and their whores. The first 5 minutes is a bit harsh to swallow, but after that... (and yes, there is weed involved!) may be a rawer side of life than you're used to. MAY be. Proceed with caution (don't want to blind you nor cause you to sprout hair from your palms and fingers...although....;-)...
12. And yet another "From the Dark Side" of weed, though not as raw as #16.
13. "Why Stoner Girls Are the Coolest"---420 Compliant. This one comes from one of our favorite alt news sources, VICE. Even though it's not a vid, it's a fun read!
14. Self-shot, home-made, video of a tatted BBW sitting on her bong. We loved how raw the video was. Enjoy!
15. "Anal Bong Water Butt Babes Ass Smoking Weed" Thank you, serxpig69!
C'mon. With a title like that, ya gotta watch it to see how fuckin' funny nasty it is...at least we did. Especially after some martinis, chicken satays, red curry, a bowl of some fine sativa (Dutch Treat), and a bunch of gigglies together watching funny and different porn. One of our pre-func foreplay hobbies.
Interested in watching a pair of lesbians
a fetching heavier tramp-stamped blonde and a lithe brunette
playing in some basement/studio in low def? with masking tape? Clothes pins? Plastic painter's tarp? Filling a tube with piss and fake drinking it all?
And that's only the first 4 minutes of this one.
forced dildo swallowing.
You get the picture.
Wait for the bong to appear @23:00ish. Unfuckinforgettable. Not for the faint of heart either.
16. ok. delving into a different dark side here with this video.
gas masks. a couple. poppers. amateur.
only reason I include it is that though not 420 true, it's 420ishly freaky horny.
Besides, it's October as I post this; a fitting time for masks!
Thanks for the bizarre thrills, etoile07!
Here ya go...enjoy the roller coaster.
Imagine your gal grabbing the bong when you're stiff
her labia swollen red
and you've dotted a pearl of pre-cum on your cock with three fingers and dabbed and spread it across her clitoris,
a pearl drop dripping in a slickery creamy line
down where you smell her mustiness...her feminine root...where she wants you to complete.
Imagine you inside her, straddling you in her honey...
why don't more couples use honey? :-)
while you're sittin' on the couch naked and stiff.
And she's wet and wanting.
and 420ily friendly, indeed!
and that's just the beginning.
If you like that, you'll probably like this one that comes from DavidJones1985, and though he's so far face/icon-less and response-less,
we still mmphh to his choices.
helpless we are
Amateur, daring, baring, sharing.
19. Why don't we delete the vids xham has erased in our blog you may ask? Because we're pleasantly high when we connect here, and hope beyond hope that enterprising hamsters might use the title for a search and find what we posted here...
It has certainly been awhile since we posted to this 420 collection. Not for want of trying. Ironically, even though Colorado, Washington, Alaska, etc. has awakened to the fact that herb is fine,
there aren't that many more 420 friendlies filming themselves imbibing. Not that we're complaining.
Found this one this evening that we think you'll all enjoy if your of our mind.
Thanks, DavidJones1985!
20. enjoyed a bowl of snoop's dream this eve (meeting the requirement for us for adding to this page) after dinner and doing the dishes together. we got into a lengthy discussion over the newest Walking Dead installment--who took Rick's gun?--then revisited an old xham friend, waywardfriend.
Smiled and mmmMmmd watching his slideshow of gals from all walks of life enjoying life.
21. waywardfriend sent this to jb and me tonight: light up and relax and please
22. gal is tired and bored, but look at the spleef she draws from a few times in the middle of the film. does it make any difference? sadly, no. but then there are the odd stick toy/skewers she dribbles lubricant on, licks and inserts...then the vid is done. not many excellent herb-oriented vids out there. (*sigh*)
oh well, enjoy! thanks Dominatus65!
23. mmmmmmm 1:32 "I am a little high...."i'm also a bit tipsy."
"I feel the plug when I put my fingers inside...then I can feel it."
Thanks, kurwamac420!
420: 12:00.
24. This is how we love to roll...good amateur video and conversation over a playful herbal bowl (...and two...and three...)
in a comfortable setting.
connoisseurs of bongs will drool over the one here
...but maybe not as much as this gal does laughingly...
(anyone know the name of the bong?)
and blow smoke into each other's face!
PS: Thanks, ilygtr!
25. amateur and honest
she's definitely 420 friendly--starts vid lighting up her glass pipe in front of her open window
what's funny though, and why we enjoy it so much, is that...
* dildo on her bed, small apartment in city, fetching gal
* she opens the window obviously so the smoke goes outside...look where it goes! and then she blows her smoke into the room
* yoga pants
* she's smoking the entire bowl right from the start; must have taken at least 6 tokes; done at 2:40 (which for those in the Illuminati is 420 transposed, by the way)
* she leaves, finds a shirt, and spreads it on her bed...of course you know why!
* lube dripped on her dildo; bottle placed next to her pipe in the window sill
and that's only less than 1/2-way through this.
njoy the rest!
26. trained 420 lovers know once seeing this gal's eyes the very first second that she's already imbibed. she lights up a j around 6:20 (why not 4:20?)
thanks, hu12virgo!
27. pussy bong...of course someone would do this
thanks, LaWeed62!
ps: check out his site, 420 happy folks!
bizarre last 1/4
They spread their weed all over her body. then another gal shotguns a j's smoke over the gal's pussy.
30. ganja style: yeah, the music is obnoxious, but what the hey? the gals abide.
31. Thanks, negrofloripa for this "her eyes tell all"
32. and for vapers...as we are:
33. smokin a bowl from the get go and has a rabbit habit in her bedroom...wonderfully amateur and selfie but not webcammy. her little button is swollen...and she gets into the music and has no shame.
props to motoldm!
34. if you sprechen deutsch, then this will be a better video for you...the gal rolls a fine j and pretty much smokes most of it herself; her lover gets 2nd hand. love the schlopping of his cock into her...and of course she does anal...
icing on this cake: 11:35--she rolls another j while her lover fiercely fingers her well.
jb has doubts that she is actually rolling flowers...her eyes don't show it; i say it could be a sativa she smoked.
35. stylized, produced beginning of jj smoking and getting high, smoke play, "disco lights", different instruments--pipe, bong-- marijuana leaf on everything from panties and socks to hats and tapestries...
...which, though sort of obnoxious, actually shows her getting high--it's all in her eyes! you 420ers know.
good sloppy skull fuck, and some shockingly good deep anal from a swollen-girthed cock.
36. they don't imbibe, but you can tell she is high @ 8:50...damn it's great being high and fucking
11 年 前
that's it!!
don't like the indicas couch-locking abilities
unless for foreplay
right now smoking Gorilla Glue (not the stuff you get at Lowe's or Home Depot!)
favorite strain? Laughing Buddha.
just spent a few minutes looking over your site.
nice bio...rare here for people to write more than one paragraph of thoughtful up-front honesty.
on our end,
bud, wine, and sigur ros have been getting us off recently.
you a kegler?
toy player?