How much does your wife weigh?
My wife has put on almost 30 pounds since June and is now at 192. How much does your wife weigh? Comment and let us know.
11 年 前
I remember way back when a girlfriend of mine was complaining that she was getting fat. It excited me, but for her "getting fat" meant going from 125 pounds to 133. At that point all I dreamed of was having a girlfriend who weighed more than me. That seemed very sexy to me.
I don't know about you guys, but for me being thrilled with having a heavy girlfriend or wife and watching her weight gain just never ceased to be a wonderful turn-on. I know that most guys absolutely hate it when their gals or wives put on a few pounds, but to me it's the ultimate. For a long time I dreamed of having a woman who weighed 200 pounds. TWO HUNDRED POUNDS! In those days I could barely imagine a girl weighing that much.
Now I know better. Women can be quite heavy. Even cheerleaders can get fat. And a lot of women don't just stop when they get chunky. They just keep going (or can't help from keeping going) until they are downright obese. I love that.
My wife is a saucy blonde who once weighed 145 pounds, but now packs a good hundred pounds more than that. I am thrilled. Just the thought of having a fat wife by my side that outweighs me by a great deal is exciting and a total turn-on. She's okay with that sometimes, and at other times not so much. Me, I can't help but hoping she'll be one of those women who just keep getting fatter.
How's it been with your wives? And how fat would you like them? And do you have any issues with the talk that may come with having a fat wife?