Reformatory Strip Search Corporal Punishment MM
This is an account of a reformatory induction and corporal punishment rollplay session that took place between four consenting adult males on January 25th, 2014.
The two younger participants, Danny (23) and Luke (22), played the parts of convicted delinquents arriving at a reformatory.
Older than the first two lads, rugby player Steve (35) played the part of a reformatory officer.
The oldest participant, John, an elderly retired former customs officer, played the part of the reformatory governor.
Each of the two younger participants was to be strip-searched by John and then receive corporal punishment from Steve. Danny was experienced at taking corporal punishment and had agreed to receive a ‘hard judicial caning’ while Luke was more of a novice and had been promised a lighter punishment.
It was agreed in advance that Danny would hide something in his clothing which would be found during the strip-search. He was given the incentive that if the item concealed in his clothing remained undetected he would receive a lesser punishment.
Steve is a friend of John and was already at John’s house when Danny and Luke arrived. Steve opened the door to the lads and, as agreed, the rollplay started immediately.
Danny and Luke were shown to a room where John was seated behind a desk.
‘Stand at attention before the Governor.’ Steve barked.
Danny knew what to do but Luke was a bit slow.
‘Legs together. Back straight. Head up. Hands at your sides.’ Steve shouted at him.
John looked at the two boys then picked up a clipboard from the desk and started to look at it.
He looked at Danny.
‘Indecent exposure. Masturbating on a public bus. Failure to produce a valid ticket for the journey undertaken. Possession of a controlled substance. Assaulting a police officer. Resisting arrest.’
He shook his head in a mixture of resignation and disgust.
‘And you.’ He continued, turning to Luke. ‘Possession of a concealed weapon.’
‘It wasn’t mine. I told them that.’ Luke protested.
‘Silence.’ Steve barked. ‘Don’t interrupt the Governor.’
‘You may have been believed if you had not already been previously convicted of a similar offence.’ The Governor told him. ‘That is why you have been sent to us this time. It appears that non-custodial alternatives have failed to encourage you to amend your ways.’
He nodded to Steve.
‘You will now be searched.’ The Governor told them. ‘I shall read items of clothing from a list. If worn, you will remove the item of clothing and hand it to the officer. If not worn you will reply ‘Not worn sir.’ Is that understood?’
‘You mean like when you say shirt we take off our shirts?’ Luke asked.
‘Say ‘sir’ when you speak to the Governor.’ Steve growled. ‘Speak to him as if you were speaking to your headmaster when you were at school.’
‘OK. Sorry’
Luke turned to face John.
‘You mean like when you say shirt we take off our shirts sir?’ He repeated.
John looked at Danny.
‘Step forward.’ He told Danny.
The more experienced Danny quickly obeyed.
The Governor looked down at the clipboard.
‘Hat, cap or other head covering.’
‘Not worn sir.’
‘Not worn sir.’
Luke started to laugh.
‘Silence.’ Steve snapped at him, hoping he was not going to spoil the rollplay.
‘It’s just ….’ Luke sort of giggled before managing to control himself.
Danny was wearing scally trackies and took off the jacket. Steve held out his hand, took the jacket from him and handed it to John who proceeded to empty the pockets.
After he emptied the pockets, he recorded the contents … cigarettes, lighter, pack of condoms, cigarette papers … on a form attached to his clipboard then proceeded to very thoroughly search the jacket pockets. Then he ran his fingers expertly all over the jacket before finally satisfying himself that there was nothing concealed there.
‘Waistcoat or Pullover.’
‘Not worn sir.’
‘Not worn sir.’
Luke started to laugh again but quickly controlled himself.
‘Are you wearing anything under your t-shirt?’ The Governor asked Danny.
‘No sir.’
‘Then consider it an undershirt.’
‘Yes sir.’
‘Not worn sir.’
‘Left shoe.’
Danny bent down to untie the laces of his right trainer.
‘Left shoe I said. Don't you know your left from your right boy?’
‘Sorry sir.’
Danny took off the shoe and handed it to Steve. Steve sniffed it, made a face and handed it to the Governor who searched it then placed it on the desk next to the jacket.
‘Right shoe.’
The process was repeated. This time the Governor found the item which Danny had been told to conceal, pushed up into the toe of the trainer.
He placed it on the desk in front of him but without comment.
‘Vest or undershirt.’
Danny took off his t-shirt and stood there bare-chested, the waistband of his tight navy blue boxer trunks clearly visible at his waist.
‘Left sock.’
Danny took off his left sock and handed it to Steve who passed it on to the Governor. The sock was thoroughly searched.
‘Right sock.’
The process was repeated.
‘Belt or Braces.’
‘Not worn sir.’
Danny took off his track suit bottoms. Now wearing nothing but his tight navy blue boxer trunks, he handed the trousers to Steve who as usual passed them on to John to be meticulously searched and piled with the other items of clothing on the desk.
‘Step back.’
He did as he was told.
Luke stepped forward.
The Governor looked down at the clipboard.
‘Hat, cap or other head covering.’
‘No. I mean not worn.’
‘Not worn WHAT?’ Steve growled.
‘Not worn sir.’
‘Not worn sir.’
Luke was wearing a heavy jacket, pullover and shirt underneath. He took off his jacket and handed it to Steve who followed the usual routine of passing it on to the Governor.
John emptied the pockets, recording the contents on a form as before.
‘Waistcoat or Pullover.’
Luke’s pullover came off.
‘Not worn sir.’
Luke unbuttoned and took off his shirt. He was wearing a white t-shirt underneath. The shirt was handed to Steve and then to John who felt a lump in the breast pocket. He put his fingers into the pocket and pulled out an item identical to that which Danny had been told to conceal.
‘That’s not mine.’ Luke protested, pointing at Danny. ‘He put it there.’
The Governor ignored his protests and placed the item on his desk next to the identical item belonging to Danny.
‘Left shoe.’
Luke bent down and removed his left shoe.
The shoe was searched but nothing further was found.
‘Right shoe.’
The process was repeated. The shoe was searched but again nothing was found.
‘Vest or undershirt.’
Luke took off his t-shirt.
‘Left sock.’
As Luke bent over to pull off his sock his trousers sagged giving a good view of his tight orange coloured boxer trunks. The sock was handed to Steve who, as usual, passed it on to the Governor to be searched.
‘Right sock.’
The process was repeated.
‘Belt or Braces.’
Luke unbuckled his belt and pulled it out of his trousers. Steve took it and started to examine it before passing it over to the Governor.
The Governor expertly ran his fingers along the belt, looking for anything concealed within it.
Luke dropped his trousers, stepped out of them and handed them to Steve.
The Governor emptied the pockets and recorded the contents on his form before proceeding to diligently examine the trousers.
‘Stand back.’
Luke stepped back to stand next to Danny.
The Governor looked at Danny.
‘Step forward.’ He ordered.
Danny obeyed.
Danny took off his boxer trunks and handed them to Steve who passed them on to the Governor to be searched and placed with the rest of his clothes.
Danny instinctively put his hands in front of him, to cover his modesty.
‘Hands at your sides.’ Steve shouted.
‘Stand back.’
The Governor looked at Luke.
‘Step forward.’
Luke stepped forward.
Luke removed his tight boxers, which were duly searched.
‘Stand back.’
The Governor looked at the two naked young men standing to attention in front of him.
‘As each of you has been found to be in possession of concealed prohibited items you have each given me cause to require you to submit to a further search of your persons.’ The Governor continued.
He opened the desk drawer and pulled out a box of latex gloves and some lubricant.
‘Stand in front of the desk.’ He told Danny.
Danny stepped forward to stand directly in front of the desk.
‘Lean as far across the desk as you can, fold your arms and place them on the desk.’ The Governor instructed him.
Danny did as he was told.
‘Spread your legs.’
The Governor slowly pulled on a latex glove and poured some lubricant onto the forefinger of his right hand. He stood directly behind Danny and slowly inserted his finger into Danny’s anus, expertly searching for anything that may be concealed within.
‘Ow’ Danny groaned as the finger penetrated his hole.
After giving Danny’s insides a very through search, the Governor finally withdrew his finger and pulled off the glove.
‘Stand up.’
The Governor pointed to the second of the concealed items.
‘Is that his or yours?’ He asked.
‘Mine.’ Danny admitted.
The Governor looked at Luke.
‘As your friend has admitted to ownership of the item I no longer have cause to require you to submit to a search of your person.’ He told Luke.
‘You can search me if you want sir.’ Luke told the Governor, apparently deciding to push his limits beyond what had previously been agreed.
‘Over the desk then.’ The Governor ordered and Luke willingly obeyed, positioning himself as Danny had.
‘Good on you mate.’ Danny whispered to Luke.
Luke winced as the Governor’s finger penetrated his anus and groaned when the finger started to probe around inside him.
The internal examination completed the lads were each handed a towel and a pair of white y-front underpants. They were told that they were to walk naked to the shower block (bathroom), shower then return to the office wearing only the white underwear. What they were not told at that point was that the hot water supply was turned off.
Steve took the lads to the ‘shower block’ with John following but keeping his distance. Steve ordered Danny to shower first. Danny complained there was no hot water.
‘Too bad.’ Steve told him. ‘This is a reformatory not a five star hotel. You two are lucky you came in the winter. In the summer it’s a cold-water hose-down outside the back door with the garden hose. Now get under the shower and make sure you use some soap.’
Steve kept the protesting Danny under the cold shower for three full minutes, making him rub soap over his entire body including his arse-crack, balls and dick.
Then it was Luke’s turn. As the shivering Danny wrapped himself in his towel, Luke took his place under the cold shower. Unlike Danny, who was circumcised, Luke was uncut and Steve ordered him to pull back his foreskin and thoroughly wash underneath.
John did not enter the bathroom but the door was open and he witnessed everything from a carefully selected position outside where he could see the reflections of the showering boys in a full-length mirror located opposite the shower.
After the boys had been allowed to dry off, they were told to put on the white y-front underpants.
* * *
The Governor was seated behind his desk. Danny and Luke, both wearing nothing but white jockey y-front underpants, stood at attention in front of him.
The Governor addressed Danny.
‘In addition to your custodial sentence the court has also awarded a corporal punishment sentence of 12 strokes of the cane to be administered on the naked buttocks, sentence to be carried out immediately on arrival at the reformatory in which you are to be detained.’
He paused.
‘There also remains the question of the disposition of this matter.’ He continued, pointing to the prohibited items on his desk. ‘Do you wish me to dispose of the matter internally or do you wish the matter to be dealt with by the police?’
‘Internally sir.’ Danny replied.
‘Very well. In addition to the sentence imposed by the court you will receive an additional 6 strokes of the cane to be administered across your underpants, 12 strokes of the plimsoll of which 6 will be administered across your underpants and 6 will be administered with your underpants lowered, and 12 strokes of the reformatory strap of which 6 will be administered across your underpants and 6 will be administered with your underpants lowered. It is customary for sentences imposed by the court to be administered nude and restrained. Do you accept the sentence?’
‘Yes sir.’ Danny replied.
The Governor turned to Luke.
‘Whilst I am satisfied that you were not the owner of the item and not aware of its presence in your shirt pocket, it was nevertheless found in your clothing. In this reformatory, if you are caught with something in your possession we don’t accept any excuse. Do you wish me to dispose of the matter internally or do you wish the matter to be dealt with by the police?’
‘Internally sir.’ Luke replied.
‘Very well. You will receive 6 strokes of the plimsoll of which 4 will be administered across your underpants and 2 will be administered with your underpants lowered, and 6 strokes of the reformatory strap of which 4 will be administered across your underpants and 2 will be administered with your underpants lowered. Do you accept the sentence?’
Luke hesitated for a moment.
‘Yes.’ He agreed.
The Governor stood up and turned to Steve.
‘Administer the punishment.’
‘Willingly.’ Steve replied.
Steve looked at Luke, raised his finger and pointed.
‘You. Up against the wall, hands on head facing outward.’
He turned to Danny and pointed again.
‘You. Over the desk. Same position as before.’
A cane, a plimsoll and a leather strap had been placed on a chair in the room. As Danny bent over the desk, Steve picked up the plimsoll.
‘You will count the strokes as they are administered.’ He told Danny, ‘After each stroke given on your underpants you will respond ‘one on underpants sir’ ‘two on underpants sir’ and so on. After each stroke given with your underpants lowered you will respond ‘one underpants lowered buttocks bare sir’ and so on. Do you understand?’
‘Yes sir.’ Danny replied. It was not the first time he had taken corporal punishment from Steve and he knew the ritual very well indeed.
Steve brought the plimsoll down hard across Danny’s underpants covered buttocks. Luke, watching from across the room, winced.
Danny let out an ‘ow’ on the first stroke but was quiet on the second. He kept position for both strokes. He let out a yelp on the third stroke but kept position and remained quiet for the rest of the six, each time giving the required response of ‘one on underpants sir’ etc before the next stroke was administered.
‘Stand up.’ Steve ordered him after the sixth stroke.
Danny stood up.
‘Lower your underpants.’
Danny lowered his underpants to just above his knees.
‘Bend over.’
Steve brought the plimsoll down hard across Danny’s bare arse with a resounding crack.
‘Seven underpants lowered buttocks bare sir.’
Danny kept position and the six strokes were administered. Danny yelped a couple of times but took the punishment very well.
‘Stand up. Pull up your underpants. Stand against the wall hands on head.’
Steve turned and pointed at Luke.
‘You. Get your arse over here.’
Luke hesitated, looking at how Danny was rubbing his buttocks as he walked over to stand against the wall.
Luke walked over.
‘Not too hard.’ He said to Steve.
Steve pointed to the desk.
‘Bend over.’
Luke bent over the desk. Steve picked up the plimsoll and administered the first stroke. Much to his credit, Luke gritted his teeth and took it although his muffled cries could be heard every time the plimsoll made contact with his underpants covered arse. He said afterwards that he had been determined to take it even though it had hurt like hell.
‘Lower your underpants.’
Luke stood up and lowered his underpants to just above his knees as Danny had done.
‘Bend over.’
Steve lifted the plimsoll and brought the plimsoll down hard across Luke’s bare arse with a resounding crack. Luke screamed out, jumped up and grabbed his buttocks in his hands.
‘Bend over.’
‘Let me pull my pants up please.’ Luke begged.
‘Bend over.’
Luke slowly bent back over.
‘I think you forgot to say something.’ Steve told him.
‘Five underpants lowered buttocks bare sir.’
Steve administered the final stroke of the plimsoll. Luke yelled but remained in position.
‘Stand up. Pull up your underpants. Stand against the wall hands on head.’
Luke returned to stand next to Danny against the wall.
Steve put down the plimsoll. He then lit a cigarette, sat down in a chair and smoked it. Danny and Luke were told to turn and face the wall keeping their hands on their heads.
When he had finished his cigarette, Steve told Danny to turn around.
‘You will now receive 6 strokes of the cane across your underpants followed immediately by 6 strokes of the reformatory strap across your underpants and a further 6 strokes of the reformatory strap with your underpants lowered. Over the desk.’
Danny walked over to the desk and bent over. Steve picked up the cane. Luke remained facing the wall.
The cane and strap were administered. Being experienced at taking corporal punishment Danny was able to handle the cane and strap quite easily although there were some groans and yelps. His arse was quite red by the end of it.
Steve turned to Luke.
‘Turn around.’ He ordered.
Danny was told to stand next to Luke against the wall but facing outward.
‘6 strokes of the reformatory strap of which 4 will be administered across your underpants and 2 will be administered with your underpants lowered.’ Steve told Luke and pointed to the desk.
Luke bent over to take his punishment. He held position for the first stroke of the strap but hesitated before giving the required 'one on underpants sir' response.
He squirmed on the second stroke.
'Owww! Two on my pants sir.'
'Incorrect response.' The Governor called out. 'Re-administer the stroke.'
'That's not fair ..... Owwwwwww!
Steve had surprised him by unexpectedly bringing the strap down hard across his buttocks.
'Respond.' Steve told him.
'Three on underpants sir.'
'Stroke miscounted.' The Governor called out. 'Respond again.'
Luke hesitated.
'Two on underpants sir?'
The third and fourth stroke were administered. Luke squirmed a bit but kept position for the two remaining strokes of the reformatory strap across his underpants but as before yelled out and grabbed his buttocks when he received the first stroke on the bare.
'Wait.' Luke replied, standing up and rubbing his buttocks.
A pause.
'Five underpants lowered buttocks bare sir.'
Steve ordered him to bend back over and delivered the final stroke with all of his strength. Luke screamed, jumped up and grabbed his buttocks in his hands.
'Six.' Luke said, remaining standing and rubbing his arse.
'Incorrect response.' The Governor called out. 'Re-administer the stroke.'
'No. Not again. That's not fair.'
'Hands at your sides.' Steve told him.
Luke moved his hands.
'Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Owwwwwwwwwwwww!'
Steve had not waited for Luke to bend back over but had administered another hard stroke with him standing upright.
'Six pants down buttocks bare.'
'Incorrect response.' The Governor called out. 'Re-administer the stroke.'
'Bend over.' Steve told Luke.
'No. Please. I can't take any more.' Luke said, still rubbing his buttocks.
'Respond correctly then.' Steve told him.
'Six underpants lowered buttocks bare sir.'
Steve looked at Luke.
'Stand back up against the wall.' He told him.
Steve turned to where the Governor was seated in an armchair.
‘Internal punishment has been correctly administered sir.’
‘Thank you.’ He replied. ‘We shall now administer the sentence of the court.’
Danny was to be restrained naked over the punishment horse for 12 judicial strength strokes of a heavy cane.
The two lads were taken to another room where the punishment horse was located. Luke was told to stand against the wall, hands at his sides, to witness the punishment. Danny was told stand in front of the punishment horse, remove his underpants and place them on the punishment horse. The underpants were to be placed on the punishment horse front upwards, waistband at the far side of the horse.
'Bend over and kiss the Y.' Steve ordered.
Danny had to bend over the punishment horse so that his face was against the Y of the underpants. Straps were tightened around his arms and legs and a further strap was tightened across his back.
Steve stripped to the waist to administer the caning. He was a fit, hairy-chested rugby player. The waistband of his boxer shorts was visible above his trousers.
The bare-chested Steve picked up the heavy cane and administered 12 arse-welting strokes in 2 sets of 6 with a pause of 15 seconds between each stroke and one minute between the two sets. Danny yelled after every stroke and there were tears in his eyes at the end of the punishment. There were 12 clearly visible cane marks across his already red arse.
Both Danny and Luke thoroughly enjoyed the rollplay session. Steve and Danny both fucked Luke later the same night but that forms no part of this account and took place elsewhere.
The two younger participants, Danny (23) and Luke (22), played the parts of convicted delinquents arriving at a reformatory.
Older than the first two lads, rugby player Steve (35) played the part of a reformatory officer.
The oldest participant, John, an elderly retired former customs officer, played the part of the reformatory governor.
Each of the two younger participants was to be strip-searched by John and then receive corporal punishment from Steve. Danny was experienced at taking corporal punishment and had agreed to receive a ‘hard judicial caning’ while Luke was more of a novice and had been promised a lighter punishment.
It was agreed in advance that Danny would hide something in his clothing which would be found during the strip-search. He was given the incentive that if the item concealed in his clothing remained undetected he would receive a lesser punishment.
Steve is a friend of John and was already at John’s house when Danny and Luke arrived. Steve opened the door to the lads and, as agreed, the rollplay started immediately.
Danny and Luke were shown to a room where John was seated behind a desk.
‘Stand at attention before the Governor.’ Steve barked.
Danny knew what to do but Luke was a bit slow.
‘Legs together. Back straight. Head up. Hands at your sides.’ Steve shouted at him.
John looked at the two boys then picked up a clipboard from the desk and started to look at it.
He looked at Danny.
‘Indecent exposure. Masturbating on a public bus. Failure to produce a valid ticket for the journey undertaken. Possession of a controlled substance. Assaulting a police officer. Resisting arrest.’
He shook his head in a mixture of resignation and disgust.
‘And you.’ He continued, turning to Luke. ‘Possession of a concealed weapon.’
‘It wasn’t mine. I told them that.’ Luke protested.
‘Silence.’ Steve barked. ‘Don’t interrupt the Governor.’
‘You may have been believed if you had not already been previously convicted of a similar offence.’ The Governor told him. ‘That is why you have been sent to us this time. It appears that non-custodial alternatives have failed to encourage you to amend your ways.’
He nodded to Steve.
‘You will now be searched.’ The Governor told them. ‘I shall read items of clothing from a list. If worn, you will remove the item of clothing and hand it to the officer. If not worn you will reply ‘Not worn sir.’ Is that understood?’
‘You mean like when you say shirt we take off our shirts?’ Luke asked.
‘Say ‘sir’ when you speak to the Governor.’ Steve growled. ‘Speak to him as if you were speaking to your headmaster when you were at school.’
‘OK. Sorry’
Luke turned to face John.
‘You mean like when you say shirt we take off our shirts sir?’ He repeated.
John looked at Danny.
‘Step forward.’ He told Danny.
The more experienced Danny quickly obeyed.
The Governor looked down at the clipboard.
‘Hat, cap or other head covering.’
‘Not worn sir.’
‘Not worn sir.’
Luke started to laugh.
‘Silence.’ Steve snapped at him, hoping he was not going to spoil the rollplay.
‘It’s just ….’ Luke sort of giggled before managing to control himself.
Danny was wearing scally trackies and took off the jacket. Steve held out his hand, took the jacket from him and handed it to John who proceeded to empty the pockets.
After he emptied the pockets, he recorded the contents … cigarettes, lighter, pack of condoms, cigarette papers … on a form attached to his clipboard then proceeded to very thoroughly search the jacket pockets. Then he ran his fingers expertly all over the jacket before finally satisfying himself that there was nothing concealed there.
‘Waistcoat or Pullover.’
‘Not worn sir.’
‘Not worn sir.’
Luke started to laugh again but quickly controlled himself.
‘Are you wearing anything under your t-shirt?’ The Governor asked Danny.
‘No sir.’
‘Then consider it an undershirt.’
‘Yes sir.’
‘Not worn sir.’
‘Left shoe.’
Danny bent down to untie the laces of his right trainer.
‘Left shoe I said. Don't you know your left from your right boy?’
‘Sorry sir.’
Danny took off the shoe and handed it to Steve. Steve sniffed it, made a face and handed it to the Governor who searched it then placed it on the desk next to the jacket.
‘Right shoe.’
The process was repeated. This time the Governor found the item which Danny had been told to conceal, pushed up into the toe of the trainer.
He placed it on the desk in front of him but without comment.
‘Vest or undershirt.’
Danny took off his t-shirt and stood there bare-chested, the waistband of his tight navy blue boxer trunks clearly visible at his waist.
‘Left sock.’
Danny took off his left sock and handed it to Steve who passed it on to the Governor. The sock was thoroughly searched.
‘Right sock.’
The process was repeated.
‘Belt or Braces.’
‘Not worn sir.’
Danny took off his track suit bottoms. Now wearing nothing but his tight navy blue boxer trunks, he handed the trousers to Steve who as usual passed them on to John to be meticulously searched and piled with the other items of clothing on the desk.
‘Step back.’
He did as he was told.
Luke stepped forward.
The Governor looked down at the clipboard.
‘Hat, cap or other head covering.’
‘No. I mean not worn.’
‘Not worn WHAT?’ Steve growled.
‘Not worn sir.’
‘Not worn sir.’
Luke was wearing a heavy jacket, pullover and shirt underneath. He took off his jacket and handed it to Steve who followed the usual routine of passing it on to the Governor.
John emptied the pockets, recording the contents on a form as before.
‘Waistcoat or Pullover.’
Luke’s pullover came off.
‘Not worn sir.’
Luke unbuttoned and took off his shirt. He was wearing a white t-shirt underneath. The shirt was handed to Steve and then to John who felt a lump in the breast pocket. He put his fingers into the pocket and pulled out an item identical to that which Danny had been told to conceal.
‘That’s not mine.’ Luke protested, pointing at Danny. ‘He put it there.’
The Governor ignored his protests and placed the item on his desk next to the identical item belonging to Danny.
‘Left shoe.’
Luke bent down and removed his left shoe.
The shoe was searched but nothing further was found.
‘Right shoe.’
The process was repeated. The shoe was searched but again nothing was found.
‘Vest or undershirt.’
Luke took off his t-shirt.
‘Left sock.’
As Luke bent over to pull off his sock his trousers sagged giving a good view of his tight orange coloured boxer trunks. The sock was handed to Steve who, as usual, passed it on to the Governor to be searched.
‘Right sock.’
The process was repeated.
‘Belt or Braces.’
Luke unbuckled his belt and pulled it out of his trousers. Steve took it and started to examine it before passing it over to the Governor.
The Governor expertly ran his fingers along the belt, looking for anything concealed within it.
Luke dropped his trousers, stepped out of them and handed them to Steve.
The Governor emptied the pockets and recorded the contents on his form before proceeding to diligently examine the trousers.
‘Stand back.’
Luke stepped back to stand next to Danny.
The Governor looked at Danny.
‘Step forward.’ He ordered.
Danny obeyed.
Danny took off his boxer trunks and handed them to Steve who passed them on to the Governor to be searched and placed with the rest of his clothes.
Danny instinctively put his hands in front of him, to cover his modesty.
‘Hands at your sides.’ Steve shouted.
‘Stand back.’
The Governor looked at Luke.
‘Step forward.’
Luke stepped forward.
Luke removed his tight boxers, which were duly searched.
‘Stand back.’
The Governor looked at the two naked young men standing to attention in front of him.
‘As each of you has been found to be in possession of concealed prohibited items you have each given me cause to require you to submit to a further search of your persons.’ The Governor continued.
He opened the desk drawer and pulled out a box of latex gloves and some lubricant.
‘Stand in front of the desk.’ He told Danny.
Danny stepped forward to stand directly in front of the desk.
‘Lean as far across the desk as you can, fold your arms and place them on the desk.’ The Governor instructed him.
Danny did as he was told.
‘Spread your legs.’
The Governor slowly pulled on a latex glove and poured some lubricant onto the forefinger of his right hand. He stood directly behind Danny and slowly inserted his finger into Danny’s anus, expertly searching for anything that may be concealed within.
‘Ow’ Danny groaned as the finger penetrated his hole.
After giving Danny’s insides a very through search, the Governor finally withdrew his finger and pulled off the glove.
‘Stand up.’
The Governor pointed to the second of the concealed items.
‘Is that his or yours?’ He asked.
‘Mine.’ Danny admitted.
The Governor looked at Luke.
‘As your friend has admitted to ownership of the item I no longer have cause to require you to submit to a search of your person.’ He told Luke.
‘You can search me if you want sir.’ Luke told the Governor, apparently deciding to push his limits beyond what had previously been agreed.
‘Over the desk then.’ The Governor ordered and Luke willingly obeyed, positioning himself as Danny had.
‘Good on you mate.’ Danny whispered to Luke.
Luke winced as the Governor’s finger penetrated his anus and groaned when the finger started to probe around inside him.
The internal examination completed the lads were each handed a towel and a pair of white y-front underpants. They were told that they were to walk naked to the shower block (bathroom), shower then return to the office wearing only the white underwear. What they were not told at that point was that the hot water supply was turned off.
Steve took the lads to the ‘shower block’ with John following but keeping his distance. Steve ordered Danny to shower first. Danny complained there was no hot water.
‘Too bad.’ Steve told him. ‘This is a reformatory not a five star hotel. You two are lucky you came in the winter. In the summer it’s a cold-water hose-down outside the back door with the garden hose. Now get under the shower and make sure you use some soap.’
Steve kept the protesting Danny under the cold shower for three full minutes, making him rub soap over his entire body including his arse-crack, balls and dick.
Then it was Luke’s turn. As the shivering Danny wrapped himself in his towel, Luke took his place under the cold shower. Unlike Danny, who was circumcised, Luke was uncut and Steve ordered him to pull back his foreskin and thoroughly wash underneath.
John did not enter the bathroom but the door was open and he witnessed everything from a carefully selected position outside where he could see the reflections of the showering boys in a full-length mirror located opposite the shower.
After the boys had been allowed to dry off, they were told to put on the white y-front underpants.
* * *
The Governor was seated behind his desk. Danny and Luke, both wearing nothing but white jockey y-front underpants, stood at attention in front of him.
The Governor addressed Danny.
‘In addition to your custodial sentence the court has also awarded a corporal punishment sentence of 12 strokes of the cane to be administered on the naked buttocks, sentence to be carried out immediately on arrival at the reformatory in which you are to be detained.’
He paused.
‘There also remains the question of the disposition of this matter.’ He continued, pointing to the prohibited items on his desk. ‘Do you wish me to dispose of the matter internally or do you wish the matter to be dealt with by the police?’
‘Internally sir.’ Danny replied.
‘Very well. In addition to the sentence imposed by the court you will receive an additional 6 strokes of the cane to be administered across your underpants, 12 strokes of the plimsoll of which 6 will be administered across your underpants and 6 will be administered with your underpants lowered, and 12 strokes of the reformatory strap of which 6 will be administered across your underpants and 6 will be administered with your underpants lowered. It is customary for sentences imposed by the court to be administered nude and restrained. Do you accept the sentence?’
‘Yes sir.’ Danny replied.
The Governor turned to Luke.
‘Whilst I am satisfied that you were not the owner of the item and not aware of its presence in your shirt pocket, it was nevertheless found in your clothing. In this reformatory, if you are caught with something in your possession we don’t accept any excuse. Do you wish me to dispose of the matter internally or do you wish the matter to be dealt with by the police?’
‘Internally sir.’ Luke replied.
‘Very well. You will receive 6 strokes of the plimsoll of which 4 will be administered across your underpants and 2 will be administered with your underpants lowered, and 6 strokes of the reformatory strap of which 4 will be administered across your underpants and 2 will be administered with your underpants lowered. Do you accept the sentence?’
Luke hesitated for a moment.
‘Yes.’ He agreed.
The Governor stood up and turned to Steve.
‘Administer the punishment.’
‘Willingly.’ Steve replied.
Steve looked at Luke, raised his finger and pointed.
‘You. Up against the wall, hands on head facing outward.’
He turned to Danny and pointed again.
‘You. Over the desk. Same position as before.’
A cane, a plimsoll and a leather strap had been placed on a chair in the room. As Danny bent over the desk, Steve picked up the plimsoll.
‘You will count the strokes as they are administered.’ He told Danny, ‘After each stroke given on your underpants you will respond ‘one on underpants sir’ ‘two on underpants sir’ and so on. After each stroke given with your underpants lowered you will respond ‘one underpants lowered buttocks bare sir’ and so on. Do you understand?’
‘Yes sir.’ Danny replied. It was not the first time he had taken corporal punishment from Steve and he knew the ritual very well indeed.
Steve brought the plimsoll down hard across Danny’s underpants covered buttocks. Luke, watching from across the room, winced.
Danny let out an ‘ow’ on the first stroke but was quiet on the second. He kept position for both strokes. He let out a yelp on the third stroke but kept position and remained quiet for the rest of the six, each time giving the required response of ‘one on underpants sir’ etc before the next stroke was administered.
‘Stand up.’ Steve ordered him after the sixth stroke.
Danny stood up.
‘Lower your underpants.’
Danny lowered his underpants to just above his knees.
‘Bend over.’
Steve brought the plimsoll down hard across Danny’s bare arse with a resounding crack.
‘Seven underpants lowered buttocks bare sir.’
Danny kept position and the six strokes were administered. Danny yelped a couple of times but took the punishment very well.
‘Stand up. Pull up your underpants. Stand against the wall hands on head.’
Steve turned and pointed at Luke.
‘You. Get your arse over here.’
Luke hesitated, looking at how Danny was rubbing his buttocks as he walked over to stand against the wall.
Luke walked over.
‘Not too hard.’ He said to Steve.
Steve pointed to the desk.
‘Bend over.’
Luke bent over the desk. Steve picked up the plimsoll and administered the first stroke. Much to his credit, Luke gritted his teeth and took it although his muffled cries could be heard every time the plimsoll made contact with his underpants covered arse. He said afterwards that he had been determined to take it even though it had hurt like hell.
‘Lower your underpants.’
Luke stood up and lowered his underpants to just above his knees as Danny had done.
‘Bend over.’
Steve lifted the plimsoll and brought the plimsoll down hard across Luke’s bare arse with a resounding crack. Luke screamed out, jumped up and grabbed his buttocks in his hands.
‘Bend over.’
‘Let me pull my pants up please.’ Luke begged.
‘Bend over.’
Luke slowly bent back over.
‘I think you forgot to say something.’ Steve told him.
‘Five underpants lowered buttocks bare sir.’
Steve administered the final stroke of the plimsoll. Luke yelled but remained in position.
‘Stand up. Pull up your underpants. Stand against the wall hands on head.’
Luke returned to stand next to Danny against the wall.
Steve put down the plimsoll. He then lit a cigarette, sat down in a chair and smoked it. Danny and Luke were told to turn and face the wall keeping their hands on their heads.
When he had finished his cigarette, Steve told Danny to turn around.
‘You will now receive 6 strokes of the cane across your underpants followed immediately by 6 strokes of the reformatory strap across your underpants and a further 6 strokes of the reformatory strap with your underpants lowered. Over the desk.’
Danny walked over to the desk and bent over. Steve picked up the cane. Luke remained facing the wall.
The cane and strap were administered. Being experienced at taking corporal punishment Danny was able to handle the cane and strap quite easily although there were some groans and yelps. His arse was quite red by the end of it.
Steve turned to Luke.
‘Turn around.’ He ordered.
Danny was told to stand next to Luke against the wall but facing outward.
‘6 strokes of the reformatory strap of which 4 will be administered across your underpants and 2 will be administered with your underpants lowered.’ Steve told Luke and pointed to the desk.
Luke bent over to take his punishment. He held position for the first stroke of the strap but hesitated before giving the required 'one on underpants sir' response.
He squirmed on the second stroke.
'Owww! Two on my pants sir.'
'Incorrect response.' The Governor called out. 'Re-administer the stroke.'
'That's not fair ..... Owwwwwww!
Steve had surprised him by unexpectedly bringing the strap down hard across his buttocks.
'Respond.' Steve told him.
'Three on underpants sir.'
'Stroke miscounted.' The Governor called out. 'Respond again.'
Luke hesitated.
'Two on underpants sir?'
The third and fourth stroke were administered. Luke squirmed a bit but kept position for the two remaining strokes of the reformatory strap across his underpants but as before yelled out and grabbed his buttocks when he received the first stroke on the bare.
'Wait.' Luke replied, standing up and rubbing his buttocks.
A pause.
'Five underpants lowered buttocks bare sir.'
Steve ordered him to bend back over and delivered the final stroke with all of his strength. Luke screamed, jumped up and grabbed his buttocks in his hands.
'Six.' Luke said, remaining standing and rubbing his arse.
'Incorrect response.' The Governor called out. 'Re-administer the stroke.'
'No. Not again. That's not fair.'
'Hands at your sides.' Steve told him.
Luke moved his hands.
'Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Owwwwwwwwwwwww!'
Steve had not waited for Luke to bend back over but had administered another hard stroke with him standing upright.
'Six pants down buttocks bare.'
'Incorrect response.' The Governor called out. 'Re-administer the stroke.'
'Bend over.' Steve told Luke.
'No. Please. I can't take any more.' Luke said, still rubbing his buttocks.
'Respond correctly then.' Steve told him.
'Six underpants lowered buttocks bare sir.'
Steve looked at Luke.
'Stand back up against the wall.' He told him.
Steve turned to where the Governor was seated in an armchair.
‘Internal punishment has been correctly administered sir.’
‘Thank you.’ He replied. ‘We shall now administer the sentence of the court.’
Danny was to be restrained naked over the punishment horse for 12 judicial strength strokes of a heavy cane.
The two lads were taken to another room where the punishment horse was located. Luke was told to stand against the wall, hands at his sides, to witness the punishment. Danny was told stand in front of the punishment horse, remove his underpants and place them on the punishment horse. The underpants were to be placed on the punishment horse front upwards, waistband at the far side of the horse.
'Bend over and kiss the Y.' Steve ordered.
Danny had to bend over the punishment horse so that his face was against the Y of the underpants. Straps were tightened around his arms and legs and a further strap was tightened across his back.
Steve stripped to the waist to administer the caning. He was a fit, hairy-chested rugby player. The waistband of his boxer shorts was visible above his trousers.
The bare-chested Steve picked up the heavy cane and administered 12 arse-welting strokes in 2 sets of 6 with a pause of 15 seconds between each stroke and one minute between the two sets. Danny yelled after every stroke and there were tears in his eyes at the end of the punishment. There were 12 clearly visible cane marks across his already red arse.
Both Danny and Luke thoroughly enjoyed the rollplay session. Steve and Danny both fucked Luke later the same night but that forms no part of this account and took place elsewhere.
11 年 前
Twelve clearly visible strokes? I doubt that unless Danny has very chubby buttocks.
You have a definite talent for this. THANK YOU for sharing this account and love to read more EXACTLY like this. !!!