The massage..
The woman was so happy she finnaly found a well talked about massues her jealous husband let her go to. The massues had good creds even amongst her friends, they told her that he had a young female assistent that always was in the room to make the females feel comfurtable. It was that fact that made her husband let her go, she couldn´t care less about it all she wanted was a nice massage.
She admittied to her self that it would be nice with another mans hands against her body, but didn´t to mmuch sexual in to it.
The day came for the apointment, she knocked on the door to the massage studio. A young woman opend and greated her welcome. They walked in to the room with the massage bench and a office desk. And there stod the massues, in a white shirt and some black soft pants. She gasped to herself he was handsome aged around 35 she thought. She looked on him noticed a bulge on teh soft pants. Thinking to herself mmmm wonder what size that is. He introduced himself and taking her hand in his, and said
- Hi i´m Chris and the young lady over there is Anna, she is my assistant and will be in the room the whole time. If that is ok?
She looked over on the young woman (she can´t be more then 25) and thought to herself he is probably having sex with her. And replied.
- It´s ok, that is why my husband agreed to me having you, (she paused looking him in the eyes)
- As mhy massues.
She saw that sparkle in his eyes when she said, having you. And tought to herself mmmm this could be interesting.
He presented her to the massage bench and said.
-Take of you´re clothes and lay on the bench so we can get started.
- All clothes, she said with a blush
- Well you dont need to take of the underwear offcourse, he replyed and blinked his eye to her.
She started to undress while he went over and talked to the assistent. She quickly took of her clothes and was happy she had on thoose sexy underwear insted of granny panties. She was realising this man had turned on a sparkle in her body a sparkle of lust.
She layed down on the table in her panties and bra. He came back and layed a towell over her hiney. and un hocked the bra. She felt a shiwer in her body when he did that.
-Uhm, that bra looks expensiv? you dont wany that one when i put the oil on do ya?
- Ooopsi i didn´t think of that, she replyed.
- No worries i can help you take it of when lay there he said.
And started to help her to take of the bra, when done, he put some oil on her back excusing for the cold that she felt when he put it on. All she could think was why did i just feel my pussy get wet? When he put his hands on my back.
He started the massage and she layed there and starting to moan out of the pleasure, of the massage and the feeling she was getting in her allready moist pussy. Suddenly the assistants phone ranged.
End of episod one
She admittied to her self that it would be nice with another mans hands against her body, but didn´t to mmuch sexual in to it.
The day came for the apointment, she knocked on the door to the massage studio. A young woman opend and greated her welcome. They walked in to the room with the massage bench and a office desk. And there stod the massues, in a white shirt and some black soft pants. She gasped to herself he was handsome aged around 35 she thought. She looked on him noticed a bulge on teh soft pants. Thinking to herself mmmm wonder what size that is. He introduced himself and taking her hand in his, and said
- Hi i´m Chris and the young lady over there is Anna, she is my assistant and will be in the room the whole time. If that is ok?
She looked over on the young woman (she can´t be more then 25) and thought to herself he is probably having sex with her. And replied.
- It´s ok, that is why my husband agreed to me having you, (she paused looking him in the eyes)
- As mhy massues.
She saw that sparkle in his eyes when she said, having you. And tought to herself mmmm this could be interesting.
He presented her to the massage bench and said.
-Take of you´re clothes and lay on the bench so we can get started.
- All clothes, she said with a blush
- Well you dont need to take of the underwear offcourse, he replyed and blinked his eye to her.
She started to undress while he went over and talked to the assistent. She quickly took of her clothes and was happy she had on thoose sexy underwear insted of granny panties. She was realising this man had turned on a sparkle in her body a sparkle of lust.
She layed down on the table in her panties and bra. He came back and layed a towell over her hiney. and un hocked the bra. She felt a shiwer in her body when he did that.
-Uhm, that bra looks expensiv? you dont wany that one when i put the oil on do ya?
- Ooopsi i didn´t think of that, she replyed.
- No worries i can help you take it of when lay there he said.
And started to help her to take of the bra, when done, he put some oil on her back excusing for the cold that she felt when he put it on. All she could think was why did i just feel my pussy get wet? When he put his hands on my back.
He started the massage and she layed there and starting to moan out of the pleasure, of the massage and the feeling she was getting in her allready moist pussy. Suddenly the assistants phone ranged.
End of episod one
11 年 前