I love when random guys hit on me

I just went in circle k to get a polar pop I like cherry coke btw but as I was getin my pop random guy walks up to get a pop looks me up and down and says u look nice today gjuy is kind of cute but not tall enough for my taste I thank him and he say well u look beautiful and u should have some one tell u that everyday that was it I went my way he went his but it made my day

So... if it was u what would u have said to make me smile?
发布者 Zedoary
11 年 前
st_john_green 7 年 前
I would have not only said that you look nice I would have said in detail just what pleases me and why just straight up and honest. Naturally I would make eye contact with you while commenting just not in a creepy or awkward way like I see a lot of guys do to women lol.
xerosheartx 11 年 前
Hello I hope you do not mind me saying but you are extremely beautiful and I was wondering if you would maybe like to go get a drink, or some food, or a movie, or a coffee or well actually just anything would be just great.
jtdavis7776 11 年 前
I would have paid for your polar pop and would have gave you my number on the way out
Tkat1245 11 年 前
I have hit on you. If I saw you in public I would do it as well. Gentlemanly of course.
ScottyinCA 11 年 前
I might have said something similar and bought the same thing even tho I'm a Diet Coke guy and offered to pay for yours'! :wink: