
my date went so well last weekend that I asked date guy if he wanted to come watch a movie with me at my place

he is going to stay with me tomorrow night and ill have him all to myself ^_^
I cant wait to curl up with him and watch a movie

we have talked about his wanting to fuck my ass I asked him if he wanted me to put my plug in before he got here so I would be ready for him and he does... im a little nervous but excited at the same time

he has also given me the order that I cant do anything to myself :-/
grrr but ill be good and do as he has asked
so now im waiting

I got pizza to have with the movie I also got beer.... yuck I don't drink beer but he does I didn't tell him I was getin any I almost did cuz I wanted to get the right kind but im like 85% sure I did any way and I wanted to surprise him ^_^

I also got some other stuff like the beer and the kind of pop he drinks stuff like that the sub in me wants to have everything he could want like how I put some massage oil next to my bed idk that he will want a massage but ill be ready if he does

at the same time I don't want to try to hard... what do u guy think?

I still don't know where we stand I guess im waiting on that to but that's ok I don't mind we have fun and im ok with that it just kind of throws me cuz he said something once about not wanting to be one of my stallions and its like ok so what do u want O.o?

and while im talking about stallions link txt me lastnight he wanted to come over but I told him I had a date fri he knows what that means I wont fuck him while im idk what with someone else the funny thing is normaly he would have knowen cuz id have been talking to him about the other guy from the start but not this time
发布者 Zedoary
11 年 前
st_john_green 7 年 前
Wow very lucky guy.
25joel80 11 年 前
Luck guy. And I'm sure he loved the beer.
cavalier098 11 年 前
Lucky man. He wants to fuck your ass. I can understand that. You have a beautiful ass. I have to ask. How many times have you fucked him before you let him slide his cock up your ass? Don't give it ALL to him to soon.
Zedoary 出版商 11 年 前
;~; it was the wrong kind of beer.... he drank some anyway
Zedoary 出版商 11 年 前
I have lube for that lol and last time I took the baby oil out of drawer and left it out where he could c it ^_^
He is definitely lucky one, im so jealous !!! :grinning:
TTT_X 11 年 前
What a lucky guy. Considerate of you to try and find things he likes and be prepared for bo