Last Years Model

My mate Nicole and I were in a bar in Solihull, one Friday night. It was immensely busy in there,
and most of the people were twenty years younger than me.

There was the usual gaggle of people hanging around at the bar, getting in the way, and through a chink in the crowd
I saw HIM.

He had a white cotton shirt on which caught all the ultra violet and made him GLOW like something out of a movie,
I thought I heard a heavenly choir.

Then I thought "Down, girl. Silly COW! You’re old enough to be his MUM!!"

Nicole had caught me staring.

She was sitting grinning at me.

"What are you looking at HIM for when I'm here?" she teased

"I fancy some ..... Cock” I said, coquettishly

"You could HAVE HIM" she encouraged. "Easy peas lemon squeeze. In face I DARE you"

I looked at her wide eyed.

"I'm old enough to be his mother!" I protested

"I DOUBLE DARE YOU! I will get you another glass of wine for courage, then off you go , and go get him" She said

She went off to the bar, she was somewhere near him , but it was so crowded I could not see if she'd spoken to him.

Nicole is incredibly beautiful despite her being 40, and she'd got plenty of her big tits on show for the lads. In fact they
were exposed so far that there was a tantalising hint of n***le on show.

There were a lot of blokes having a good look down her top, and many of them were young enough to be her k**s.

She came back and sat down with the drinks, looking at me steadily.

"WHAT?" I said, and glugged my wine

"Incoming" she grinned , nodding over my shoulder

I snatched a glance and there was dreamboat on his way towards us.

CHRIST almighty he was gorgeous , white shirt and PROPER (black) trousers done up and not halfway down his arse
though I would not have objected to a peek at his boxers.

He was all chiselled cheekbones and floppy hair, he must have spent hours to look like he'd just got out of bed,
I wish.

He was, however, not up his own arse. My mate Jo's teen boyfriend was SOOO good looking you would have expected him
IN REAL LIFE to be in black and white and slightly out of focus. Like those cologne ads, you know. DO keep up.

He was the same, utterly utterly gorgeous with eyelashes that belonged either on a cow, or in a little plastic box
in Accessorize. No WAY they could be real.

His trousers were not overly tight but there was a hefty bulge there. Very weighty. I wanted to have a feel under the table.
DOWN Girl I thought, again.

He was mental though, really funny.

"Helloooo girls" he lisped

"Oh for christ's sake" sniggered Nicole

"Only k**ding" he said now speaking normally , and in a lovely gentle mid pitch voice like James Corden.

"Your friend here, the lovely Brunhilda" he began

"Brunhilda?" I queried

Nicole was sniggering into her wine

"That's what she sAID her name was" he was bemused

"What did she say MY name was ?" I asked

"Ivana" he said "Like Trump"

"She's just nicknamed that because she...."

"SHADDUP" I cried

"I am LYN, and 'Brunhilda' here is Nicole" I explained "What else did Brunhilda say?"

"That you wanted to meet me" he said , and extended his hand "Ralph"

"Ralph Lauren?" I suggested

"Ralph G****" he said

"What do you do?" I asked

"I'm a student, and I ... model" he said matter of factly, looking down at the floor.

"What sort of model?" I pressed him

"Clothes, and um... underwear, mostly underwear" he smiled

"Lordy" I said "do you get free pants?"

"I do" he said

"British Home Stores?"

"Calvin Klein" he said "really"

"YOU are a Calvin Klein PANTS model?"

"Honestly" he said

he pulled out a blackberry and showed me a pic of a ripped torso and bulging boxers, with a very
distinctive set of tattoos down one side of his ribcage.

He pulled a button open on his shirt, we both leaned in

GOD he smelt nice

There was the tat

Now either, he collected photos of male models and had tats done, specially, to match OR it was him.

I preferred the second theory.

"Is that ALL YOU?" asked Nicole, "or do they digitally enhance, or is there padding ?"

"It's............. all real" he said "and ever so slightly ....aroused"

"I AM ever so slightly aroused" I mouthed to Nix

He tried to crack the code of our communications, but we're WOMEN, and he mere man, he had no chance.
He could get his hands on the ENIGMA machine and he'd still fail.

Nicole went and got him a drink

Whilst she was away Ralph ventured

"I don't mean to be rude, but you're quite a bit older than me, and I don't suppose I stand a chance in hell,
but I think you're REALLY beautiful, I don't suppose we could go and get something to eat a bit later, and
see how we get on"

"I could eat" I smiled 'I COULD EAT YOU' was what I meant

He told us some funny stories about his modelling, being pursued by camp photographers, and old tarts.

Talking of old tarts, he seemed to be falling for little old me.

Nicole drifted off and was talking to a sky high black guy at the bar, he was about seven feet tall, but then
again he'd got a great view of her cleavage from up there, and before long they were kissing.

Ralph Lauren and I decided to get the hell out of Dodge, or at least out of the Pitcher and Piano.

I WAS wondering if Ralph wanted to get it on with the both of us, but he seemed more than happy to leave
Nix behind and go and get a meal with me. We went to The Delhi which was very close by, and the food is

It wasn't long before Ralph's pristine shirt was wrecked by a combination of turmeric and red wine.

I tried to clean him up a bit but it was hopeless, so HEY HO we couldn't go dancing, we had to go back to my house to
wash his shirt. I swore blind I had products that would get ANY stain out of anything. Just as well with all
that goes on on my sofa.

We jumped in a cab, and I snuggled up to him a little, just subtly.

His hand was on my knee. Stockinged knee. He was having a little feel to see if he could work out if it was
tights or stockings.

I gave him a little kiss on the cheek.

He looked at me, his big blue eyes boring into mine, then our heads moved together and we breathtakingly kissed.

It WAS pretty breathtaking because of the amount of garlic involved.

"How old are you?" I asked suddenly

"What do you think?" he evaded

"Anywhere between say 18 and 25" I said truthfully, "I think over 20 , as you're quite self assured"

"22" he told me "and you?"



"you're k**ding! I thought about thirty, and that was pushing my luck"

"Flatterer" I smirked. "Does it matter?"

"Not for the purposes of laundry, no"

"Ah! What will we do while it's washing and drying though? 2 hours 28 hot wash for heavy staining." I mused

Ralph : "Gulp"

I whispered in his ear what I wanted to do, three whole sentences.

His eyes bulged

"you DIRTY cow" he grinned

"Oh, you have NO idea" I inspected my nails, casually.

We left the restaurant and hailed a cab. Once inside I began to probe. Verbally.

"What.... qualifications do you need to be an underpants model, then Ralph?"

"GCSE science and a big.... knowledge of fashion" he laughed

"Seriously , please"

"A good... profile.. in the pants I guess, and quite a lean body I suppose, most of us have"

"Utterly ripped, big c***, then" I concluded

"Well everyone seems to have fair sized testicles, I suppose that's factor"

"I like big testicles, I have lurid fantasies about them"

"Do you? Do you really?"

"Oh god yes"

I partially changed the subject :

"Do you have .. dressers, when you're doing the photos?"

"Yes you do"

"Men or women?"

"A mix, the men are usually g*y, the women.... aren’t"

"Do they HANDLE you?" I asked tentatively

"You're very inquisitive aren't you?.. Well, yes sometimes, they ask you to ... arrange yourself perhaps,
and if they're not satisfied they will take the matter in hand"

"OOOh" I said "I'd like to do that. Do you fancy playing at it with me, pretending you're on a shoot and I have to ..sort you out"

"Sounds like fun" he grinned, "better than some p**f grabbing hold of my dick"

I then just clouded over for a moment as I conjured up a lurid fantasy of this VERY attractive p**f grabbing my Adonis'
cock and pulling it this way and that, and despite himself starting to grow hard in this feller's hand.

SNAP out of it, GIRL. Oh I AM a sick puppy I really am.

So we got back to mine and I cleared a space in my lounge. I have a "Bridge Camera" and a tripod,
so I set those up, while my model got his kit off.

"Down to your pants" I told him. It was like a school medical.

God he was even more magnificent with his clothes off than on, I did manage to remember to put his shirt in the washing
machine, before VERY long my knickers were going to have to go in there too, as I was creaming them with
a vengeance.

He was sunbed tanned (or sprayed? - very even coverage ) and ripped beyond belief. A six pack to die for,
long legs, and what a lovely plump package, contained within his hyper-tight , white Calvins. AND a muscly but compact
little arse that was just BEGGING to have my teeth sunk into it. (Yes despite my false assurances sometimes , I DO bite)

He seemed to be blushing slightly, despite his air of confidence.

"It's all looking a bit lacklustre", I opined, taking on the character of the feisty photographer.

He looked at me

"Take them down for a moment" I said

He looked (I guess in character) aghast

"Ok, I will" I said, and grabbing the waistband I pulled them down to mid thigh

I was not to be disappointed. Nice big balls, shaved or waxed or whatever, but he did have hair,
above his cock, I was pleased to see, probably trimmed back , but he did have pubes.
His cock was lying diagonally across his balls and down, and didn't seem to be getting hard.
I would usually expect it to be hard, or getting there, when I get it out.

I guess he was pretty blasé about it.

I think it would all look better if you were a bit.. pumped up, I breathed, looking in his eyes.
He looked faintly amused.

I took his cock firmly in my fist - BIG head and uncut, I ruled out taking him down my throat,
as he'd have choked me.

He started to harden quite quickly, and straighten in my hand.

I dropped to my knees and licked round the head, then lower to take his nude, smooth balls in my mouth.

"OOOOOh" he groaned "you bitch"

I giggled throatily as I subtly nibbled and nipped at his scrotum

I moved up and fully took the head into my mouth, which caused it to get fully hard, as hard as a bone,
so hard it was curved back towards his navel.

"It's TOO HARD now", I announced "I can't get it pack in your pants to do the photo! Whatever will we do?"

"How about I stick it up your C**NT?" he suggested, helpfully

"Blimey" I grinned

"I want you standing up, from behind" he announced "STRIP"

Trembling, I took my trousers off, then my top , then I got my little tits out of their Agent Provocateur
highly-enhancing bra, my nipples were as hard as Ralph's cock, both were equally likely to snap right off
at any moment.

Finally I pulled my g s****g down and off and threw it in a pile with the rest.

"Fucking hell" he breathed "I didn't think you'd be shaved"... at your age" I don't think he meant me to hear the last bit,
I think he thought at my age I'd be a bit deaf.

"WHAT?" I laughed "Cheeky fucker! Did you think I'd be all overgrown and MATTED?"

He looked shamefaced

"Get down there and say sorry to her" I ordered

He knelt and walked up to my crotch on his knees

"I'm very sorry" he said

"Kiss her" I said "on the lips"

He slipped his long tongue in between my p***y lips, and quite unnecessarily I reached down and parted them
for him with my finger tips.

I love doing that with young men

( and girls )

He located and lapped at my hard little clit, I nearly collapsed onto him

"Stop STOP" I ordered “If you want me standing up, there is a height difference problem, so HANG ON"

I disappeared upstairs and came back with some outrageously high-heeled patent leather knee boots; I carried them down the stairs,
which are very steep, and I would not dare come down wearing them, and I put them on round the corner, out of sight of Ralph.

I strutted, well tottered back into my lounge. So - stark naked except for patent leather knee boots, shaved chuff, and painfully erect

"Christ, you look hot" he chuckled.

He'd put a condom on. He'd got bigger, and harder, and the condom only came halfways down his shaft.

I came round and grabbed the back of my couch, and held on tight.

"Bend over" he reminded me

"I'm bending" I grinned back at him over my shoulder

"Listen, the condom" , I said "I'm safe, if YOU'RE safe, then take it off, it's up to you, I'll trust you, if you'll trust me"

"I hardly EVER do it without a condom" he said "So yes I'm safe"

"Take it off" I whispered "I'm ready"

I stood buttressed against my heavy leather sofa, feet shoulder width apart, and stuck my b*m in the air, arching my back to him .

"God you've god the most beautiful back... and arse" he admired

I chuckled, he'd not broached the subject of the A word as yet !

He came right up behind me and with the 5 inch spike heels the height was perfect, his big knob pushed into the opening of my

"Oof!" I moaned, exaggerating

He took his cock in his hand and fed the whole length of the shaft into me, beautifully slowly.

He was still getting steadily bigger and even harder.

"Oh my.... god" he murmured "Like a little GLOVE"

"Nice WET little glove?" I grinned over my shoulder at him "Come on, young man, give it to me"

So.. he gave it to me.

He was surprisingly good, for his age which (when I stole look at his driving licence) was 20!!!!!

Grabbing hold of the slinky tops of my boots, he pulled me into his groin, plunging his penis as far into me
as the presence of his big b*ells would allow.

"Pull my b*m apart" I whispered

"sorry?" he replied he hadn't heard. Male selective hearing.

Spread my a*se" I said more firmly

He dug his thumbs in and spread me

"Give me the whole length" I purred "RIGHT up"

I could feel him looking at my bum, my ringpiece.

I clenched and released repeatedly. The anal equivalent of fluttering my eyelashes.

I intended to make out I was reticent, coy even, about an*l.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

"Oh" he moaned

"Is the spunk on the move?" I asked "On it's way?"

"Er no, I hope not" He assured me "I was just loving your little ... bottom there"

"You didn't want to .... you know, go UP there, did you?"

"Well......" he hesitated "I'd like to try some stage .....I never have! Do... you....."



"Do you.. like it, do you do that? Only if you like it..."


I looked over my shoulder at him, biting my lip, coyly

"Well... I will if you want to, darling. Lick my bum for me, make me nice and wet"

He knelt behind me and gently spread my buttocks

"mmmMMMmmm" I purred as I felt his breath on my bum

He tongued my ringpiece, and beautifully, getting right in, slobbering his spit to lubricate me for his cock.

I slumped forward and gripped the leather sofa back, my tits were against the cold leather, sending more shivers
down my spine.

After five minutes or so he stood up.

He took his cock in his hand, and I HAVE TO SAY, he did seem to know what he was doing. He leaned in and
pushed into my ass.

"OOch" I said, overstating it a bit, it stang as it does, especially with a big cock, but it's SO fucking erotic,
and I'd relaxed for him.

"Push" I urged, he gently thrust his hips and he was giving me the first four inches or so up my arse.

He continued to hold my buttocks apart with his thumbs.

"OOh" he moaned, shivering a little.

"come up there if you want" I told him

"I think I'm going to have to" he chuckled

"You like it? Feel nice?" I asked

"Oh god yes, so hot and tight. And it's so naughty" he said

I started to wank myself off in earnest, reaching between the tops of my slinky boots to pummel my little clit quite

Suddenly Ralph lost his rhythm and groaned, he splattered my insides with his hot spunk, it felt like pints of the stuff
it just kept coming, HE just kept coming. My wank reached it's peak and his spasms in my bottom melded with my
almost painful multiple orgasm, we were both left slumped and breathless over the back of my sofa.

After a thorough shower I took Ralph to my bed, where we had a nice glass of chilly Chile wine, and I asked him
as he was rather attracted to my bum, and I assumed some of his fellow models were a little on the festive side,
had he ever been with a man? I probably should have covered this before I let him fuck me, but hey.

The answer was no, but as I'd asked, he obviously had to ask me too.

I was honest.

Yes, I'd been with a woman, well... women, 5 sping to mind, three of which only once, and two several times,
and one of those two - hundreds.

I told him all about Nicole, and sucked him off after I'd got him going with my lurid accounts, and
a bit of gysmlip action thrown in.

We cuddled up and fell asleep.

Some time in the dawn, Ralph nudged me.

"Lyn, look at this"

He flipped back the duvet, and WELL.... lol

The hardest cock I have EVER seen, and pretty fucking big to boot, with his slim frame if it had been any bigger,
he'd have tipped forward.

I threw a leg over and slipped him into me. I sat right down onto it, takin him in right to his balls.

It was fucking LUSH

He was so hard it was curving back towards his belly, and consequently he was making mincemeat of my g spot,
I got him to finger my ass, and I played with my tits, and I pretty easily got me to a powerful vaginal orgasm,
telling him all about it, as I coaxed him to come his load up inside me, which indeed he did.

发布者 lyn_hornygirl
10 年 前
n2oral 3 年 前
Great tale (tail?) Lyn - now more about your girl friends?
ukstaffsguy 10 年 前
he was a very lucky guy getting to fuck u xx
scribe29 10 年 前 it (and the chilly chile is deft)
shaved14u22 10 年 前
Wow, that's absolutely fucking hot. What a lucky guy, wish it was me in his place!