not long after the events i described in my "early pantyhose spanking" story took place, Randy and i began to spend a lot of private time together because we were afraid of being seen together by Randy's father. Randy, of course, apologized for the events of that day, and told me that he hated his father for what he had done. i told him that it was not that bad, and that he shouldn't hate his father who was only trying to do what he thought was best for Randy. Randy asked me to describe in great detail what had happened after his father had ordered him to go inside, and i told him i didn't want to talk about it. but he pressed the issue over the course of a few weeks, and i finally relented.

i told him that i would tell him about it, but that i wanted to do it in the dark where i couldn't see Randy's face or the expression i was sure he would be wearing when i told him. i thought Randy would think that was odd, but if he did he never let on. he just asked me where i thought i could find a suitable place and i told him that my parent's big rambling house had an unused guest room that featured a long, cedar paneled walk-in closet where my mother kept her wedding dress, various keepsakes, and articles of clothing that were not currently in use. Randy seemed satisfied with that and asked me to take him there.

it was nearing winter, and the air was cool and carried a faint smell of wood smoke as we let ourselves into my house. the guest room was situated upstairs and at the end of a long hallway. as we walked toward the door to the room, Randy put his arm around me and told me that i shouldn't be ashamed of what had happened the day his father discovered us, but that i had every right to be angry. i impressed upon him that i wasn't angry, only a bit confused, and definitely a little embarrassed. Randy nodded absently at that. when we got the door at the end of the hallway, i turned the old brass knob on it and opened it. the scent of vacancy and lack of use in the room was comforting in a way, and when i closed the door i caught Randy's scent in the mix. it was clean, like warm laundry with a hint of something a****l in it -- it made me swoon just a bit because it reminded me of his father's male scent, the one he'd conjured as i lay, my pantyhose encased ass exposed to him, accoss his long and masculine thighs.

Randy looked at me then at my leggs clad in sheer to the waist coffee pantyhose and then around the room. there were two doors on the far wall, they were both doors to the walk-in closet. like the door to the room, they had old-fashioned knobs and holes for a universal skeleton key. unlike the door to the room, the closet doors were locked, but i knew that my mother kept a key in the top drawer of the vanity. i retrieved the key and caught a glimpse of myself in triptych in the vanity mirrors. how feminine i was, i thought, compared to Randy's sturdy male frame. i was so slight with girlish curves. my skin was pale, but given a soft brown tint by my french coffee sheer to the waist crotchless pantyhose, my eyes were far too blue and large for a boy. my lips were too pink and full, and my hands and arms too thin and delicate. i glanced up at Randy's reflection in the mirror as he stood behind me and noticed him looking at me with fascination. i turned, walked toward the nearest closet door, put in the skeleton key and turned it.

the door unlocked, i opened it, and both of us inhaled the scent of aromatic cedar. it was divine and welcoming. i looked at Randy over my shoulder and asked him to come inside. he followed me in and we looked around the cedar-lined walk-in for some place to sit and talk in the dark. there were several quilts in the corner of the closet, they were folded and carefully arranged in three or four stacks.

"here," i said, "we can sit here."

Randy stepped to the corner and sat down on a stack of quilts. i closed the door behind us, and locked the door. after i'd locked the closet door, and my eyes adjusted to the darkness, i noticed a thin shaft of light coming from under the door of the closet. it was just light enough to make out the outlines of Randy's figure on the quilts. he reached up and took my hand, then pulled me down beside him. the quilts were warm and soft, and i could smell Randy much stronger now, his scent mixed with the heady cedar.

"tell me," he said.

i took a deep breath and exhaled the story of how Randy's father had spanked my, pantyhose encased-ass, behind the shed in Randy's back yard because he'd caught me masturbating with Randy.

"details," Randy said.

"i want to know what that bastard did to you."

when i hesitated, Randy leaned in and whispered in my ear,

"it's ok, really."

i sighed and began: i told Randy that his father had pulled down my pants and placed my pantyhose under my crotch and did nothing for a long moment. i wondered why he didn't just spank me, and concluded that he was looking at my little pantyhose encased ass across his lap. i sensed Randy nodding in the dark.

"what else?," Randy asked.

"when he finally did spank me --"

"what?," Randy asked again.

i told Randy that i actually had liked it. Randy was quiet for a while, i think he was holding his breath. when i heard him exhale, i sensed him nodding again.

"i thought so," he said.

but i broke in and told him that i think it was just my imagination.

"what do you mean?"

i explained to him that my imagination was very vivid, and that sometimes i could convince myself that certain things were exactly what they were not. Randy said he wasn't quite sure what i meant by that, so i went on.

"for instance, i'm a boy, right? i have boy parts, but sometimes i feel more like a girl. you've said so yourself -- maybe you were teasing me, but it made me wonder all over again.
sometimes i start imagining that i am a girl, that i can do the things that girls do, you know, with boys. that's not exactly what i am, though."

"i think i see," said Randy. "how does that make you feel?"

"well, like i said, when your father was looking at me that way, i sort of liked it. i felt like i was making him respond to me in exactly the way a girl should make a boy respond. does that make sense?"

"yes," he said. "what else?"

"when he spanked me, i was so aware of his body's interaction with mine."

"what do you mean?"

"i was aware of his hands on my pantyhose. i was aware of the fact that each time he raised his hand before he brought it back down across my pantyhose encased bottom, that i was responding by pushing my bottom up and out, like it was trying to meet his hand with it, and i was aware that i wanted my bottom to look nice for him and i was glad i had worn my pantyhose that day. i hoped that he was pleased with it."

"what else?"

"i was aware of his --"

"what?," Randy pressed me.

"-- of his...his..."

"his dick, right?," Randy said.

i could hear Randy breathing hard now, almost angrily. i could smell his anger and excitement mixed with the cedar walls in the dark closet.

"yes," i said. "and mine."

"he got hard, didn't he?," Randy asked me.


"and so did you, didn't you?"


"anything else?"

i suddenly felt like i was in a confessional, and it excited me.

"yes, i had a wet dream in my pantyhose."

Randy got silent again.

"and he finished spanking me when he realized what i'd done. that's when he stood me up, pulled up my pants, and told me to go home."

"and you did," Randy said.

"yes, but i left your drawing of me lying in the grass, and when i sneaked back through the bushes to get it, i saw your father --"

"what, tell me."

"i saw your dad masturbating behind the shed where he'd spanked me."

Randy sighed heavily.

"then he picked up your drawing of me and put it in his pocket."

"i wondered what happened to it," Randy said.

"anyway, it was just a matter of imaginations running wild, that's all -- i mean, i'm not a girl, and i can't make boys or men feel that way when they see me. i don't really feel that way either, it's just my imagination, just a, a kind of lie i tell myself and sometimes other people ride the lie because they get caught in the moment."

that's when Randy said something to me that i've never forgotten.

"body's don't lie," he said.

we were both quiet for a long time sitting there in the dark. then i heard Randy breathing heavily again.

"they don't lie," he whispered.

i heard Randy unbutton his jeans. i heard his zipper. i heard him pulling his jeans down around his hips, his thighs, his knees. i heard him moving his hand up and down. i heard him whisper again.

"dicks don't lie, tristan."

he took my hand and put it on his erection. i could feel how hot his flesh was, he was almost feverish. i opened my fingers and then closed them again around his cock. it felt so big there in the dark. Randy's hands were much bigger than my own, his cock was too. i moved my hand up and down concentrating on all that had just happened: the two of us confessing to each other in the dark aromatic closet, recounting the events of that exciting day, the aggro-erotic spanking Randy's father had given me, cumming on his thigh, and watching him cum in secret after which he folded Randy's picture of me. i put my other hand on Randy's cock and moved them both steadily and with more purpose. i realized that i was trying to make Randy come. his cock responded by getting bigger and a lot harder.

i suddenly felt Randy's hand between my legs. he was feeling my own cock. he moved his fingers to the elastic waist band of the pantyhoses i was wearing and pulled the top of them down, exposing my little cock. he wrapped his hand around it and started masturbating me. we sat next to each other there in the closet, playing with each other's cocks, and just when i thought Randy was going to come, he grabbed my hands and stopped me.

"what's wrong?," i asked him.

and without answering, he took hold of my pantyhose with both his hands and pulled them down exposing my femmecock. now i was naked from the waist down to my ass, wearing just a blue hoodie over a long-sleeved t-shirt and tennis shoes. it felt good to be out of some of my clothes. i was wondering where this sudden move would take us, but i didn't have to wonder long. before i knew it, Randy pulled me by the wrist across his lap and began kneading the cheeks of my pantyhose encased bottom.

"i want to kiss them, kiss the hurt away," he said.

i could feel his big cock under my tummy.

"it doesn't hurt anymore," I said.

that's when he spanked me hard.

"how about now?"

immediately, i arched my back and pushed my bottom up for him as i moaned. Randy spanked me again. and again. and again. then he gently moved me from his lap and knelt behind me. i felt his lips on my pantyhose, his hands held my hips tight as he explored my ass in the dark. i had driven him absolutely wild. he alternated between spanking my butt and licking my cheeks. i bent over and ripped my pantyhose to accommodate him.

when he put his hand on my femmecock again, it was wet. he had licked his hand and told me that it would make me feel good. he put his tongue in my crack and licked me there. i felt faint. i really thought i was going to pass out. i came hard in Randy's hand when his tongue entered my ass. i really think i did lose consciousness for a moment. and when i came to again, Randy wasn't behind me anymore. he was moving alongside of me. i heard him stand up. i heard the sound of him removing his shoes, socks, underwear, and jeans. he took his shirt off. he was completely naked in the dark. and he was still hard.

he positioned himself on the quilts again, and i could tell that he was sitting with his back against the cedar walls with his legs spread wide. i could smell the clean heat rising from his crotch.

"finish me," he said.

i knelt in front of him. i licked the palm of my hand and put it on his cock. he grabbed my wrist.

"not that way," he said.

"what way then?," i asked him.

"lick me like i licked you," he said.

this was a first for me, i had never done anything remotely like this. i'm not even certain i had imagined doing it, but Randy was now more than a friend, and he needed something that only i could give him, and he needed it now.

i felt his hand on the back of my head, it was pushing my face toward his crotch. i relaxed and, from my kneeling position, bent forward from my hips. i kissed Randy's cock gently and i felt him put a hand on my pantyhose. while he stroked and petted me, i felt the head of his cock move between my lips.

at that moment, i knew my destiny. it was the most amazing feeling in the world. i licked the head of his cock. i licked up and down the shaft of it. i licked his balls. i felt like a total girl: slightly humiliated, very much needed, and completely in love with the man i was servicing. the heady mixture of shame, excitement, and pleasure was overwhelming. i began to bob my head up and down, mimicking the movements my hand had made earlier. i swirled my tongue around Randy's cock before plunging the entire length of his cock into the back of my throat.

i didn't know it at the time, but i was a natural. i may have gotten better at oral sex over the years, but i was born knowing the basics. Randy seemed to approve. he bucked his hips, pulled my hair, and put his middle finger in my ass. i had one hand on the softness of the quilts, and the other one roamed Randy's torso.

Randy came hard in my mouth. i felt his hot come fill my entire throat. i tasted how salty-sweet it was, and i smiled as i let it flow out of my mouth in a pearly flood. i knew nothing about swallowing back then, but the thought crossed my mind. i licked Randy's come from my fingers and did swallow that -- it burned the way ripe radishes burn in the back of my throat.

we lay there for a long time until we both dozed off. and when i woke up, curled up in a quilt with my ass pressed against Randy's naked body, there was no shaft of light coming from under the closet door. Even so, i could see our bodies clearly in my mind. i knew every inch of Randy's cock, and balls, and hands, and body. and all i could think about was the next time -- because i was going to insist we keep a light on.
i've always been very feminine. when i was much younger, i got a lot of attention from a neighbor boy whom i'll call Randy who lived next door. we would ride our bikes around the neighborhood, play in the woods, talk about our various interests, draw pictures of each other, and in general, just spend a lot of time together. it never occurred to me that he had a crush on me (in spite of the fact that i found him very attractive). he was a real male, sturdy and ruggedly handsome. he could run faster, climb higher, get louder and crazier and wilder than i ever could. at first i tried to keep up with him, but after a while i just enjoyed watching him be male. it thrilled me to be near him. sometimes we would wrestle as all boys do, but he would always win by pinning me down with my arms at my sides and putting his face just inches from my own and laughing.

once, Randy and i sat in his backyard drawing, and i was putting the finishing touches on a pencil drawing of a little still life arrangement i'd made of a leaf, an acorn, and butterfly wing, Randy threw a paper airplane at me. i look up at him, surprised that he would do something like that, and he said "open it." i unfolded the paper and looked at Randy's drawing. it was clearly a picture of my face. Randy had spent a lot of time drawing my eyes with their long lashes, and my cupid's-bow lips. i said, "you made me look like a girl," and he answered, "it's because you do look like a girl." i jumped up and leaped on him, challenging him without saying it to one of our many wrestling matches.

though i had the element of surprise working in my favor, Randy bested me in no time. he pinned me face down and laughing in the grass, and i could feel his strong hands on the small of my back; he was holding me down and turning me over onto my back at the same time. he pushed his knee between my thighs as he did so, making me spread my legs and become more vulnerable to his wrestling tricks. before long, he easily turned me over onto my back and held me down. when i continued to laugh and struggle, he straddled me, bringing all of his weight down onto me in order to prevent me from squirming. my wrists were in his hands, pinned to the ground on either side of my head. both of us were laughing and then something that i thought was just terrible happened: i got a little erection.

Randy could feel my erection because he was sitting on it! i was so embarrassed i tried to roll out from under him, but he held me down harder and started laughing, saying "what is that?!" he repeated it over and over and i started to cry because i felt like the butt of a terrible joke. he let me up when he saw me crying, and i jumped up and ran to a corner of his back yard behind the garden shed where his father kept a heap of grass clippings, a wood pile, and other garden implements. i sat on an old garden bench and tried to compose myself, but i couldn't stop crying and i couldn't make my little erection go away.

Randy peeked around the corner of the garden shed at me and i could see him looking unsure of himself, and perhaps wondering how to defuse the situation. when i turned my back on him so he wouldn't see me crying any more, he walked over and stood next to me. he put his hand on my shoulder and said, "hey, it's ok, i didn't mean to be so stupid -- don't cry." when he realized he wasn't doing much to make me feel any better, he stepped right in front of me and said, "look -- me too. i felt it too." i looked up tentatively and noticed, because he was standing and i was sitting, that i was eye level with his crotch -- he had an erection too. and it was much larger than mine. that got my attention, and he said "it's nothing to be ashamed of, i get them all the time." i asked him what he did to make them go away because i wasn't sure i liked having them at all. he said, "there's only one way to make them go away," and with that he unzipped his blue jeans, pulled out his cock, and began to stroke it there behind the shed. he said, "try it -- it works."

i wasn't sure about it, but i had to admit that it was a thrilling prospect, so without taking my eyes off his hard cock and his hand moving up and down its shaft, i leaned back on the bench, pulled my pants down a bit exposing my secret fetish for wearing pantyhose down, and began rubbing my little clitty the way he showed me. the look on his face was angelic, i'll never forget it. he watched me with a look of sheer excitement as though i were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. our mouths were relaxed, our lips slightly parted, and the most euphoric feeling i'd ever experienced came over me and i swooned. as i did, he moved closer to me and shot cum on my cheek. i felt myself about to go under, as though i were slipping under endless sheets of deep purple velvet. just before i let myself go and experienced my first real orgasm, i was brought cruelly back to reality -- "HERE NOW, STOP THAT!"

Randy's father stood there next to the shed glaring at us. both of us hurried to cover ourselves but he was on us before we could. "RANDY," he said as he grabbed his son by the neck and shook him violently, "GET INSIDE, NOW!" Randy didn't wait to be told again; he dashed around the shed, through the garden, across the back yard, and into the house. i could hear the kitchen door slamming behind him as i sat petrified on that bench waiting for who knows what to happen.

Randy's father was a tall, slender man with dark hair, big hands, and a perpetual look of disdain on his face for everything that wasn't himself. i never got the impression that he disliked me, but he didn't have much to do with or say to me the entire time i lived next door. that day, as he had just gotten home from work, he was dressed for his office job in a dark gray suit with black pinstripes, a white shirt, and a red silk tie. i looked down as he approached me with his handkerchief, and i could see that his shoes were highly polished black wingtips. his motions were almost slaps in the face when he used his white handkerchief to wipe his son's cum from my face. i didn't know what to do. i wanted to run home and hide, but i sat there paralyzed waiting for his command. and then it came.

"Get up," he said curtly. i stood immediately, and he sat down on the bench where i had been sitting. without another word, he grabbed me by the left wrist and jerked me across his knees. i was astounded thinking to myself "he's going to spank me?" and before i knew what was happening, i felt his big fingers in the waistband of my french coffee pantyhose. i then felt his fingers searching for something more: the waistband of my pantyhose. as he fumbled with my clothes, i could feel his muscular thighs against my breasts and tummy. i could smell his cologne and something more. i didn't know it at the time, but it was his male scent lightly masked by the after shave he wore. i could feel his body like a live wire ready to explode in bolts of lightning. his breathing was deep and hoarse and i could feel his heart beating almost out of control as he pulled my shorts and underpants down in one gesture. i didn't want to look. all i felt was shame and violation. but when i felt him pause briefly, the waistband of my pantyhose still held firmly between his thumb and fingers, i felt something more: curiosity. what was he doing? why did he pause? what was he thinking? second thoughts? was he going to let me go?

just as suddenly, he pulled my pantyhose down under my crotch and without another wasted moment began to spank my pantyhose encased ass with his big hands. as he did so, i could feel his silk tie brushing across the small of my back and focused on the intersection of all these sensations: shame, pain, fear, silky softness, vulnerability, exposure, sunlight, the scent of cologne, the scent of dead leaves, the scent of an excited man, the scent of another man's cum on my cheek, the feel of my sissy pantyhose ass being held down by a man much stronger than i, his open-palmed hand slapping my bare bottom, my still-hard clitty -- and his own erection. yes, Randy's father had given himself an erection by punishing my girly butt. when i realized this, i couldn't hold back any longer -- i had my first real orgasm while being disciplined for being openly sexual with another boy. my little clitty opened up and left a small puddle of emotion on my punisher's pinstriped thigh.

when he realized this, he stopped spanking me, stood me upright, pulled up my shorts and underpants, and growled hoarsely "go home." i didn't wait to be told again. I ran for all i was worth until i hit the back fence. i climbed the fence and leaped into my own yard where i half fell, half reclined in the summer grass breathing wildly and trying to make sense of what had just happened. i still felt a mixture of violation and excitement, and the thought of Randy's father's erection held me spellbound. i rolled over and got to my knees. when i finally stood up, i began to move quickly across my own garden towards the back door of my parents' house. i wanted a warm bath alone so i could think and relive my recent experiences. i got all the way to the back door when i realized i had left the girly portrait of me that Randy had drawn lying in the backyard. i didn't want Randy's father to find it and become angry again, so crept back through the bushes to the fence.

i approached the corner of Randy's yard that was hidden from the house by the garden shed thinking that i could use the cover to slip into the back yard unseen and get my drawing. just as i got to the fence, though still hidden by the bushes, i saw something i'll never forget. Randy's father was standing in front of the bench where he had sat to give me the first erotic spanking of my life, and he had his prodigious and fully erect cock in his hand stroking it. his eyes were closed, his head thrown back, and i thought he was magnificent in his suit and tie as he pleasured himself there. i could see the small wet spot i'd left on his slacks, and could only wonder if he were thinking of me. i have convinced myself that he was indeed thinking of me, my ass, spanking me, and perhaps doing more -- much more -- to me as he came. i watched him shoot a long stream of pearly cum into a pile of dead leaves before he wiped his cock with the same white handkerchief he had used to wipe my face, zipped up his tailored slacks, and walked across the yard to his house stopping only once: to pick up an oddly folded piece of paper with a picture of my face on it drawn by his son. he looked at the picture for a long time, then he folded it carefully, slipped it into his jacket pocket, and entered the back door.
i'm trysti! yes, that's my real name. it's a nickname for the name my parents gave me -- tristan -- an old celtic name for boys that means "to make noise" (and yeah, i guess that's appropriate because i've been told by more than a few lovers that i'm a "singer" in bed). biologically speaking, i was a born a boy, but as i grew up i realized that i didn't really develop the way most other boys do (i'm smaller, leaner, smoother, naturally and considerably less hirsute), and i certainly never thought or behaved like a boy, either. i was never competitive, had other interests, found men attractive, and i was always quiet, shy, even fey. i love that last word, and have ever since my first lover, a married black man who was much older than i was when our secret love affair began, told me that i was female in all but one aspect. he called me, very affectionately, his "fey male" (it's magical and quite appropriate). never mind that he divided his affections (secretly) between me and his wife (and their two c***dren), or that he was very literally my biology teacher -- he was also a teacher of another sort. he taught me how to exploit my natural assets, my long leggs and tight ass and thighs, how to wear my hair and makeup, how to dress slutty for attention, and of course how to make love to a man. he would buy me pretty things and take me to wonderful secret places where i would dress for him in nylons and spiked high heels and spend long hours making him happy. i began a secret life as my lover's girl, his mistress, his sissy slut. he was a lovely big black man -- tall and dark with a dick as long as my forearm. though i came very naturally to assuming the classic bottom's position, he taught me to love it beyond belief by pleasuring me each time he made me bend over. his hands and lips and tongue explored me for long stretches of time, and he called my pussy his little rose bud, and enjoyed making it "bloom" so that he could "pollinate my flower." i never had any trouble taking his dick in its entirety, and i would relish the way it felt inside me, like it was so deep i imagined it bumping along my rib cage, playing me like a xylophone. he taught to me to sing along like an angel in heat with the beautiful music with which he filled me. often, he kept time with the rhythm of his thrusting by slapping my bottom with his big, open black hand. and when he would come, i loved the way his big black hands would circle tightly around my waist, and i would feel his whole mandingo body stiffen and tense up -- he would shudder as he unleashed his massive loads of semen into my oh-so-willing ass, and i'd find myself quivering uncontrollably as my own juices would flow ever so gently from my "femmeclit" as he called it. i became very skillful at a very early age of using my ass to milk every remaining drop of cum from his spent and throbbing dick. invariably, i would lick him clean after our love making, savoring the taste of our mutual heat and the wonderful wilderness we'd made together; then i'd curl up on his muscular black chest and sleep, dreaming the dreams of a fey male. ever since those days, and certainly long before them, i have been a total bottom. i have never used my femmeclit to penetrate another body. though, it has been sucked to climax many times by many men, it exists as an addendum to my rosebud, my pussy, my ass. i am completely submissive to the right man -- i am, for all intents and purposes, a girl, but a girl who has a vestigial male sex drive, albeit one that dictates that i remain in a submissive sexual role. in other words, if i welcome you into my bed, you will be my man, my king, my daddy. everything i will do will be out of love for your superior black strength, physicality, stamina, and masculinity. i will provide the sexual imagination, the flower of my gender. i will keep you interested, aroused, and satisfied because i am incapable of saying no to the man i love, respect, and desire. you are interested in one thing: sexual satisfaction from a feymale you can dominate, i am interested in being the girl, the seductive receiving end. here's to real pleasure ;-)
发布者 blkice2u
10 年 前
lucky72tfs 10 年 前
Very nice story!!
divedog1960 10 年 前
good story
blkice2u 出版商 10 年 前