Just to clarify
ok so I try to tell you what im doing with who and what they really r to me I recently got a pm from one of my fans that I really liked even if I think they have a few things wrong so this is what they sent me after my blog "I was with bob lastnight"
From what I could read, it looks like the problem is that you don’t want to commit to anyone, or, that the one you want to commit to doesn’t want to commit to you. I’d say that the first one is more likely, but well address both.
Gambit asked if it was official between you and Bob because he wants it to be official between you and him. It sounds like you don’t want to give him that, because it means you’ll have to give Bob up. Apparently, even though its only once a week or so, its worth waiting for. What you need to do, here, is examine why you’re willing to give up getting it most every day from Gambit, in exchange for once a week or so with Bob. Is Bob really that good? Is missing love really worth it? It sounds like Gambit is willing to invest more than his cock. Is it worth it for you to know that you’re there when Bob has nothing better to do, but he can ignore you the rest of the time? (Unless he’s working 24 hours a day, six days a week he could spend more time with you, if he wanted.) On the other hand, maybe it’s you who prefers to have the more casual relationship, because it means you don’t have to commit your heart to the possibility of getting broken. Or, maybe more simply you can have sex with whomever you want, without hurting anyone (or so you thought).
The other possibility is that Bob is either unable, or unwilling, to commit to you, even though you want him more than once a week, or so. Because it’s just that good, you’re willing to accept Bob’s limited schedule. If Bob’s really that good, tell Gambit there will never be anything serious between you and Gambit. Something tells me that he won’t accept simply being one of your “stallions” without complaint. On the bright side, where there are guys that don’t want to, there are guys that do if Gambit takes off,, there are others that might take over…… Cyclops, Wolverine, b**st, maybe even Nightcrawler.
ok so just to clarify a few things
no I don't really want to commit to anyone but at the same time I want or I think I want someone that would maybe be willing to that would think about it from time to time maybe bring it up but not push I know its fucked up and I know im being a silly girl about it but I cant help even if i don't want more i still want to be wanted like that
Gambit didn't ask if it was official between me and Bob because he wants it to be official between me and him he did it to push my buttons cuz he kowns its not Gambit and I have been nothing more than sex for a long time its always been on and off but the first off was cuz I told him id be willing to have more lol hell I wasn't even pushing it I just wanted him to know I liked him.... ya know for more than sex
he didn't talk to me for weeks after that we have been fucking for years now and its just sex we both know that and he is ok with being just a stallion as long as I have time for him and ive not seen him now he has recently made me an offer for more but its not enough it would just be more sex we would never go out and that's one thing that worries me cuz that's just what bob and I r doing now
oh and Gambit wouldn't care if I gave bob up or not as long had time for him
and I really wouldn't say most everyday one of the reasons Gambit and I r on and off is he doesn't have enough time for me tbh its never enough I can always have more sex he knows me and he knows that its y he has offered me more
now as for what u said about being there when bob has nothing better to do that's not really fair I only c bob once a week for a few different reasons we both have jobs and a life he isn't from my town he is an hour away he wants to c me sat nights cuz he is off on sun but fri is better for me so he comes to c me on fri even though he has been at work all day all week and sometimes he has to work sat he still stays with me on fri and gets up a few hours early so we can fuck and cuddle before he has to drive an hour back again
the week goes by fast cuz im always just as busy as he is and he txt me every day sometimes a lot and I really like that
it would be nice to c more of bob and sometimes like tonight when im at home alone and its quite I wish bob was in town that he could be here in 5 mins if I called him but that's not how it is and yes he is worth waiting on but its not just cuz he is great in bed
and just so u know they both r
but I think you forgot about link not hard to do as he being good and doing what he was told just like a good pup should link wont bug me if I don't bug him he wont wait and I wouldn't want him to but if I txt him and he wasn't taken he would be mine again
gambit is the problem not for me tbh I kind of like it he will txt me form time to time just to c it makes me happy to know that he hasn't forgotten me even when I don't txt him back but boy did it piss my last bf off he had a special kind of hate gambit I think a big part of that is my fault cuz I didn't hide anything he asked who id tell him maybe im to open like with bob the other night when gambit txt and bob asked if he should go that hurt a little maybe my getting a txt from gambit while bob was holding me hurt him just a little maybe that's y he said it or maybe it was just a joke
From what I could read, it looks like the problem is that you don’t want to commit to anyone, or, that the one you want to commit to doesn’t want to commit to you. I’d say that the first one is more likely, but well address both.
Gambit asked if it was official between you and Bob because he wants it to be official between you and him. It sounds like you don’t want to give him that, because it means you’ll have to give Bob up. Apparently, even though its only once a week or so, its worth waiting for. What you need to do, here, is examine why you’re willing to give up getting it most every day from Gambit, in exchange for once a week or so with Bob. Is Bob really that good? Is missing love really worth it? It sounds like Gambit is willing to invest more than his cock. Is it worth it for you to know that you’re there when Bob has nothing better to do, but he can ignore you the rest of the time? (Unless he’s working 24 hours a day, six days a week he could spend more time with you, if he wanted.) On the other hand, maybe it’s you who prefers to have the more casual relationship, because it means you don’t have to commit your heart to the possibility of getting broken. Or, maybe more simply you can have sex with whomever you want, without hurting anyone (or so you thought).
The other possibility is that Bob is either unable, or unwilling, to commit to you, even though you want him more than once a week, or so. Because it’s just that good, you’re willing to accept Bob’s limited schedule. If Bob’s really that good, tell Gambit there will never be anything serious between you and Gambit. Something tells me that he won’t accept simply being one of your “stallions” without complaint. On the bright side, where there are guys that don’t want to, there are guys that do if Gambit takes off,, there are others that might take over…… Cyclops, Wolverine, b**st, maybe even Nightcrawler.
ok so just to clarify a few things
no I don't really want to commit to anyone but at the same time I want or I think I want someone that would maybe be willing to that would think about it from time to time maybe bring it up but not push I know its fucked up and I know im being a silly girl about it but I cant help even if i don't want more i still want to be wanted like that
Gambit didn't ask if it was official between me and Bob because he wants it to be official between me and him he did it to push my buttons cuz he kowns its not Gambit and I have been nothing more than sex for a long time its always been on and off but the first off was cuz I told him id be willing to have more lol hell I wasn't even pushing it I just wanted him to know I liked him.... ya know for more than sex
he didn't talk to me for weeks after that we have been fucking for years now and its just sex we both know that and he is ok with being just a stallion as long as I have time for him and ive not seen him now he has recently made me an offer for more but its not enough it would just be more sex we would never go out and that's one thing that worries me cuz that's just what bob and I r doing now
oh and Gambit wouldn't care if I gave bob up or not as long had time for him
and I really wouldn't say most everyday one of the reasons Gambit and I r on and off is he doesn't have enough time for me tbh its never enough I can always have more sex he knows me and he knows that its y he has offered me more
now as for what u said about being there when bob has nothing better to do that's not really fair I only c bob once a week for a few different reasons we both have jobs and a life he isn't from my town he is an hour away he wants to c me sat nights cuz he is off on sun but fri is better for me so he comes to c me on fri even though he has been at work all day all week and sometimes he has to work sat he still stays with me on fri and gets up a few hours early so we can fuck and cuddle before he has to drive an hour back again
the week goes by fast cuz im always just as busy as he is and he txt me every day sometimes a lot and I really like that
it would be nice to c more of bob and sometimes like tonight when im at home alone and its quite I wish bob was in town that he could be here in 5 mins if I called him but that's not how it is and yes he is worth waiting on but its not just cuz he is great in bed
and just so u know they both r
but I think you forgot about link not hard to do as he being good and doing what he was told just like a good pup should link wont bug me if I don't bug him he wont wait and I wouldn't want him to but if I txt him and he wasn't taken he would be mine again
gambit is the problem not for me tbh I kind of like it he will txt me form time to time just to c it makes me happy to know that he hasn't forgotten me even when I don't txt him back but boy did it piss my last bf off he had a special kind of hate gambit I think a big part of that is my fault cuz I didn't hide anything he asked who id tell him maybe im to open like with bob the other night when gambit txt and bob asked if he should go that hurt a little maybe my getting a txt from gambit while bob was holding me hurt him just a little maybe that's y he said it or maybe it was just a joke
10 年 前