Goodbye bob
I just text Bob and said...
I have enjoyed every min with u and would gladly do it all again.... while I have no problem waiting on u im srybu I'm not going to wait on someone that can't or just doesn't want to c or even talk to me... I'm sry and as much as it hurts me to say it I think this is goodbye :'-*
So I guess I just left Bob but it doesn't feel like it... I feel like I've been dumped
we haven't talked in days I've wanted to but I didn't want to text him and bug him if he wasn't wanting to talk to me I did text him yesterday asking him if he still wanted to c me fri night nut he never text me back
I had some scheduling conflicts and had to choose between Friday with my girl or Friday night with Bob... I chose Bob i even told my girl we would have to do so some other time she was disappointed but said she wouldn't make any other plans just in case.... I guess I can c her now
I cannt help but wonder if he is back with the same girl he left me for last time or maybe someone new this time sad part is I would be OK with it if he just told me I had hoped to share my girl with him later on if he had been one of my stallions this wouldn't even matter I'd c him again
I really liked Bob but I guess I have to move on now anyways I'm upset and hurt so pls leave me some comments to cheer me up
I have enjoyed every min with u and would gladly do it all again.... while I have no problem waiting on u im srybu I'm not going to wait on someone that can't or just doesn't want to c or even talk to me... I'm sry and as much as it hurts me to say it I think this is goodbye :'-*
So I guess I just left Bob but it doesn't feel like it... I feel like I've been dumped
we haven't talked in days I've wanted to but I didn't want to text him and bug him if he wasn't wanting to talk to me I did text him yesterday asking him if he still wanted to c me fri night nut he never text me back
I had some scheduling conflicts and had to choose between Friday with my girl or Friday night with Bob... I chose Bob i even told my girl we would have to do so some other time she was disappointed but said she wouldn't make any other plans just in case.... I guess I can c her now
I cannt help but wonder if he is back with the same girl he left me for last time or maybe someone new this time sad part is I would be OK with it if he just told me I had hoped to share my girl with him later on if he had been one of my stallions this wouldn't even matter I'd c him again
I really liked Bob but I guess I have to move on now anyways I'm upset and hurt so pls leave me some comments to cheer me up
10 年 前