Goodbye bob

I just text Bob and said...

I have enjoyed every min with u and would gladly do it all again.... while I have no problem waiting on u im srybu I'm not going to wait on someone that can't or just doesn't want to c or even talk to me... I'm sry and as much as it hurts me to say it I think this is goodbye :'-*

So I guess I just left Bob but it doesn't feel like it... I feel like I've been dumped

we haven't talked in days I've wanted to but I didn't want to text him and bug him if he wasn't wanting to talk to me I did text him yesterday asking him if he still wanted to c me fri night nut he never text me back

I had some scheduling conflicts and had to choose between Friday with my girl or Friday night with Bob... I chose Bob i even told my girl we would have to do so some other time she was disappointed but said she wouldn't make any other plans just in case.... I guess I can c her now

I cannt help but wonder if he is back with the same girl he left me for last time or maybe someone new this time sad part is I would be OK with it if he just told me I had hoped to share my girl with him later on if he had been one of my stallions this wouldn't even matter I'd c him again

I really liked Bob but I guess I have to move on now anyways I'm upset and hurt so pls leave me some comments to cheer me up
发布者 Zedoary
10 年 前
st_john_green 7 年 前
Hopefully things got better for you. Sounds like you did what you thought was right and that's what matters.
Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
longjohnCA : Lol thx ^_^
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longjohnCA 10 年 前
Sorry to hear you are hurting. . . Bob went from being the luckiest guy in the world to the dumbest real quick. hit me up if you want to chat
xfun3 10 年 前
That bob guy does not know what he's can do better :smile:
cavalier098 10 年 前
I am sorry to hear about you breaking up with Bob. I was really hoping things would work out for you. I guess you are too much of a woman for him and her had to run back to a little girl he could handle. I wish we were closer. I would love to practice my rope work with you
Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
Wheresthebeef : Oh yes I do remember the good times and I am moving on I can let him go he was never really mine but yes it was fun I'd do it again I just wouldn't let myself care so much next time if there was one it would have to be just sex I'd welcome himback as a stallion but I'll never care about him like I did before
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Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
DimitriosSrt : Thanks ^_^
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Wheresthebeef 10 年 前
Nothing ever really stays the same. Some good things change for the better and some end (if you are smart and strong enough to not hold on to the past that doesn't exist anymore.) I can here that it's difficult now but seems like this is good for you going forward. Don't forget to remember all the good times though. There certainly sounds like there were plenty of those. Good luck on Dr Who night without the distraction. :wink:
DimitriosSrt 10 年 前
I am sorry you had to go through that. You seem like your a true and loyal woman. His loss big time. If you ever want to just chat and be friends feel free to message me. Put that beautiful smile on your face. :smile: xoxoxo
Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
BigJax : Lol thx :kissing_heart:
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BigJax 10 年 前
Good! I always hated Bob!.. j/k I'm just jealous. Aside from being super f'ing hot you seem really sweet too. In my book that's all that's needed to make a guy happy. Any guy that doesn't recognize that is a fool and you're better off.
slimondeck 10 年 前
Ever thought Bob couldnt handle u. Mayb u were a lil to much for him. Alot of guys cant handle what u were willing to put on the table. I say on to the next one. He probably no what he's missing out on but its probably another female the the "lame" one that he'll rather be bored and stuck with. Good luck honey
Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
LickerLicense : Thank you and I think my vagina will be fine lol
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Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
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LickerLicense 10 年 前
It doesn't feel like it now, because you are going to miss the time you spend with him, but, for your mind's well-being, you'll have to sacrifice your vagina's well-being. Believe me when I say you made a good decision. It'd take a team of wild draft horses to pull me away from someone like you.
Guesswho_dan 10 年 前
well.. you just need to know.... every bad thing make us stronger, and i am very strong.... *Heart*
TTT_X 10 年 前
Zedoary : I know you didn't! But at least find some good sex in the interim !
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MrBlank 10 年 前
Sorry, hope things work out.
rick82 10 年 前
Sorry to hear that :frowning: here for you if you ever want to talk. Or if you want to take a vacation to sunny key west Florida your more then welcome! :wink:
Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
Big-Neil : It doesn't seem like it but thank you
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Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
playswellwithothers : Thank you
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Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
TTT_X : I didn't want to drop him I only did so cuz it was better than waiting for him to text me like last time he left but yes I'd gladly c him again
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I think you made the right choice, I'm here if you need to talk.
Timmy1313 10 年 前
Im sorry to hear that.
TTT_X 10 年 前
I'm sorry that you had to drop him! But it sounds as if there is still a smoldering chance with him! Even though you dropped him keep your chin up and find someone else to shag with! Sounds like you enjoy the fun!
novadrive 10 年 前
Keep your head up
all i can say is enjoy the moments,but keep looking forward,never look back where you came from.
Big-Neil 10 年 前
Sounds like you can do so much better than Bob. There's a guy out there for you who will count the seconds between speaking with you. xx