Wtf should i do now

OK so gambit and I have been flucking since Bob left gambits always been my favorite stallion has been for years but we don't text or talk a lot we joke that the only time we talk is when we r forced to do so cuz we have exhausted ourselfs and have no choice but to talk till we can go again anway lol the sex is great but its never enough for me.... a girl needs someone to talk to and txt dirty pics of her self to lol

Anyway its fun nothing wrong with it but its not enough

Link is also a stallion that I don't text much but that's cuz he likes to talk on the phone not like phone sex or anything just talk about the day whatever when he comes over he will spend the night and most of the next day we hang out andhave fun then lots of great sex tbh link can be exhausting got to give the man credit for endurance if only he was a man I c link as a boy a very fun boy to have around but still a boy he is only like 22 and I like older men I have talked to him a few times since Bob but I've not seen him just gambit

Oh and my girl she has been asking when we will have our marathon but she wants us both to be off so we can spend the whole day and I'm a busy girl she is kind of in the back of my mind ATM I want to take my time with her don't want to scare the poor young sweet thing

Then we have buddy he and I have been friends for years where most people IRL think I'm a good girl buddy knows the truth my first blog on random bondage party was with link and buddy I met link through buddy not that night but still

OK so let's be very clear here nothing is going on with me and buddy not now not ever

Now buddy has a new gf let's call her Sugar

Sugar is 19 and sexy great body her boobs r a little smaller than mine but not by much and her ass and hips may be a fuller and just a bit better than mine as much as I hate to say it but as I spent a few hours last night tieing her up a few different ways I've had a good look she has a perfect body for me to bind

Anyway we just met last night but I guess she has heard all about me c buddy has tied her up and he has some skill I should know I taught he everything he knows they even have pics she has given the OK for me to c them but they didnt have them with them

Well I got to teach him so new tricks last night a little bit harder than some of the stuff I've taught him in the past but he got it no problem

I really liked Sugar and she liked me she even said something to buddy about how she liked me and could she keep me she would feed me and take me for walks on a leash and everything he laughed at her and said that Zeo would eat us both

She is in to cosplay and she has not only agreed but volunteered to be my bondage model and let me tie her up again and she does like face and body paint like I've seen a great hollow mask she did on buddy we talked about it and she wants to spend some time and do a good she venom on me

Its great she is great I'm happy for buddy

Just one little problem Sugar the little vixen.... link wants her

Link wants Sugar and is pissed at buddy




I'm fucking link
Just friends with buddy
Buddy is fucking sugar
Link wants to be fucking Sugar
Sugar wants to play with me
I've been working on my girl for a wile
Now sugar just fell in my lap ready and willing

But sugar is with buddy
...... grrrrr

My buddy so now it all like my best friends gf

And link doesn't know I've met her and IDK if he would be pissed about my little bondage party with buddy and sugar or just turned on at the thought of me and sugar playing with each other

Did I mention the part where she is fuckable

And its like IDK if I should be happy for buddy.... I am
Or disappointed for link.... and myself Cuz link and I could so share her

But she doesn't know about me and link

Its all so fucked up... so... wtf do I do now
发布者 Zedoary
10 年 前
Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
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LickerLicense 10 年 前
Zedoary : Baby is irrelevant. She doesn't have anything to do with this situation, unless you want her to. Sugar is with Buddy, and if she does leave him for you and Link, then he was better off without her, anyway, because she obviously wasn't serious about him.

As for Bob, it annoys me to see a woman so hung up on a guy who, obviously, doesn't seem to want to make time for her. You can make all the excuses you like, but when someone wants something badly enough, very little will stop them. He knew you would drop everything to hang out with him, so he didn't find it important to drop everything to hang out with you. That burns my biscuits, as someone who would drop everything to hang out with you, given the option.
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Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
LickerLicense : And y do u hate Bob so much??? I know u don't want to hear this but I still miss him
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Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
LickerLicense : OK so first gambit knows what's up I haven't said anything to him about sugar cuz I haven't talked to him in a few days but he knows about baby and he knew about Bob I haven't been bidding anything from him

Second yeah I'm with u about telling link he knows buddy and I r close so of course I would meet her and its not like it wasn't buddy and link at the first bondage party

As for how buddy would feel about sugar and I he brought her to me for me to teach them new bondage tricks she knew where she was going g and what she was in for he even told her I'd want to play with her and if she wasn't his and so on

And I'm not really trying to start anything with sugar but she maybe trying to start something with me I'm a little worried that if she knew about me and link she would leave buddy for me and link and that would hurt/piss off buddy

But thx and sry it took me so long to reply I've had some problems with xhamster
回答 原始评论
LickerLicense 10 年 前
Zedoary : The first thing you should do, is tell Gambit about all this. That will let him decide if he wants to hang around, and exactly what your relationship should be. You've got no shortage of options, if he doesn't.
Link: let him find out how much you've done with Sugar on his own. Telling him may make it seem like you're bragging, and that's negative feedback you don't need. I can appreciate all the comments recommending honesty, but I recently had an experience with _unnecessary_ honesty. Buddy already knows how you feel about her; there's no platonic way to tie someone up. (I'm not into the bondage stuff -slavery ended a long time ago, and I'd like to keep it that way, but I'm not judging.) Learning how to do it properly can't be that difficult. There are a limited number of ways to use rope.
If Sugar is as hot as you say (you should post a picture or two), then Buddy and Link won't be the only guys after her. I recommend you let that part of it play out on its own, since you're on good terms with the top two guys she'd end up with. Just make sure she doesn't end up with Bob. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
As for intimate naked fun time with her, just wait, and let her determine the course of that ship. Something tells me you won't have to wait long. She sounds less Sugar, and more Sriracha.
And, lastly, if you want someone to text with, let me know, and I'll PM you my number. I would love to receive dirty pictures of you.
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Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
xfun3 : Thx ^_^
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xfun3 10 年 前
Seems like you have your plate full. My best advice is to try and remain as optimistic and positive as possible. Just have fun and be honest with everyone. If you have good intentions that are positive things always have a way of working out :smile:
Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
LickerLicense : Yes pls
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LickerLicense 10 年 前
"A girl has to move on". That is awesome. Keep that mentalilty, because Bob is obviously not good enough for you. If you REALLY want my advice, reply to this comment, and I'll give it to you. It's nothing bad, or even contrary.
Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
Yeah I know I can't fuck her friends only for my bondage parties and it does help a lot to have some to teach on if link wasn't passed at buddy we could all play but that won't happen and gambit has no skill with rope and doesn't really want to learn I wish I was still with Bob it would be perfect for educational purposes anyway I miss him but a girl has to move on
Mmmmmm girl on girl fun, love to see that.
rramis 10 年 前
I'd stick to your plan. Play dress up and rope play only. I don't think you should fuck her, cause keeping a sexual attraction is awesome and keeps it all interesting. I'm sure it will all work out, it usually does and it all happens for a reason. If you want to text for fun, let me know. :wink:
Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
What I really really want is to post pics of me with some girl on girl fun
Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
What I want... I want to play dress up with sugar and some rope play I'd love to get some good shots of us but IDK buddy has the skill with my help we could do some great things but this would mean letting buddy bind me even dressed that would be weird
Do whatever you want, you are in charge.
JoseLuisAgostino 10 年 前
Well if she's fuckable as you said, just do what you want. We all have only one life, if you know what I'm talking about.
Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
daddio67 : That's always the general plan
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Try not to fuck everybody.
daddio67 10 年 前
Be honest and don't betray anyones trust.