Weight loss program - one of the best stories i re

Chapter 1 : I sign a contract

My name is Peter Mann. I used to live in Minneapolis, back in 2006. You can find my address from the phone book. The 2006 phone book, I mean. I may not be in the later phone books.

I was always a chubby boy. Just a bit too much weight to be fashionable. Not like the skinny rock stars on TV. I so envied the thin boys in school. They always attracted the girls. I endured this all through my teens. But after college, I was earning a really good salary, I decided I had the resources to change my life, and really lose some weight. I tried! But I never had the willpower to carry through with the diet and exercise.

Eventually, I retired, relatively young, having been very successful in my career and investments. I then had unlimited leisure time, and lots of money. My story begins here.

I was determined to lose some weight. After breakfast, I scanned the advertisements in the local newspaper, looking for fitness courses. Most weight loss offers were obvious cons, offering “magic” weight-loss pills. But one offer caught my attention. It was different. It sounded genuine. It read: “Weight loss guaranteed! We offer a scientifically designed, proven fitness course, guaranteed to provide a healthy weight loss, together with healthy fitness improvement. MONEY BACK if agreed weight loss and fitness goals are not achieved and maintained. Full, complete, unconditional guarantee” There was a phone number and a website too.

It sounded very good. I called the phone number.

“Hello” a lady answered “How may I help you?”

“I’m interested in your fitness program” I said.

“Thank you, sir. We offer a program guaranteed to improve your fitness and reduce your weight to a healthy goal. The weight loss goal will be agreed in advance, and your fee will be refunded in full if this is not achieved, and maintained for the agreed time. May I ask if you are interested in this?”

“Um, yes, I think so…..” I said.

“And do you hold a major credit card?”

“Yes, I do…..”

“And are you able to devote your time to this course, for an agreed period?”

“Yes, I have plenty of free time” I said.

“Thank you, sir! You are suitable. I suggest that you now log onto our website, and select an interview time and place. Please enter code 2799 when you log on. Thank you, sir. We look forward to hearing from you”.


I let it lapse for a few weeks, but eventually, I did log onto the website. I entered the code number I had been given, when I was prompted. I was astonished by the welcome screen that appeared. I was instantly welcomed by name. Somehow they had found my name, from my phone call. These people were efficient! I was then asked to select a date and time for a ‘personal interview’. I did that. It was immediately accepted. Very smooth! I was however very suspicious about this. It sounded a bit too good to be true. But an interview could do no harm. I would be careful.

Next week, I arrived for the interview. The office was the entire third floor of an expensive commercial building in Minneapolis, a few miles southwest of the airport. Very classy. How could they afford such a large space in this building and offer such a deal? This had to be a con! I must be cautious!

I was ushered into an office. I waited. A young woman came in. I stood up when she entered. She smiled and said “thank you, Peter, I like that. But pleased be seated”

She sat at the desk and opened a file. I looked at her as she read the papers. She had dark hair. Black hair, I’d say. But very clear skin. When she looked up at me, and I saw her eyes were very dark too. She was so beautiful that it made me uncomfortable.

“I am Ms Wilson. I’m the Company Legal Administrator, and also the Company Secretary. We share work here” She smiled “Now, to business…..thank you for contacting us. We have made enquiries about you, and consider you suitable. We offer you a 52 week introductory course, which we guarantee will achieve full results. We then offer follow-up time extensions, during which we will guarantee maintenance of all results. The guarantee period is extended without additional fees, as long as you are with our Program. The guaranteed result for you…..let me see……..is a 20lb weight loss.”

“And what’s the cost?” I asked, trying to sound business-like. Although my mind was consumed with her beauty.

She looked at the papers. “It’s pretty reasonable. Just $300 a month. We’d need this set up as an automatic bank draft, so we don’t need to bother asking you to write a check each month. You can of course cancel the automatic bank draft at any time simply by telephoning your bank. That monthly cost will include all meals, all required clothing, all your training materials, all transportation, all our fees, and full accommodation. Health care is also provided free, by our own qualified staff. Whilst you are with us, we will take care of all your needs, and you won’t have any additional expenses, none at all. We can charge this low rate, since as part of your exercise program, we use you to provide useful work for us”.

“That really sounds very reasonable” I said.

In fact it sounds too good to be true, I though to myself. I decided I need to ask more questions. There had to be a catch, somewhere. I would have to ask more questions.

“And if I don’t manage a 20lb weight loss, or if I don’t maintain it, will you keep the guarantee?”

“Yes. The full guarantee will last indefinitely, so long as you stay with our course”.

“But what if I just decide to eat excessively?” I asked. There really had to be a catch somewhere. I would find it!

“While you are with us, we assure you that our proprietary methods will maintain your health and fitness. Of course, if you leave our program, the warrantee is naturally void. We can’t be responsible for what you do afterwards”.

“And I can cancel payments anytime? For any reason?”

“You may cancel payments anytime, with a phone call to your bank. Yes, for any reason, You will just need to get to a telephone.”

It all seemed reasonable. In fact, it was a really good deal. There was no catch. But I would ask more, to be absolutely sure.

“Where is this course? And if I decide to leave, do I get my money back immediately” I asked.

“The training course is on our health farm, outside the Twin Cities. Yes, your money will be refunded within 10 days, if you leave the course” she answered.

“What’s this farm place like? And can I just do part of the course” I asked.

“It’s a beautiful place. Yes, it’s possible that you may not complete the full course, but that has never happened yet. None of our inmates has ever left a course once they have begun. But, if you do leave, all your money will be refunded. But our extended guarantee would not be available after you leave. But I’m sure you won’t leave.”

“You mean that, if I sign now, I’m guaranteed to get all my money back if I don’t complete the full course?”

“Yes, sir. But as I said, I can’t think of any inmate who has ever left early!”

I had run out of questions. It all sounded completely ok. A 20lb weight loss, with a full money-back guarantee, that would last as long as I wished! I could cancel with just a phone call, and I’d get my money back. It was obviously an extremely good deal. I would be a fool to refuse this.

“Ok. That’s what I want. I’d like to sign. Right now, if I can” I said. I didn’t want to miss this excellent deal!

“Then please read this….this is the formal agreement”. She gave me a thick document.

“It’s just as I have described. But please read it carefully before you sign, because this written agreement is a legally binding contract. I have explained our offer, but what’s written in the contract is what counts, contractually speaking. Note that you commit to an initial one-year training period, and time extensions after the first year are at our sole option. There is a guarantee of a minimum 20lb weight loss during the first year, or you may discontinue the Training with full money back. Note that it will require you to make a phone call to discontinue the contract. Please note that you are agreeing to complete the first year, and also any and all extensions that we choose to offer. Note that if you leave our farm, all your moneys paid to that date will be refunded. We guarantee that you will maintain the agreed weight loss of 20lbs as long as you are with us, or all your fees will be refunded. Again, we offer a full money back guarantee if we fail in our contractual obligations. Note that you will be held to your contractual obligations, as defined in this written agreement! Note that you are agreeing that your precise weight-loss training will be determined solely by us, using our proprietary methods.”

I scanned the first few pages of the document. It was too much to read in detail. It had about 100 pages. And it was written in legal language, which was very hard to understand. It seemed to be as she had described, but was hard to understand, with the legal style. But it all looked in order, just as she had said. I gave up reading. It was clearly ok. I flipped to the very last page, and signed and dated it, with a flourish.

I put it back on her desk. She picked it up, and also signed it.

“Thank you, Peter. I have countersigned it. This documents is legally valid, and enforceable, now. You have 24 hours to cancel the agreement, if you wish, as required by Minnesota State Law. But, with your permission, we will proceed with your processing.”

发布者 slave2woman
10 年 前
oilim21 5 年 前
Klingt sehr vielversprechend. Schnell zu Kapitel 2!!!!!!!
KCUM 9 年 前
This looks like a fabulous start to a great story. I'll read on!