My Loyal Fans

Hi All,

I would like to apologise for the delay in private message responses recently. I have been extremely busy on some new sites but in a few weeks I will have more time on my hands and look forward to getting to know you all a little better. Possibly we could hook up on skype as it is sometimes easier to chat over there.

Thank you for all the likes you give my videos and I hope you all continue to do so as it really encourages me to do more and more.

I have a few questions that I would love some feedback on if you all have the time.

1: Who would be willing to follow and interact with me over twitter if I hand out my twitter accounts
2: Who would be willing to leave some positive reviews about my sites on a few review sites.
3: Who would be interested in a ) Joining my sites b ) Joining them but only if a discount is in place or c ) joining them if you get some incentive like a nice fansign from one of the porn stars.

I look forward to reading all your responses and any other feedback you may have.

Kind Regards
发布者 wetandpuffy
10 年 前
69Moin 8 年 前
Yes babe we do it
toms17947iv 8 年 前
OHH Megan I would love to follow you
unbreakablepink 10 年 前
I would do almost anything for you wet and puffy but i think we are to much alike sorry. Yours Faithfully SOFT an PINK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
One_LovedPerson 10 年 前
I would willing to follow you on twitter if you gave it out here. Mime is same as here, but instead of one_ its 1_ is the only difference. Plz no guys follow my twitter. Thx.
tweetie69 10 年 前
More than happy to chat etc. On twitter xx xx xx xx xx. Don't use sites that ask for card details even if they claim to be free.....don't trust them.
starfishdriller 10 年 前
Apology accepted Megan, happy to comment / review but not on paying sites xxx
boson542755 10 年 前
Twitter not a problem - reviews also not a problem :smile: but I don't pay for porn or join any sites that require a credit card !