Men exploiting their wives

Our first blog:

For those couples and or men that get off on female exploitation we respect that as we all get off on so many different things and do not judge. Our concern is for the ones that post pictures and vids of their wife and posing as a couple without their knowledge and claiming otherwise.
This is not fair for the wife that has trust in her own husband to let her husband tape and or photograph his sick perverted fantasies and betray that trust. Follow us for a few more paragraphs as we reveal an awkward situation that happened last night.

I (Tommy) am a wannabe photographer, I have the equipment but lack experience and a little know how but I get the job done and can produce stunning images at times. I have yet to post any good quality stuff here with the exception of a few pics here and there in our galleries.

That being said, we have earned the trust of a few of our friends here on Xhamster and have met 2 couple in the last 2 weeks and one female for the only purpose of being their camera man and nothing more.

Last night we met a 3rd couple for the same purpose; she’s an incredibly sexy woman and the camera loves her. She’s very confident and gets off being in front of the camera for her husband’s enjoyment but her husband does not have the equipment necessary other than his iPhone to capture her amazing body so this is where my free services comes to play. My services are only to get more experienced with my cameras and lenses and not to go home and jerk off to the mental images I’ve taken.

Her husband and I been chatting for months, lives close by so we hit it off. Apparently his wife wanted to go to a studio to have her pictures taken, he wasn’t comfortable with neither the idea nor the expense that came along with it; so he asked if I could provide the service and as payment I could see her nude in person not trough my IPAD on Hamster. Yeah, ok; whatever!
I set up a black back drop, soft box and her she comes, she walks in the living room with a stunning leopard teddy; one of our favorites as we have seen her in it on Hamster. She greets me and my wife with a kiss and a hug, I said “it a pleasure to finally meet you”. She looked at her husband while smiling and said “you’ve been talking about me I see”. He said nothing and handed us a glass of wine, afterwards she asked where I would like her first, sitting, laying ect.. Also, she made it clear that she would be changing into different lingerie throughout the session. That’s where it all went downhill, since we thought she knew us from Xhamster I said that’s I was pleased she wore the same teddy from her first gallery as it was our favorite; she said “what gallery”? Stupid me I said on Hamster, she looked hard at her husband and walked out the living room. Apparently they are both fans of Xhamster but she had no idea they were members. What an ass! How can you put your wife through that? She thought she was going to be nude in front of others for the first time for a so called professional as you made me out to be not Xhamster amateur wannabe photographer. My wife said to him “how awful of you, we all live less than a mile away; how do you think she’s going to feel if we bump into her in the street”?
He had nothing to say, he went upstairs as we heard her crying and slamming doors. It took us 30 minutes to set up but we broke down in 8 minutes and ran out of there.

What a dick! Exploiting your wife so you can see private pics on Hamster, you’ve embarrassed and humiliated your wife and disrespected my wife as you have seen her naked pictures of her thinking you were a “fan” online fellow Hamster friend.
He’s off our friends list though this blog can be seen by all so we hope he reads it. Don’t worry asshole, we won’t give you up, unlike you we respect privacy.

Sample of what I call quality image, blurred background ass in focus.

发布者 nylatinkink
10 年 前
st_john_green 4 年 前
That is really sick to say the least tha she was being exploited by her husband like that. I don't understand why or how a man or woman would do anything like that and live with themselves especially if they really love and care about each other. The disrespectful behavior from the same individual to both yourself and wife is not only low and wrong it is scary because you just never know. I am glad that you both got out of there quickly and safely because it sounds like there was possibly some sketchy stuff behind that green door. I have found photos and videos of people on sites that I actually know in real life who I later learned they had no clue they were on the internet. They found out via social media or one person found out by loosing a job because someone who they worked with decided to show people. There were divorces, as well as criminal charges for some of the persons involved. I am glad that you shared this here because I hope that it helps prevent people from hurting others. 
nylatinkink 出版商 9 年 前
handsmerock : awkward to say the least. thanks for reading
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Wow, powerful stuff.
nylatinkink 出版商 10 年 前
4915cj : Thanks for reading and commenting, it was a bad situation but I'm sure she could never trust him in the lifestyle as a result. When you lose trust of this nature in a relationship it's pretty damn hard to regain it.
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nylatinkink 出版商 10 年 前
BigPoke : Yes it was pretty awkward, but live and learn. Thanks for reading and commenting.
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4915cj 10 年 前
This kind of bullshit happens all the time. We stopped posting vids on here because too many wanna-be losers were re-posting them as their own, saying "This is my wife fucking her boss" or other bullshit. My wife is obviously 100% aware of what we do. We are real swingers who do this for fun. We have hours of video content, and hundreds of pics of our encounters. She luvs to perform for me. It turns her on knowing she is turning me on. Shame on this husband not only for disrespecting his wife, but also for putting you guys in that situation.
BigPoke 10 年 前
Holy shit... what a shitty awkward story/experience. We think like the rest of you, there are a ton of impostors/fakes on here.
We don't post too much on here for that reason, it is a feeding ground for stealing/reposting pics that were meant to be shared only with 'friends'.
We have a separate blog, but even now vultures are shifting gears there...sigh, it's only a matter of time before the fun stops for us.
As for that story, if this is public...try focusing how good she looked instead of the shame when seeing her on the street, no one should be ashamed of their body or being sexy... MAYBE THEIR POS HUSBAND, but never themselves. damn
fearandloathing1 10 年 前
Dayum you totally burned that guy to his face nice!
lookin2play13 10 年 前
nylatinkink : What a loser
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nylatinkink 出版商 10 年 前
dswanks : Oh my friend, how rite you are
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nylatinkink 出版商 10 年 前
lookin2play13 : Guess he read and got scared, just checked his status and deleted his account. Not retired but deleted...
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matureBBWlover00 10 年 前
dswanks : Check my blog on tributes, there are tons and tons and tons of FUCKERS out there that either are men posing as women (I would love to take a cattle prod to their balls) and there are tons of "couples" out there that are really men. You hit the nail on the head when it comes to the never ending excuses. After about 10 or 15 excuses it is pretty clear they are a FRAUD. I would venture something further, although in this case they did meet the female, in many cases the "couple" that is really a man, I bet they have pilfered pictures off the web and pass them off as their wife. I suspect a bunch of "couples" I am in contact with are full of shit. I am willing to bet a bunch of them are 40 year old men living in their parents basement. I have become so jaded I just assume it is a man I am talking with until the cam gets turned on now and I see there is a female present. If it were not for the fact they would get hounded to death I would be tempted to put a blog up saying "The following handles are REAL because I have cammed with them or met them in RL etc."
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dswanks 10 年 前
Interesting read indeed, I actually know quite a few people like this. I see all the videos and they ask me to meet up or whatever but somehow I can always tell the wife isn't onboard with all of this. Simple questions like u and your wife call me on speaker......can't now she's sleeping, she's at work, she's busy. As long as I never speak to your wife and have an actual discussion, its not happening. Goes against my principles, don't cheat, have threesomes or more. If you a freak, get her comfortable to be freaky with you otherwise find someone else or curb your perverted desires. That's low of him....
lookin2play13 10 年 前
Holy shit what an asshole. Wonder if he is on your friends list here please pm us his username here so we can block him
shed6 10 年 前
nylatinkink 出版商 10 年 前
juicypeach : Sad indeed
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nylatinkink 出版商 10 年 前
ahaha : We hear ya, its different when finding content and reposting. And yes, with you much respect as you clearly state on vids you post, "AINT MY CLIP AND I DONT CLAIM IT...I JUST FOUND IT...PROPS TO WHOEVER THE ORIGINAL OWNER IS" Putting your own spouse in that position unaware is shameful. Thanks for the support.
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ahaha 10 年 前
I read this very thorough and it was a interesting read...I spoke about the same similiar thing in my profile right in the beginning about people uploading thangs to the internet and people dont know its there...Thats why I state no claim over anythang except my own because just in case a issue arise....As I said I didnt upload it to the internet whomever you took the pic for or made the video with THEY uploaded it I didnt...I just found it.

As the poster below me said that had to be very awkward and put ya'll in a tight spot also...I have drop a co-sign on this all the way!!!!!
juicypeach 10 年 前
Wow that's ridiculous. This is why I have very little friends on here. They either don't have any content or is a man with woman content. A couple with only woman content. I get so confused because if you're truly a couple they're should be two bodies not one. Smh. Nowadays you have to do extensive research before you can add someone. So sad.