Are You a HOMO?

Hey homo!

I start out by calling you a homo because I have some pretty good gaydar and Im 99% sure you’re a homo slave… But to find out 100% Im going to have you do a few things and find out for sure!

Okay so in this assignment Im going to give you tests which are made into 3 different categories

1. Gay brain
2. gay cock
3. totally gay
(((STOP READING HERE!!! – read as you’re doing what I say… as in dont read all the way too the bottom, just do one step, then read and do the next! Example dont read the whole thing then do the assignment… just read as you go!)))

In section 1 were going to figure out if your gay in the brain… This is really important to know so do this with total focus on the assignment!

1. Open or any other porn site you want to go to… spend 20 minutes looking at /watching porn…
2. no touching your dick at all!
3. notice and even make notes on a piece of paper what you start to focus on. Like balls, cum, strong arms, etc
4. notice and remember or jot down how long about, it takes to get your cock hard… does it get hard? and what makes it get hard again and again?
Pay attention to any physical feelings you start to get. Like watering mouth, hard weenie, racing heart… These are big signs that you’re not a real man and most likely a fruit-loop cock smoker in the making!
5. If you have more that 3 responses to watching gay porn or looking at hot men then consider this +1 point!

Section 2. Now were going to see if your penis is gay…
To test if your penis is gay you will need to have physical contact with your paws and pecker… so this time touching is allowed!

1. open up some new porn may be a place you can find gay porn
2. do you find yourself happy to be able to touch your dick this time?
3. Do you feel an extra sense of excitement and pleasure because you’re being gay for me right now?
4. wank hard and fast… dont try and preserve or make it last longer just go with it
5. make note if it feels better, if you cum fast and how extra satisfied you are now then usual! (Which I know you will be!)
6. time how long it takes you to cum or get a general time frame!
If you cam fast, it felt extra good and your cock and mind were both in gay excitement this time, then thats a +1 point!

Section 3.
1. This time you’re going to wait an hour and then grab a dildo, cucumber, or something like a penis that you can suck!
2. After you’ve waited an hour go back to porn and look at hot guys
3. this time jerk on your knees and suck your dildo at the same time… Focus on your head bobbing motions… really get into it!
4. Right before you’re about to cum pull the dildo out of your mouth and quickly shove at least the tip of it in your ass…
5. Now this time when you cum you must cum into the palm of your hand
6. Now lick up ALL the cum in the palm of your hand.
7. lick your dildo off clean
The end!

Now heres the thing…
If you got a hard dick and responded to looking at gay porn in section 1. you are most likely gay… you’re 100% queerish, most likely gay and 100% bisexual as in you’re a flamer!
If you even participated in #1 AND #2 YOU’RE GAY!!!! haha The truth is this crafty homo assignment is 100% accurate but its also a little bit of a trap ;) Because taking part in half of this is gay to start with… if you cam and followed my instructions in section 2. youre a submissive gay perv… not just gay but a gay bitch! Well done my fruit-loop homo boy! hahaha
do you feel tricked gay and stupid? well you should! lol
So whats up with section 3?

Section 3 is the deal breaker… it means your the gayest of all gays and I just wanted to make you violate yourself for my own entertainment… Its already clear by section 2 that you are gay… but completing 1, 2 and 3 makes you 100% TOTALLY GAY!
So yes you passed the assignment and proved yourself to be totally gay and a subbie homo bitch too! More importantly Im pretty entertained at the idea I made you eat your own cum and lick your dildo off for no reason other than to exploit and violate you hahaha hahahaha! Thanks slave!

- In all seriousness… the more you do in section 1 to 3 means the gayer you are… so chances are if you did 1, 2 AND 3 successfully I bet you’re not even bisexual… you are just 100% a cock sucking homo!
Well done!
Theres a bigger picture and thats how I should be making money off your gayness… I love to pimp out my gay slaves for profit… so if you want a little of that call me & lets sell your mouth and man pussy!
Otherwise I hope you’ve enjoyed the experience and your discovery of being a homo!
~ I always knew you were a dick smoker… chances are everyone else knows too! ;)

bye bye twink!
发布者 faggitkiki
10 年 前
parkmate 16 天 前
Oh dear ! It seems I'm a HOMO - but then; I knew that !
itsme2853 23 天 前
I doubt straight guys would take the test but I did and I have a load of cum on my stomach, soooo?
sebastiantoombs 2 年 前
thanks for using me. 
omg it was trap!!!!   i'm so gay...queer fagboi,omg....
dorota_tv 4 年 前
i'm so gay
MWMluvsGayMen 4 年 前
When you go limp with pussy but rock hard with a man (like I am) no doubt about who I am.
stanleyhammer 4 年 前
Gay, no question
blacktopchaser 4 年 前
bushkorn : me too. on my 13th birthday actually
回答 原始评论
CumFetishFag 5 年 前
bushkorn 5 年 前
Frustrated_sissy_fag : Lets talk more
回答 原始评论
bushkorn : I started sucking cock at 13 too and loved it immediately. I'm hopelessly addicted to putting cocks in my mouth.
回答 原始评论
tacodebbie 5 年 前
100% i am a fag slave for any cock
bushkorn 8 年 前
william2015AND : how many times since then?
回答 原始评论
william2015AND 8 年 前
bushkorn : 10 here
回答 原始评论
bushkorn 8 年 前
I sucked my first cock at age 13, it was my neighbors. he came in my mouth and i swallowed it. I'm a gay faggot who gets down on his knees for cock.
boussac 8 年 前
Yes I am an homo slave!
sissydick 9 年 前
HURRAY I am 100% a cock sucking homo!
I am going to have have a party, hopefully everyone will cum in my holes
ohheckyeah 9 年 前
gay homo queer faggot....heheheheheh
eu361a 9 年 前
gay totally
dorota_tv 9 年 前
in my live i had more cocks that pussies...i sucked and they fuck my i think i'm gay:smile:
bottomboi88 9 年 前
100% totally gay
ohheckyeah 10 年 前
oh my yess all fagboi here lol
robi59 10 年 前
The test showed that I am a gay slave. I did everything as described. The gay videos have made me so horny and crazy. I also licked my cum, but not the cucumber.
john19532001 10 年 前
queer as they come!
closetboi 10 年 前
Well, I happily did all 3 so I'm a 100% fag sub bitch.
tpify 10 年 前
You make me see the reality! thanks!
My cock is rock hard with gayer thoughts!