Stolen porn video

So its been one of those days today someone decided it would be a good idea to steal one of our videos change its name and post it as there own but thanks to a fan we caught it and got the problem fixed we appreciate all the fans who watch us and comment y'all have been very faithful we just can't believe someone would attempt this and don't even understand the reason for it but we are good we got our video back and blocked that person we just hope this doesn't happen again cus we don't want to lock the videos and deprive our loyal fans so shout outs to all fans and to the theives stay away
10 年 前
Mann here...

I wholeheartedly agree with your concerns about content thieves. Please check out my blog where I address the issue:

However, I am curious to know just how you "got your video back"?
I started to go through the "Report Copyrighted Content" process here, but XRMXX insisted they needed to know my full first and last name, as well as my phone number... Needless to say I never completed the reporting process. There's a reason I blur our faces in our content here, and give everyone involved a "stage name". (Mann; Marbles; Dirty Girl; etc)

I'm just curious if the process was the same for you.