Funny Chatous Chat #1
M = Midori (Me) :P
G = Guy (idk his name)
Sep 23, 2014, 5:25 PM
( This is what he put on his bio: )
"25 Male bright blue eyed tattooist lookin for some gd conversation
#tattoos #tattooing #music #movies #a****ls"
M-oh, where you based?
G-im in brooklyn ny
M-damn it
G-lol y damn it
M-cause i'm looking for a good tatooist for some stuff
G-im better than gd
M-aww, stop teasing :3
G-lol im the best tattooist on the east coast
M-big words mate, anything to back that up?
G-of course pic for pic ladies first then ill send some samples of my work deal?
M-sure, one pic not naked (cause i'm naked in bed)
G-hey hey hey lol rather c the one of u in bed but whatever works
M-nice hair, really suits you
G-well thank u
M-np, so how much would this cost?
G-i would charge 120 for something like that
M-how about the part under the eye?
G-send again didnt c under eye
G-what type of work would u like to c of mine
G-nice 30 for that and this is a cover up i did
M-cool, so how would you go about doing the eye one?
G-that was done with a different type of machine a cosmetics machine
M-ah, okay
G-thats on my leg i done that myself
M-mad "skills" mate
G-well thank u
M-np, so could you answer the question i asked?
G-how would i do the eye one?
G-well since its a cosmetics machine the needles r different smaller so i have to pull the eyelid up a little to get the area under the eye then the rest is just normal stretch the skin under eye
M-hmm, okay, i'm all for the pain, but that's gonna hurt like a bitch right?
G-not really the skin under eye doesnt have many nerve endings
M-oh, okay, thanks mate, how many sittings would all that require? (guessing it depends on the tattooist)
G-i would do that in 1 sitting rougly 4 hours
M-is that just for the eye or including the arm piece? the arm and eye that seems impossible, a guy i went to yesterday said it would take 4 sittings, as to not hurt the skin
G-he just wants money me i tat for love of art so i give real prices real timing
M-not really, he quoted about the same as you did, like £140
G-(Goes offline and still not back on)
M-you're not a real tattoist are you lol
G = Guy (idk his name)
Sep 23, 2014, 5:25 PM
( This is what he put on his bio: )
"25 Male bright blue eyed tattooist lookin for some gd conversation
#tattoos #tattooing #music #movies #a****ls"
M-oh, where you based?
G-im in brooklyn ny
M-damn it
G-lol y damn it
M-cause i'm looking for a good tatooist for some stuff
G-im better than gd
M-aww, stop teasing :3
G-lol im the best tattooist on the east coast
M-big words mate, anything to back that up?
G-of course pic for pic ladies first then ill send some samples of my work deal?
M-sure, one pic not naked (cause i'm naked in bed)
G-hey hey hey lol rather c the one of u in bed but whatever works
M-nice hair, really suits you
G-well thank u
M-np, so how much would this cost?
G-i would charge 120 for something like that
M-how about the part under the eye?
G-send again didnt c under eye
G-what type of work would u like to c of mine
G-nice 30 for that and this is a cover up i did
M-cool, so how would you go about doing the eye one?
G-that was done with a different type of machine a cosmetics machine
M-ah, okay
G-thats on my leg i done that myself
M-mad "skills" mate
G-well thank u
M-np, so could you answer the question i asked?
G-how would i do the eye one?
G-well since its a cosmetics machine the needles r different smaller so i have to pull the eyelid up a little to get the area under the eye then the rest is just normal stretch the skin under eye
M-hmm, okay, i'm all for the pain, but that's gonna hurt like a bitch right?
G-not really the skin under eye doesnt have many nerve endings
M-oh, okay, thanks mate, how many sittings would all that require? (guessing it depends on the tattooist)
G-i would do that in 1 sitting rougly 4 hours
M-is that just for the eye or including the arm piece? the arm and eye that seems impossible, a guy i went to yesterday said it would take 4 sittings, as to not hurt the skin
G-he just wants money me i tat for love of art so i give real prices real timing
M-not really, he quoted about the same as you did, like £140
G-(Goes offline and still not back on)
M-you're not a real tattoist are you lol
10 年 前
I just thought I'd start blogging this, just because I made this post doesn't mean I don't know about them ^_^.
Also, Love You and your avatar *muah* X
They're like, ALL OVER the place.