Funny Chatous Chat #3

(This guys username was: ImBiggerThanUrEx / LMAO xD)

Oct 3, 2014, 3:31 AM

M: my ex was a girl, so your right about that i guess
G: haha
G: are u bi?
M: yeah, isn't everyone?
G: im not lol
M: so there's not one man on earth you don't think is attractive?
G: nope , im straight
M: so in your eyes all men are ugly?
G: yes
M: including yourself?
G: ......
G: i dont like guys , got that?
M: oooo, don't get all angry with me lol
M: growing pains?
G: wat?
M: Growing pains? you know, when your dick shrinks to make round for your asshole.
G: My asshole?
M: Yeah, so your head can get up in there more easily ^^.
G: .........
G: but aniway just ure asking same thing million times
M: lol weird, they all seem to have different words in all of them
G: different words same meaning
M: ooo, a poet, tel me a story jester
M: you english or american? your spelling suggests chav but your weirdness with guys suggests american
G: none of them
M: ooo, do tell then, indian?
G: nope
M: right, well i just brought up a list of all known races, we'll get there mate, don't worry about it i'll help you find out what you are :')
M: greek? german? spanish?
G: austrian
M: ooo, so close, so when did you take your lederhosen off during this steamy chat?
G: WTF!? I'm not a pervs
M: I'm
M: btw, is it sad that this was the first picture i got when googling Austria?

G: yea :'(
M: sorry to hear that, better that this i guess

G: lol
M: that was the second result
M: this was the third:

M: the forth is almost porn

M: that actually did come up, not a joke that was like the forth image when googling austria
G: lol

M: does that mean something in your country ?
G: ¦'(
发布者 MidoriOni
10 年 前
soab 10 年 前
MidoriOni : Nothing wrong with that, works fine for me at least.
回答 原始评论
MidoriOni 出版商 10 年 前
aDameToDieFor : If next week stars you then all the episode is gonna be is a mixed race punk girl eating more of her gf's carpet than a malfunctioning vacuum *hint.. hint* ;3
回答 原始评论
aDameToDieFor 10 年 前
...sooner or later Hitler always gets inserted into a conversation

tune in next week kid's and watch as Captain Oni once again braves the stormy sea that is Chatous, wronging rights and trolling indiscriminately ^_^
MaccioCapatonda 10 年 前
You're trolling a lot of perves... Very funny! :grinning: