Update on the dj

OK so the DJ well the last time I seen him was on my birthday he did ask to c me before that but he just wanted to mess around and I said no.... then on my birthday at the bar he wanted to sneak off with me but I said no.... and he stopped kissing me maybe he just thinks I'm a prude lol but I don't just want a fb oh and he text me the day after my birthday and told me he was interested in someone else

And his friend the one with his v card he stopped talking to me after I told him no


Oh and gambit has text me twice this week... I haven't said anything back

And... link called but just the once and I didn't answer

So.... my birthday I haven't told u much about that just that I was publicly spanked u can thank the DJ for that my birthday was announced at midnight a few mins before and several times after I had a great time

After the DJ stopped kissing me I found someone else to kiss 2 guys in fact one I liked more than the other I spent most of the night with them and did kiss them both and I gave them my number but I still went home alone even after some other guy offered to pay me to go with him and that's not something I have ever or will ever do sry I'm just not for sale

But umm anyway the next morning just after I got up I heard a knock at the door... it was one of the guys from the night before... he had my ID I remember showing them it really was my birthday at one point I guess I never got it back

So here I am at the door just out of bed in the tank top and short shorts I wore to bed standing at my door in shock I hadn't even brushed my hair... and there is the guy from last night looking perfect he has clearly already had a shower he even smells good

And I'm in shock his the hell does he even know where I live wtf... then he gives me my ID told me he wanted to make sure I got it that he had tried to call first and didn't want me freaking out thinking I lost it

I thanked him and he left He didn't stay or ask to come in and I looked in a mirror as soon as he was gone my hair was a mess but in an almost cute kind of way I think I looked OK

So I've talked to this guy several times since then and he is really nice he has yet to say anything sexual at all and I love that but at the same time maybe he just doesn't want idk me like that I guess

But we kissed on my birthday.... I wouldn't say a lot but maybe more than a little lol but he even then he wasn't as hands on as most guys r with me as soon as its OK

So idk he seems like a nice guy and that's what I'm looking for isn't it?????????

Oh and on a side not I really really want to have sex and I could have sex with my boys link or gambit its not like I'm sleeping around with some one new its just meaningless sex and that's OK I guess but at the same time I've been trying not to and if the mice guy I've been talking to really is a nice guy how would he feel about that its like OK yeah I kind of maybe starting to like u but I'm going to go fuck some other guys but bits OK cuz Its just sex I don't care about them and I've been doing it foe years... just seems wrong

发布者 Zedoary
10 年 前
stevebosuer 10 年 前
ah is she trying on anymore of your outfits? that sucks about darla though lol
wildcupl 10 年 前
I was dj 12 years ago.
My wife came home with me from the bar.
Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
stevebosuer : Last time I seen Darla she was with her gf and gave me a hard time for not texting her or hanging out with her but I told her I tried she never had time for me and I still talk to baby all the time but nothing really to report
回答 原始评论
Zedoary 出版商 10 年 前
stevebosuer : Yeah seems a bit wrong so I guess till I know how a feel about the nice guy I keep being good I'm just really sexualy frustrated and the DJ isn't that bad he hasn't been a dick he even wanted to make sure I made it home safe and alone and checked on me in the morning to make sure I was OK but we don't want the same thing and that's OK
回答 原始评论
stevebosuer 10 年 前
yeah if i was the nice guy and someone told me that i wouldn't be cool with it at all. the other two guys are major dbags. i hope things works out with the nice guy. :smile: what about the females?
nudelov 10 年 前
Wow thats alot to take in, you do have alot of considering to do. So from now link n gambit are out of the pic. And the dj. The nice kind mayb is really a nice guy but really shy, he didn't make a comment about your beautiful morning face when you went to the door. Truth be told he should said thats how I want your hair to look when am done fucking you.

And the familiar feeling and desire is getting fuck, spanked n sucking a cock is creeping up. You can as you said but from what I see you want a personal guy right