The number on the card ...
I didn't call the number on the card for several days, and i didn't go to the toilet block either, not because i didn't want to because the desire to have other cocks to play with was growing stronger as time went by. Then one evening i decided to call the number and waited for the phone to be picked up, it was answered almost immediately and i recognised the cultured voice from several days earlier. I gave my name and said that i had been handed the card a few days before and asked to call the number on it. The man asked me if i would be free sometime before the weekend and i told him that i was able to visit almost any time at all. Arrangements were made for me to go along to his house on the Friday following which would be two days away. he gave me a time and also the address. I told him that i would be there as agreed and was told that he was looking forward to seeing me. I put the phone down and thought about what i had done, i could still back out of it of course, he didn't know where i lived and there was no way that he could find me. I lay on the bed, i was naked and i was soon bringing myself to full erectness, i pulled my foreskin back and noticed how red the head of my cock was. I started to masturbate, my thoughts on that toilet block and also on the meeting the following Friday, i imagined myself in the toilets with the two men i had seen there, they had me stripped off and while one sat on the toilet with his cock sticking up i was sitting on his lap and his cock was deep inside me, the other one was standing in front of me and his cock was in my mouth. I didn't wank for long the thought of having two cocks in me at the same time was pure fantasy, but just thinking about it made my ejaculation an intense one. My cum spurted and i dipped my fingertips into it and then licked my fingers clean, the taste was wonderful, and i realised that cum was something i enjoyed. Friday arrived, and work couldn't finish soon enough, i dashed home, bathed, shaved and put on some decent clothes and then made my way to the address that i had been given. The house was detached and large with spacious gardens and not overlooked. It was like a different world to me and i was a little apprehensive as i approached the front door, pressed the bell push and waited. The front door had coloured stained glass panels set into it and soon i could see someone walking towards the door. I stepped back a little as the door was opened and i found myself looking at a man in a maids uniform. He was fully made up in a slightly heavy way and he wore stockings, the suspender belt was easily visible because of how short the skirt was. I looked at him and he asked my name, i stammered a reply and must have looked a little shocked, for he smiled and said that i was expected and to please come in. I stepped over the threshold while the door was closed behind me. I was told to follow by the maid and i did, noticing as i followed behind how high her heels were and also the gold ankle chain that she wore on each ankle. Her pantied bottom was on view and again i felt a little nervous. The maid opened a door in the hallway and told me to enter and that Master would be along shortly. The door closed and i was left alone in a large room which to my eyes looked full of quality furniture and antiques. What the hell did the maid mean by Master, and why was the maid a man ! I mean i knew that men did dress as women and i knew that i hadn't been invited for just a cup of tea but by now as the minutes dragged on my nervousness was increasing. Suddenly the door opened and the maid stood to one side and curtsied as the man i had seen in the toilets entered the room. He greeted me and told me to sit down, i sat on a large sofa which could easily have seated four or more people, he sat in a large straight backed wooden chair with armrests which faced the sofa, and me of course. He thanked me for coming and asked if i knew why i had been invited. I told him that i assumed that because he had seen what i was up to in the toilet block a while ago it would be something to do with that. Oh yes he told me it certainly was "something to do with that." I was asked what i thought of Jane, the maid, and i told him that i had been surprised when the door opened, he smiled and asked if i found her attractive. Not really i told him and he smiled again. and nodded his head. He reached down and rang a small handbell that was on a round side table, after a few seconds the door opened and the maid, Jane, entered and stood before his chair and curtsied again. Ah Jane i want you to take our guest and show him the entertainment room, you know what to do when you get there and i will be along in a little while he said. Jane curtsied to the man, then turned to face me and asked me to follow. I stood and the man touched my arm as i passed by him, please be aware that i am not a stupid man, nor am i unaware that you may be wondering what you may have let yourself in for. In a little while i may be making you an offer, it will be a once only offer and while i may give you some time to think about your reply, i can assure you that you will only ever be asked this one time he told me. I walked behind the maid and followed her, my mind all over the place. we only walked a few steps before the maid stopped before a stout door which she unlocked and then pulled outwards. Reaching in, a light switch was operated and then the maid started to walk down a flight of wide stone steps into what i assumed was a cellar. at the bottom of the steps there was little light, the bulb at the top of the steps because of a turn in the steps didn't reach all the way down. I waited and then another switch must have been turned on because the cellar was filled with light, and i saw that the cellar was actually more than one room for stretching away from me i could see several rooms each one leading off from the one before it. I turned to the maid who held out an arm and told me welcome to the entertainment room ...... More to come
10 年 前