Leelah Alcorn suicide............this breaks my he

Some very sad news to share.

Yesterday, a 17-year old committed suicide by jumping in front of a semi on I-71 near the South Lebanon exit.

It has come to light that this person likely committed suicide because she was transgender.

While Cincinnati led the country this past year as the first city in the mid-west to include transgender inclusive health benefits and we have included gender identity or expression as a protected class for many years....the truth is....it is still extremely difficult to be a transgender young person in this country.

We have to do better.

By reading her letter, Leelah makes it clear she wants her death to, in some way, help "trans civil rights movements."

Please join me in making a donation (investment in our trans k**s) right now to TransOhio.

Invest by clicking here: http://www.transohio.org

If you are reading this, it means that I have committed suicide and obviously failed to delete this post from my queue.

Please don’t be sad, it’s for the better. The life I would’ve lived isn’t worth living in… because I’m transgender. I could go into detail explaining why I feel that way, but this note is probably going to be lengthy enough as it is. To put it simply, I feel like a girl trapped in a boy’s body, and I’ve felt that way ever since I was 4. I never knew there was a word for that feeling, nor was it possible for a boy to become a girl, so I never told anyone and I just continued to do traditionally “boyish” things to try to fit in.

When I was 14, I learned what transgender meant and cried of happiness. After 10 years of confusion I finally understood who I was. I immediately told my mom, and she reacted extremely negatively, telling me that it was a phase, that I would never truly be a girl, that God doesn’t make mistakes, that I am wrong. If you are reading this, parents, please don’t tell this to your k**s. Even if you are Christian or are against transgender people don’t ever say that to someone, especially your k**. That won’t do anything but make them hate them self. That’s exactly what it did to me.

My mom started taking me to a ther****t, but would only take me to christian ther****ts, (who were all very biased) so I never actually got the therapy I needed to cure me of my depression. I only got more christians telling me that I was selfish and wrong and that I should look to God for help.

When I was 16 I realized that my parents would never come around, and that I would have to wait until I was 18 to start any sort of transitioning treatment, which absolutely broke my heart. The longer you wait, the harder it is to transition. I felt hopeless, that I was just going to look like a man in drag for the rest of my life. On my 16th birthday, when I didn’t receive consent from my parents to start transitioning, I cried myself to sleep.

I formed a sort of a “fuck you” attitude towards my parents and came out as gay at school, thinking that maybe if I eased into coming out as trans it would be less of a shock. Although the reaction from my friends was positive, my parents were pissed. They felt like I was attacking their image, and that I was an embarrassment to them. They wanted me to be their perfect little straight christian boy, and that’s obviously not what I wanted.

So they took me out of public school, took away my laptop and phone, and forbid me of getting on any sort of social media, completely isolating me from my friends. This was probably the part of my life when I was the most depressed, and I’m surprised I didn’t kill myself. I was completely alone for 5 months. No friends, no support, no love. Just my parent’s disappointment and the cruelty of loneliness.

At the end of the school year, my parents finally came around and gave me my phone and let me back on social media. I was excited, I finally had my friends back. They were extremely excited to see me and talk to me, but only at first. Eventually they realized they didn’t actually give a shit about me, and I felt even lonelier than I did before. The only friends I thought I had only liked me because they saw me five times a week.

After a summer of having almost no friends plus the weight of having to think about college, save money for moving out, keep my grades up, go to church each week and feel like shit because everyone there is against everything I live for, I have decided I’ve had enough. I’m never going to transition successfully, even when I move out. I’m never going to be happy with the way I look or sound. I’m never going to have enough friends to satisfy me. I’m never going to have enough love to satisfy me. I’m never going to find a man who loves me. I’m never going to be happy. Either I live the rest of my life as a lonely man who wishes he were a woman or I live my life as a lonelier woman who hates herself. There’s no winning. There’s no way out. I’m sad enough already, I don’t need my life to get any worse. People say “it gets better” but that isn’t true in my case. It gets worse. Each day I get worse.

That’s the gist of it, that’s why I feel like killing myself. Sorry if that’s not a good enough reason for you, it’s good enough for me. As for my will, I want 100% of the things that I legally own to be sold and the money (plus my money in the bank) to be given to trans civil rights movements and support groups, I don’t give a shit which one. The only way I will rest in peace is if one day transgender people aren’t treated the way I was, they’re treated like humans, with valid feelings and human rights. Gender needs to be taught about in schools, the earlier the better. My death needs to mean something. My death needs to be counted in the number of transgender people who commit suicide this year. I want someone to look at that number and say “that’s fucked up” and fix it. Fix society. Please.


(Leelah) Josh Alcorn
发布者 wanabgurl
10 年 前
Leomoore 3 月 前
Such a shame, poor gurl.
olderpaul 2 年 前
it is a sad story. there are other people that want to help others in crisis. if only she had reached out to the right Resorces 
loraslut 5 年 前
darren134 5 年 前
I want to smack her mom and dad with a baseball bat ...... even that would not be enough thay killed there son or should i say daugter. RIP
bigary36 7 年 前
Prayers for the people that loved (Leelah) Josh Alcorn
wanabgurl : What makes me the saddest is humans should know better. We are supposedly at the top of the food chain but when I hear of human hatred of others just because they can seriously makes me think that humans belong down with the worms and the slugs. Of course they aren't but looking at headlines sure gets me scratching my head.
回答 原始评论
wanabgurl 出版商 7 年 前
Deanna_Lowe757 : It certainly hasn't yet, there has been at least 16 murders of transgender people this year, that doesn't include suicides. It also doesn't help when our own elected officials won't stand by us. I still have hope but I don't believe I will see the day it happens.
回答 原始评论
wanabgurl : I am not sure the hatred will ever stop. Here it is 2 years later. Do you think it has?
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dablack_king 8 年 前
Damn thats sooo Sad.
crochetteDave 9 年 前
It's a shame this happened... What a tragic waste.
tgshawna 10 年 前
Broke my heart, too... But I will admit that I cried with tears of joy to see the recognition that "Transparent" received at the Golden Globes. The producer, whose parent is trans, mentioned Leelah by name... maybe there is hope - maybe Leelah, and so many others, won't have died in vain. I'm not going to give up, nor give in to hatred. Kisses, Shawna
wanabgurl 出版商 10 年 前
dana213 : you're welcome
回答 原始评论
wanabgurl 出版商 10 年 前
luvcds_girls : yes it is
回答 原始评论
wanabgurl 出版商 10 年 前
yes, :frowning:
wanabgurl 出版商 10 年 前
Things like this happen way too often, about two days before this a transgender male jumped to his death from a bridge in Pittsburgh. Studies show almost half of transgender people have attempted suicide at least once and it is claimed that around the world one transgender person is murdered every three days. Do a search for transgender suicides, deaths or murders and see how much pops up. I'm crying reading through some of these, and people wonder why I don't go out much.
dana213 10 年 前
thank you for posting this!
assmuncher53 10 年 前
RIP sweetie :frowning:
Fetishemale 10 年 前
gracy1 10 年 前
It is heart breaking wish she had not done that to the truck driver either now he must live with her death. Maybe we as a community ( trans and those that love and want to understand them) need to be more there for them. She was too young to die, hope her parents are very pleased(zealots)
rickw007 10 年 前
That is so sad...Heart Breaking
luvcds_girls 10 年 前
Saw that on tv was very sad =(
wanabgurl 出版商 10 年 前
stories like this break my heart, will the hatred ever stop?