Dress up lastnight
So I posted a status last night that said a guy was on his way over to watch me play dress up....
So I guess I should start by telling u what led up to him coming over to watch me play dress up well he text me asked what I had been doing I'd been shopping I had new stuff he asked to c I agreed but told himwhile the new stuff was cute it would never be my favorites he wanted to c them as well and really a girl doesn't need a reason to play dress up
I put on corsets and mini skirts and dress even a few things I've never posted pics of on here and it was fun but no touching no watching me change or anything like that
After we relaxed watched tv and TALKED we have been texting a lot but inperson conversation is always better when u know the other person is listening and not just looking down my top and I gave him several good opportunities to do so
I caught him looking at me as I was watching TV actually at my face and obviously thinking so I asked him what he was thinking about he smiled but didn't tell me we went back to charting as we watched TV but he did tell me a little bit later what it was he had been thinking.... it was about kissing me
Then he just had to point out that I was blushing and I was its really easy to make me blush but it was just so sweet in cute in a u had to be there kind of way I mean we have been talking a lot he has seen me all my cute little outfits and here he is all but asking my OK to kiss me
Well that all very sweet but I like men with balls so I'm not going to give an OK I want u to take what u want
And he did kind of.... our first kiss well he didn't really take it like I'm used to more like he gave me kiss
I was propped up on my side I had been laying near the edge of the bed watching TV and he had been in a chair not on the bed with me but he got on his knees on the floor next to me and very slowly kissed me it was tender and sweet and when he pulled away he just kept looking at me as he touched my cheek it was like he was trying to take me in he looked at me for just a moment before kissing me again just as sweet and slow but much longer like he could spend the rest of the night content to just kiss me
After that he held me on the bed and it was so nice to lay with my head on his cheat and listen to his heart race after our kiss after that went spent sometime going back and forth from his holding me to us kissing then more holding and watching TV as the pattern continued the kissing became more passionate and less sweet and he was touching me more kind of timid at first he was trying to be nice not push to far he was holding back like as he held me even when kissing me he did so with out push his hips to me so I could feel his hard cock and know how much this was getting to him but eventually he did and I was able to feel his hard cock press against me even with us both fully clothed and he never tryed to undress me or pull my tits out or anything but I was getting to him and he was becoming much more aggressive it was amazing he held me down his hands around my wrist he was on top of my kissing me and down my neck and chest but he never did take my tits out to play with them never did her to c them or even take my bra off but he kissed every inch of bare skin and fondel and with them over my bra and top it was sush a tease I wanted to feel him play with my nipples
He did run his hands over most of my body caressing and fondling me but he never tried to fuck me and I really want to c him again
So I guess I should start by telling u what led up to him coming over to watch me play dress up well he text me asked what I had been doing I'd been shopping I had new stuff he asked to c I agreed but told himwhile the new stuff was cute it would never be my favorites he wanted to c them as well and really a girl doesn't need a reason to play dress up
I put on corsets and mini skirts and dress even a few things I've never posted pics of on here and it was fun but no touching no watching me change or anything like that
After we relaxed watched tv and TALKED we have been texting a lot but inperson conversation is always better when u know the other person is listening and not just looking down my top and I gave him several good opportunities to do so
I caught him looking at me as I was watching TV actually at my face and obviously thinking so I asked him what he was thinking about he smiled but didn't tell me we went back to charting as we watched TV but he did tell me a little bit later what it was he had been thinking.... it was about kissing me
Then he just had to point out that I was blushing and I was its really easy to make me blush but it was just so sweet in cute in a u had to be there kind of way I mean we have been talking a lot he has seen me all my cute little outfits and here he is all but asking my OK to kiss me
Well that all very sweet but I like men with balls so I'm not going to give an OK I want u to take what u want
And he did kind of.... our first kiss well he didn't really take it like I'm used to more like he gave me kiss
I was propped up on my side I had been laying near the edge of the bed watching TV and he had been in a chair not on the bed with me but he got on his knees on the floor next to me and very slowly kissed me it was tender and sweet and when he pulled away he just kept looking at me as he touched my cheek it was like he was trying to take me in he looked at me for just a moment before kissing me again just as sweet and slow but much longer like he could spend the rest of the night content to just kiss me
After that he held me on the bed and it was so nice to lay with my head on his cheat and listen to his heart race after our kiss after that went spent sometime going back and forth from his holding me to us kissing then more holding and watching TV as the pattern continued the kissing became more passionate and less sweet and he was touching me more kind of timid at first he was trying to be nice not push to far he was holding back like as he held me even when kissing me he did so with out push his hips to me so I could feel his hard cock and know how much this was getting to him but eventually he did and I was able to feel his hard cock press against me even with us both fully clothed and he never tryed to undress me or pull my tits out or anything but I was getting to him and he was becoming much more aggressive it was amazing he held me down his hands around my wrist he was on top of my kissing me and down my neck and chest but he never did take my tits out to play with them never did her to c them or even take my bra off but he kissed every inch of bare skin and fondel and with them over my bra and top it was sush a tease I wanted to feel him play with my nipples
He did run his hands over most of my body caressing and fondling me but he never tried to fuck me and I really want to c him again
10 年 前