The Staggering moronity of the online human

This blog post I just took the time to compose, called "The Staggering moronity of the online human being" or whatever you might believe its supposed to be called, is a purely, and fully dedicated piece that showcases the many retarded, very notably stupid, somewhat sadly moronic, extremely inconsiderate, and the pretty usual very offensive, and cruel heartless questions, statements, and situations that I, and many others in my shoes have encountered, and faced during their time here...

I'm not going out of my way to make this into an infinitely detailed list, my purpose of writing this post, is just simply me expressing myself, while showing my perceived side of the story, and venting out towards the many things that I have seen here in the chats, that I have had to experience in the course of my now almost two year plus journey here on this very useful, yet badly utilized dating section of an otherwise nicely made, and enjoyable porn website.

I am certainly hopeful that this piece of writing here might bring out some of the issues that I have faced into a logical understandable light to which things might start looking clearer, more understandable, and perhaps alter/switch around the perceptions a little, so that this article might make better chatters out of the many self embarrassing folk here, so on, and so forth.

Before starting with the writing, to clarify my situation, and person, here's a little introduction here about me, the person typing this post, as you'd probably know, I am a male to female Transgender living in partial hiding/seclusion, due to living in exceptional circumstances that are beyond me, and have the potential of getting me arrested/tortured/killed at any time, the circumstances of which are being born, raised, and living in a very intolerant, pro-religion, pro-mass-hatred, LGBTQIA intolerant, transgender hating/phobic, and unsafe society/country, also known to the rest of the world as Egypt the land of the pyramids, and the mummified pharaohs.

My main current goal is to get on with my transition while avoiding problems, and if possible, to have a life companion/mate to share my life with in this perpetual nightmare zombie apocalypse of a scenario, which would seem to be a well advised need if you intend to hold on to your sanity, and I intend to achieve that without losing ground on my personal morals, and possibly acquire a job that is okay with my gender classification, religious freedom for my non-compliant status towards all religions, and perhaps, since I am actually making a list, independence with safe immigration, as a refugee or whatever to an English speaking, LGBT tolerant, and safe country.

I might seem, and come off to some as a person who doesn't have faith in anything, lives as a hermit in a dark cold, and damp cloud of sadness and hopelessness, with a little hint/sprinkle of despair, but in truth I am quite hopeful, I never stopped caring, and I will never stop caring, fighting for myself, and what I believe in, aspire towards, While trying to get myself into a better future, and doing the best I can to improve the world around me. I will always have faith that people can actually understand what I am trying to say.

I am not writing this piece for any ulterior motives, this writing can be taken as a comedic item of a little darkness to it for some.

The "scenarios" and things I usually get sent here via texts on chats (usually first chats) from total strangers who have not attempted to break any ice or even have yet to be acquainted with me are :

- Can we be friends?

- *Starts a chat, and is talking completely one sidedly, while having a completely blank profile, without introducing themselves* then immediately announces : " i wanna express that i am a big fan of ur mind, and that i would love to share experiences with u " (excuse the copy and directly paste attitude)

- How can I be your friend?

- Tell me in full detail about your sexual activities/abilities.

- Want to be friends?

- Where do you live?

- Where do you live specifically? give me your full address now.

- How old are you?

- What's your real name?

- Do you have/sell sex toys? (?!!)

- Give me your email, Skype, Yahoo, Whatsapp, Viber, etc. etc.

- Give me your phone number.

- What are you wearing now?

- Take off your clothes now.

- I want to hear your voice.

- You will be my slave.

- Show me your body.

- Can you be my mistress?

- You are my slave! *types obscenities, and commands*

- Can I be your loyal Slave?

- Can I be your Dog?

- Can I be your Servant?

- Can I lick/suck/ eat your *********?

- Do you have a place?

- Are you sexually aroused by your family members, and or siblings/parents?

- Masturbate for me now.

- Please introduce yourself, I am too lazy to read your profile information.

- Tell me everything about yourself. (here and now?)

- Open your cam now.

- Are you masturbating/jerking off?

- Can you dance for me on cam show?

- Tell me about your sexual fetishes and desires.

- Please entertain me.

- I am bored, open a topic for me.

- I am very bored.

- Send me your pictures now.

- No pics no friendship. (but, doesn't dare to show any personal pics of themselves)

- How do you masturbate?

- Are you turned on now?

- *A long Arabic message about how useless and lonely that person is in their lives, written in the most cheesiest Egyptian manner, and low-life language that brings out the barfs, but in an 18+ version that is purely disgusting*

- *Okay...I am not looking for a master of the English language or the ultimate online communicator, and neither am I anything special in terms of language, speech and/or brains, but this specific issue really grinds my gears, and pushes me beyond anything out there. ***People who can't speak in English, cannot communicate properly, or comprehend the language, have the vocabulary of 3 year old, but with porn words, possess the spelling, punctuation level of a dying, blind, and deaf otter, have the grammatical structure that would make the modern day "Ass clapping" rapper seem rather untouchable, and they have zero command of the language, and I can bet that they can't even speak their own native tongue either, yet miraculously for some sort of dark hand at work, They will still attempt to communicate with English speakers like myself, and actually type in English, and respond very quickly, and ever so confidently, and claim to be professionals, and actually get offended when criticized, or simply asked for an explanation on what they meant by the crap of text that they see as knowledge, that was generated, then spewed from their decomposing brains, through to their retarded hands and fingers, and onto their keyboards, and ultimately onto my poor message box, to my bleeding and deciphering eyes on the bright screen of dis-contempt, which is truly beyond me.. which is least that I could say for people who actually believe for some reason that you can bypass the language and communications barrier on an online text based chatting system, and form some kind of a relationship with a stranger without any sort of introductions, its almost as if they have just had an epiphany that they should start re-learning, and re-working their long time ignored, perhaps postponed shitty, pitifully weak, and useless language typing skills on poor old me's time and attention, for you people who are so many, and perceivably countless, and most probably commenting on this post, Fuck you! I personally wish you would all live all your lives misunderstood, and truly miserable perpetually for all eternity, forever, and ever, and even forevermore... you extremely inconsiderate, useless, and meaningless wasteful waste lumps of online human stool***

- *Full on Arabic insults*

- *Horrid Arabic poetry*

- Being offered money in exchange for sexual services.

- What is your favorite sex position?

- What is your sexual role?

- Describe your genitalia's appearance.

- Are you fat?

- Are you skinny?

- Are you hairy/smooth?

- Getting asked about my Profession/Job, and educational background and Institution+location of that educational institution, all too sketchy details to discuss for a person who is trying to keep their anonymity.

- Can you speak in Arabic?

- *Horribly ruined grammatical sentences that are very wrong to read*

- *Keeps sending quotes*

- *Uses Google translate or any other translator app, for a full chat*

- *Destructive spelling mistakes that can ruin your day*

- *Unintelligible typing that you can't even try to combine together to make any sense out of*

- Talk to me about your sexual likes.

- Why are you trans?

- I want to / can change your mind about being trans

- *Uses male pronouns to address me*

- Are you a Lady boy, or a shemale, or a t-girl, or a transsexual?

- *A person that literally says* I just personally don't believe in people being trans, there are only the male and female sex in their own gender, why do you believe that you are trans? you are just a gay male living a lie.

- c2c? now, please? (As if the please adds or subtracts anything)

- You can't be and will never be a real female, girl, or woman. So why do you try? (usually told by some mean, or maybe jealous females, and hateful males)

- You will never find love or a person to date you, why don't you just be more practical and have sex without conditions with strangers ? (another more charming line, that is designed to make you swoon over him ever so helplessly)

- Your profile information is too long, so I decided not to read it.

- You are going to hell because you are trans.

- I will not start chatting you until you send me all your pictures (nude and non-nude) in a message to my email *insert email address here*, (paying in mind that the requester isn't showing any of their personal pictures)

- Let's meet!

- I can't commit to a trans-person because I care and fear what society says and has to say about me, but don't make that upset you, we can still have sex. (Oh how gracious of you, your highness)

- Can we meet?

- My house is empty today, come lets meet and have fun *sends me address and phone number(s)*

- What do your feet look like?

- You are not a transgendered person, you are a real girl that is lying about being a trans-girl! (why even go through the trouble, I wonder...)

- I am coming to Egypt soon, and I will not stay long, want to meet for a hook up? I am staying at *insert hotel name and phone number and extra details*

- *Giving me nicknames, or calling me babe, or some shit without even knowing me*

- *The endless stream of uncalled for threats of all kinds*

- "Remember me? I know you, we chatted on my old profile that I decided to close a year ago" (weirdly this case is the most messed up kind, due to the fact of the reason of why we stopped contacting one another, could have been a fall out or just that the person chickened out, all of which are not good signs that never bode well for either party)

- *The well timed stalker(s) notes, which always come off as very creepy*

- *The very elusive untimely time traveler types, who send you one message every month or so, and expect you to keep a record and wait for their majestic majesties, and welcome them as if no second ever passes, claiming that their schedules are always full, bullshit I say*

- *The endless flow of cheating, seemingly always unsatisfied married men who believe that they have a chance with you, and somehow "know" that they can involve you in their cheating lives by just signaling you, as if I'm a harpy waiting for it's calling of some sorts*

- *The type that asks you to commit to them without knowing you or chatting with you*

- Can we start the relationship? (After only typing two lines into the chat)

- Are we in a relationship? (After chatting for around under 5 minutes, scary prematurity, hate to see where it stems from or how far it actually goes)

- *The many many many!! friend invites by guys with pictures of their penises, or sex gifs, claiming that they are more than what their pictures, or very generic porn profile names suggest, and never following through*

**** Anyway, I will just say, I have had enough of writing down the examples (and re-living them), even though I can go on forever with far more examples and situations than I can care to count, without even taking into consideration the many variables that have been seen to each situation, but the real point is, whoever has read a little of this post with half a brain can tell where it goes on to, and gets the idea of what I meant to say and portray, and I hope it was educational and somehow fun and inoffensive for the reader, and hopefully not nearly as disappointing as it is to me, until the next post, and hopefully here's to hoping it does not turn up to be my suicide note****

Disclaimer(s) :

*About the examples* of the statements posted above, I don't mean them in a personal way or a degrading manner, as all people will and have made mistakes and usually learn from them to become better people, man stumbles then rises learning from his mistakes, it is when man doesn't accept to see his mistakes as mistakes or even decides not to learn from them, is the time when truly man is damned and doomed. Added to that, I do not preach condemnation or mass hatred of any form to anybody, so no angry mobs to either party, be civil and hold your head up high with dignity and self respect. All examples, statements, etc. have been written in better English in some cases to show and portray their meaning correctly without any embellishment to the true facts that have occurred, and have been faced by me here.

Then *Personally*, I don't, cannot, and will not give a flying fuck if you don't like what you have read here, you hate what you read, don't throw a tantrum or mope about it, or do! and see who gives a fuck!
So just move along, live and let die, or even live, so you liked or even enjoyed what you read? then a nice compliment in the comments section can, and will actually make my day, and probably even make way for a nice friendship, I hope the reader doesn't show me some or any unnecessary "staggering moronity", or hatefulness either in the comments or in the personal messages, as I cannot bear with more of that, and that would be my only selfish request here to all, and on that note, I bid you farewell.
发布者 VickyZR
10 年 前
egyptlongride 8 年 前
Astonishing post dear, however you still shall suffer :frowning:
I hate to say that, but it is like a sculpture on the shoreline, every now and then the sea has to send you another wave (pardon me for my broken English )
lewd202016 9 年 前
The way you write sort of always added to how alluring you are. be it in lengthy bitching posts like that or over IM.
P.S. do you still wear your momma's undies boy?
VickyZR 出版商 9 年 前
sevrynxxx : Could be worse :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
回答 原始评论
Vick Good points. But You might as well be pissing into a broken fan faced into a Hurricane.
siraurthur 9 年 前
VickyZR : I believe people will flirt if interested anywhere! As you are seeking a serious relationship an intellectual presentation -as the one presented in this blog post- is the basis for a healthy initiation, and if this wasn't enough to get a person to flirt with you then you are on the safe side as you probably won't want to get involved with that person in the first place.

I also believe that good communication is the basis of any relation, so I guess people who do really want to get involved in each other lives should start with sharing thoughts, feeling and bits of intimate details. So you see that xhamster reveals some elements of ones psyche but the greater deal is available somewhere else... Of course as always you mileage may vary.
回答 原始评论
VickyZR 出版商 9 年 前
siraurthur : Nothing wrong with trying, without losing, besides, if you think about it, this being a dating section of a porn website is a very good filtration system, and has a few revealing elements as well.
回答 原始评论
siraurthur 9 年 前
Run VickyZR run, there is no place for intellectuals here. I guess you know that males don't get enough blood running to their brains when they get horny and even less when they get an erection, hence hanging out in the dating section of a porn website -hoping for an articulate, well mannered and educated communication- isn't the smartest thing to do.
VickyZR 出版商 9 年 前
Cool, thanks for reading, and I'm glad I was able to a make enough of a connection through my writing to get a comment :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: