The sexual aggressiveness
The sexual aggressiveness, which translates from Latin as an attack, means ready to attack.
Unlike love-erotic relationship between sexual partners, there are aggressive and often violent actions. But there is a certain circle of people receiving from v******e incomparable erotic pleasure. These are masochists, sadists and bdsm.
What remains unclear is how does sexuality as such types of behavior. According to psychologists modernity, aggressiveness appears as a result of past trauma, frustration, i.e dissatisfaction in the expectations. This may affect not only the sexual desires and needs. The concept, which considers aggression consequence of frustration, it is noted that people who have experienced abuse in the future itself may resort to v******e in sexual relationships and always get satisfaction.
Aggressiveness in sex does not mean that the person has a high sexual needs, it's just a form of sexual response. When v******e against themselves or partner attains pleasure in the compensatory nature of v******e. He repeats and continues to have v******e or wants to experience the v******e that is practiced in other areas of life.
After numerous studies sexologists confirmed that the layer of the population that is most oppressed and diskriminerede, is in a dependent position, is a hotbed of men use against women, the weaker creatures, beating and rough sexual v******e.
It should be noted that most of the clients of prostitutes who specialize in sadomasochism are wealthy men who belong to the cream of society, and they only implement a mock aggression.
If you do not consider clinical exceptions, we can conclude that aggressiveness in sex is an expression of v******e that occur in certain social relations.
10 年 前