Non-adulterous fun?

Mrsxxx and I first got chatting on Xhamster a good couple of years ago. We are both married and love our other halves....however every now and again when we find ourselves on our own at the same time; generally late Friday nights after a few glasses of wine and turn to our respective laptops and meet up on this fantastic website.
On several occasions i have woken in the early hours with a banging head, my dressing gown open and my cock tender and flaccid from having spent several hours drunkenly typing lots of naughty things to each other.
Well on one night recently we got into a conversation about whether what we do can be constituted as adulterous and we came to the decision that as long as we didn't touch each other then it could not be considered as adultery.
Now, this may not be the legal answer to our question but it satisfies our pangs of guilt...and we do truly love our spouses..just need a little spice in our i need to explain further?..
anyway, the conversation got very naughty and we both exchanged ideas of how naughty we could be without touching if we met up....can you see where this drunken chat was leading?
The night in question was last Friday night and by about 2am we had both dared each other to meet at a rendezvous point relatively local to each other in Bucks at the services off the motorway....the next day!
The idea would be to meet for the first time...we had only ever exchanged graphic photos of ourselves up to this say hello, have a chat over coffee and then go our separate ways without touching..the excitement being in that we had actually met each other in the flesh after all this time.
At that point I said goodnight explaining that i ought to get a few hours and sleep off the bottle and a half of wine i had consumed during our chat. I logged off and then thought...'What the f..k have I done, i can't go through with this' but then after a few minutes of going back and forth over it i realised that all i was doing was saying hello to someone that i had known for a while and nothing else. Genius. I could do that...and it would be interesting to finally meet Mrsxxx.
I didn't sleep well at all :)
I woke on Saturday morning with only a mild 'morning after' mugginess as opposed to the usual Saturday morning riot charging about my head.
The time we had agreed was 11am so I climbed into the shower and washed away the night before slowly getting back to a feeling of normality. i pulled on my best jeans and a shirt, freshly ironed, slipped on my best pumps and jumped into the car.
The journey along the M40 was a blur, all i remember was that it was particularly sunny which added to the excitement, I was physically trembling in anticipation as i pulled into the services and found a bay to park in.
As i walked towards the entrance i suddenly remembered that we had discussed how to recognize each other. we were to both wear sunglasses sat on our heads. I ran back to the car and as i reached for the sunglasses I realised how sunny it was. was a totally NON foolproof plan which as i walked back to the entrance became more evident as i saw a few men and women inn shades.
I walked around the interior of the services and having bought a coffee sat down at the coffee shop chairs that I had recommended....and i sat there for what seemed like an eternity but was only 10 mins or so...when suddenly a well presented,attractive, middle aged woman (hope you don't mind the description Mrsxxx) pulled out the chair on the opposite side of the small table and sat down.
To cut a long story short we both agreed that we found if other hot and that it was strange but incredibly arousing to know how each other looked....intimately.
Mrsxxx then told me that she had something for me under the table and asked for me to put my hand under the table so she could give it to me.
My hand slipped under the table so as not to look inconspicuous and as i pushed my fingers forward i felt some material lightly touch my fingers. My fingers closed around the material and then Mrsxxx explained that they were her panties that she had put on fresh before coming out and had sat in as she drove to the services and had then slipped off in the ladies toilets once she had gotten here..'A little momento' she continue......if you wish me to finish?
发布者 jenny1971
10 年 前
nwukcupl 2 年 前
Hmm, I'm sure plenty of romances have started in a similar way?....
roadrunner1959 4 年 前
Love chatting like you did too, need to know the next chapter
jenny1971 出版商 8 年 前
In a wooded lay bye about a mile up the road. I will finish it off when I get the chance. Very erotic no penetration mutual fun.
Jack8Jill 8 年 前
What a thrill... So, did it go any further?
I bet I know the answer!!! :wink:
harryboy224 8 年 前
I dont know how you didnt blow your load in your jeans!
anrianri 9 年 前