Loosing control

dear all,

today i wanna post something that happened to me shortly. i have to say: i love to expose myself naked to women or being ordered to do so. most if i am horny as that leads me to having my precum oozing ... im have very big amounts of that since very early years and every drip is a little orgasm.

what happended:
on a saturday i got an email-order from a woman i know by the internet. she knows i love to milk my precum into a shotglass and so asked me if im willing to do a test.
i replied yes and so i got the task: watch porn as much as you want (she sended me nce links too) do sex-chats, wank and milk your precum into the shootglass do whatever you want but dont cum before the shotglass is filled.
i accepted and thought that maximum after 2 days it will be done and expected a very nice big cumshot.
i started and by sleeping time on the first day i had a nice amount of precum in the shotglass -BUT: warm warm spring has arrived in germany and when i started next day i had to realize because of the warm weather the fluid had reduced... so i started again
and the next day again. on that 3rd day my balls were aaaaching very massively and i had problems to walk aroound. time after time i had to show my cock to my mistress on webcam how much precum there is in the shotglass so she could see how aroused i am by just touching my cock and letting precum ooze out.
so far thats not much of CFNM but
on the fourth day a female friend of mine announced herself to visit me. all day i watched porn again did some sexchatconversations and found that i will be not able to fill up that glass to the top as long as its warm like that. in the evening she came around.... i was horny as hell ... we talked and i couldnt keep my eyes from her tits under her blouse. occasionally i started to touch my cock in mytrousers-maaaannnnn that felt good and she couldnt see what i was doing. the time went on and i thought how to come to the point - it must be ok, if my visitor did it ... we talked and talked and after 2 hours she said she had to go for a pee. when she was inside the bathroom i followed her stopped before the bathroom-door and when i heard her pee flowing i couldnt but open my trousers and started to milk myself. immmmmmmediately lots of precum oozed on the floor while she was peeing - i was sooooooooooo in need to cum. i forgot the world around me when aloversudden the bathroomdoor opened and she stood there: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? she shouted. i tried to apologize with my hard-on in hand and dripping precum ... "ah, by the way: i have to go now" she than said ... i walked after her with my cock out of pants. what to do i asked my self all the time. she went to the door of the flat and i followed her still with my cock out and without any control starting to jerk again. she said: "bye for now. have some fun alone " i stood on the threshold of my flatdoor massaging my cock without thinking about people that could come up or down the stairway and saw her to start moving down the stairs. i was in dispair when suddenly she turned around to look at me: BANNGGGGGGG... that look killed me and i did cum massively right there on the floor.
when i opened my eyes again after all cum was on the floor she was gone.

i could have written muuuuuch more about my feelings on the four days of milking and not cumming but i dont wanna make you feel boring. anyhow i love to get emails:


greetz from germany
发布者 20cmBerlin
13 年 前