Punishing myself
All the suggestions for punishment were gratefully received, thank You all kind Sirs! One nice gentleman suggested that i use crocodile clips on my clit, and another kindly gentleman suggested i use nettles on my nipples and clit. i knew i had some crocodile clips so i worked with these two ideas, and yesterday morning carried out my punishment. i couldn't concentrate enough afterwards because of the pain to write about it so it had to wait until today. i know thats very selfish of me and i can only apologise profusely kind Sirs.
Yesterday morning i got up and washed and made sure i was completely hairless below my neck. Then i went outside and harvested a big pile of nettles, then came back in and prepared. I put a crocodile clip on each nipple and put on an old bra, then stuffed them with nettles. Next i stuffed a load of nettles inside my cunt and used another four crocodile clips to pin my cunt shut. i was in a huge amount of pain already, so i stuffed my buttplug up my ass using tabasco as lubricant and then put on a big pair of granny knickers which i then stuffed the rest of the nettles into. Then i got dressed in some clothes to go out in.
It was really difficult to get dressed because every movement i made bought a fresh wave of pain, my nipples were on fire and it felt like my udders were about to explode. I don't think i can find adequate words to describe my cunt. It was white hot with the agony of it all. my ass was on fire from the tabasco, and all in all, i was wishing i wasn't me right at that minute.
Finally i put on my coat and went out to go to the paper shop for my newspaper. i couldn't really walk, because every slight movement hurt like hell, but i f*rced myself and kind of hobbled down the road. During my excursion i was asked by four different people if i was alright and needed any help, so it must have shown that i was in pain.
Normally the walk is about 5 or 6 minutes each way. it took me 20 minutes to get to the shop, and i practically fell through the door. i think the owner thought i was dr*nk or something, so i got my paper and left. i couldn't even really talk because i couldn't get my words out. Starting the walk back, i was acutely aware that i couldn't just change my mind in the middle of the street and take everything off. i think if i had stayed in the house i would have done just that by now. i had tears flowing now as i made my way home, and it took me almost 30 minutes. i was quite worried as my nipples and cunt where the clips were had gone quite numb now, but i couldn't go any faster.
When i staggered through the door i just collapsed onto floor crying, and trying to pull my clothes off. When i got them off, i pulled the bra off with the nettles all falling everywhere, it didn't really calm the pain down. Then the big knickers and all the nettles stuffed in them. This all had the effect of stinging me all over my body as i was squirming around in agony. i pulled the buttplug out of my screaming ass which felt like a furnace was lit up it. This saved the crocodile clips to last which i wasn't looking forward to. i pulled them off my nipples and my udders exploded in pain so i was rolling around and bawling like a baby. Then the clips on my cunt which sent the pain to even greater levels, and i think i might have passed out for a couple of seconds. it was a couple of minutes before i could get the strength to shove my hand in my cunt and pull out all the nettles up there.
I was absolutely beside myself with pain and i just stayed where i was on the floor crying for three or four hours, before i found the strength to get up and tidy up. It looked like a bomb had gone off with clothes, nettles and crocodile clips strewn everywhere.
i hope You can all understand why i couldn't write this yesterday, and to answer a couple of questions, yes it still hurts but it's dulling down, and no i haven't played with myself. i don't think i could bare to at the moment!
i hope i've learnt my lesson now as i wouldn't want to do that again any time soon, but thank You all for your suggestions, and for bothering to read about my pathetic little life. xxx
Yesterday morning i got up and washed and made sure i was completely hairless below my neck. Then i went outside and harvested a big pile of nettles, then came back in and prepared. I put a crocodile clip on each nipple and put on an old bra, then stuffed them with nettles. Next i stuffed a load of nettles inside my cunt and used another four crocodile clips to pin my cunt shut. i was in a huge amount of pain already, so i stuffed my buttplug up my ass using tabasco as lubricant and then put on a big pair of granny knickers which i then stuffed the rest of the nettles into. Then i got dressed in some clothes to go out in.
It was really difficult to get dressed because every movement i made bought a fresh wave of pain, my nipples were on fire and it felt like my udders were about to explode. I don't think i can find adequate words to describe my cunt. It was white hot with the agony of it all. my ass was on fire from the tabasco, and all in all, i was wishing i wasn't me right at that minute.
Finally i put on my coat and went out to go to the paper shop for my newspaper. i couldn't really walk, because every slight movement hurt like hell, but i f*rced myself and kind of hobbled down the road. During my excursion i was asked by four different people if i was alright and needed any help, so it must have shown that i was in pain.
Normally the walk is about 5 or 6 minutes each way. it took me 20 minutes to get to the shop, and i practically fell through the door. i think the owner thought i was dr*nk or something, so i got my paper and left. i couldn't even really talk because i couldn't get my words out. Starting the walk back, i was acutely aware that i couldn't just change my mind in the middle of the street and take everything off. i think if i had stayed in the house i would have done just that by now. i had tears flowing now as i made my way home, and it took me almost 30 minutes. i was quite worried as my nipples and cunt where the clips were had gone quite numb now, but i couldn't go any faster.
When i staggered through the door i just collapsed onto floor crying, and trying to pull my clothes off. When i got them off, i pulled the bra off with the nettles all falling everywhere, it didn't really calm the pain down. Then the big knickers and all the nettles stuffed in them. This all had the effect of stinging me all over my body as i was squirming around in agony. i pulled the buttplug out of my screaming ass which felt like a furnace was lit up it. This saved the crocodile clips to last which i wasn't looking forward to. i pulled them off my nipples and my udders exploded in pain so i was rolling around and bawling like a baby. Then the clips on my cunt which sent the pain to even greater levels, and i think i might have passed out for a couple of seconds. it was a couple of minutes before i could get the strength to shove my hand in my cunt and pull out all the nettles up there.
I was absolutely beside myself with pain and i just stayed where i was on the floor crying for three or four hours, before i found the strength to get up and tidy up. It looked like a bomb had gone off with clothes, nettles and crocodile clips strewn everywhere.
i hope You can all understand why i couldn't write this yesterday, and to answer a couple of questions, yes it still hurts but it's dulling down, and no i haven't played with myself. i don't think i could bare to at the moment!
i hope i've learnt my lesson now as i wouldn't want to do that again any time soon, but thank You all for your suggestions, and for bothering to read about my pathetic little life. xxx
9 年 前
PM me and I'll tell you all !