Some girl on girl on girl lastnight and then some

Ok so I guess recap first who remember sugar and buddy? And my solider friend? So buddy is a good friend of mine that is also friends with link and sugar is buddy's girlfriend that's bi and is ok to do stuff with girls as long as she gets buddy's ok first and I live that I've even given buddy and sugar bondage lessons before ^-^

I think I've told u about my soldier friend before but we have been friends and only friends never kissed or anything for more than 10 years and he has been deployed and gone for a few years but westill talked and he had this gf back home that cheated on him and it was rouch he was hurt and Iwas upset and we ttalked and then the questions came up y do u care? What about us kinda thing? But they never really got answered ffor several reasons but anyway he is back now

So last night I was all bored and lonely and I called link not to fuck him but just to c who was doing what cuz Iwant to hang out well he told me that he buddy sugar my soldier boy and a few other were all going out in part cuz soldier boyhas only recently got back well that sound like a great time but I didn't want to crash their party even if they r all my friends and Iwas sure soldier boy would want to c me but still so link said I should ask soldier boy but he didn'tanswer me and so link went with out me when got there soldier boy was like where is Zeo??? And link was like well I didn't think u wanted her to come and he was like wtf go get her and Iwas feeling like my friends hated nme it was a horrible start to the night but it was ok they all did want to c me we all justsuck at phone tag

And i made a new friend... Kitty

I like kitty ^-^

Me kitty and sugar had some girl on girl action all the way around mostly jjust kissing and fondling but I did get to c kitty topless and omg she has perfect tits like omg her bare tit fit perfect in my hand just big enough and really perky with supper cute hard little nipples she is almost as tall as I am a little thiner her hair is a bit dark and not as long as mine we even wear the same shoe size me and the girl r already planing a girls night to play dress up and since sugar told kitty about our bondage lessons kitty wants a lessons

I had a lot if fun with the girls... But I also had a lot of fun with my soldier boy

So I spent a lot of time with soldier boy and I could tell he was working up to kissing me but Ikept putting distance between us cchanging the subject distracting him kinda of thing but one of the things I've always like about him is he is a go for it all in kind of guy so he went for it he kissed me for thefirst time and I guess its something he has wanted to do for years but till the questions came up when we talked before he never would have but it was good really good the kiss I mean and we kissed a lot last night he also kissed kitty and we may have spent some time with both of us kissing on her and her neck and yeah it was really good

But the thing about him is that he is an all in your mine and no other guy can touch u kind of guy and that ok its kind what I want but idk like even link when we were talking alone said something about how since I had let soilder boy kiss me he shouldn't be standing to close to me when soldier boy got back

I had a great time i didn't bring him home with me and we really didnt do anythink more than make out but I'd like to c more of him idk what will happen or even what I want to happen but for now I'm happy just having a good time my only real plan is make him wait c if he thinks I'mworth it and just enjoy the ride
发布者 Zedoary
9 年 前
stevebosuer 9 年 前
I'm glad you had a fantastic time! gotta read the new blogs now. lol
joehorny12in 9 年 前
Id like to hear more about kitty and maybe see some fun you two have lol
dawgsfan68 9 年 前
I agree with the previous poster. As for the video, it would be totally hot but that is completely up to you..:smile:
thedp321 9 年 前
You just gotta wait. and do a vid with kitty lol