From Africa with Love

Hey yo!

The last time we talked, I was telling you how I had graduated to now getting black dick on the regular...well, ORAL, anyway. I was giving Dom BJ's on my lunch breaks and stopping by his apartment in the evenings and weekends for 6ixty-9ing, mutual masterbation and such. No less than twice a week and many weeks almost every day and yes on a few memorable occasions, twice a day (!)...

I also made a friend with "shared interests" (ie, black dicks) who introduced me to the wonderful world of giving BJs to random black guys we'd meet, never to be heard from again....but more on her later....

So yeah, I had developed quite a taste for black dick. I was growing to love the flavors of black dicks, balls, taint, and of course semen...when I wasn't actually sucking one, I was thinking about it or watching interracial porn clips here on Hamster. This went on for the better part of a year: sucking Dom 2-7 times a week with the occasional black stranger thrown in for good measure...

But it was like that since it was "only" oral, it didn't really count or something...heck, in a couple years once I moved past this 'phase' in my life, I could look back with a relatively clear conscious and be like: yeah OK, it really wasn't much different than kissing guys (LOL!) and besides it wasn't like I was fucking them...right? There would be nothing too terribly shameful to the new Romneybilt in my life, whenever he came along...

(Of course I knew I'd never tell Romneybilt that I'd sucked a black guy's dick on my lunch break, then after work masturbated to Kobe Bryant while watching game while alternately cyber-sexing "bbc4whitebitches" online...some things are better left a secret!) while I was quite happy to be sucking black dicks as often and regularly as I was, I did occasionally think about MORE, ie, fucking. keep in mind, until that point, a grand total of 4 gentlemen had inserted the penises inside me...and that felt like an appropriately conservative number for a mid 20's Bible belt gal like myself...I just felt like keeping the number under 5 seemed right and I could move onto the next white guy I would begin dating seriously with a somewhat clear conscious...heck, I knew some very respectable and upper class gals in college who would have more than that while binge-drinking during Derby weekend...

no, I really thought I was fine just sucking black dicks, not taking things to the next level...and it was about that time that:

The company I worked for sent me away for a week-long, this was my first extended work trip since orientation, and uh, we know how that turned out, right? This was just to a town in VA for training on a new work system...this was during the earliest part of summer and the college of this town was not in session, meaning my group had the run of the computer lab in which our seminars were held. In fact, the whole town was pretty much emptied out. I had mixed emotions about this: part of me was glad this wasn't one of those trips with lots of partying, but the other part of me couldn't help but remember my LAST work trip and the encounter with Courtney that changed my life...

Yeah, what I'm saying is that we didn't run into many black guys during the week, so i took that for what it was worth...just focused on my learning and only thought about black dicks...CONSTANTLY! Without my go-to guy Dom ready and willing to be sucked, I was relegated to hurrying to my room after class and dinner so that I could watch Wesley Pipes videos and masturbate. Yep, while I didn't really realize it at the time, I was dangerously horny...

So like I said the campus was *mostly empty, but not quite. There were a few souls there for summer classes and such...including Simon, one of the students the university hired to monitor the computer lab where we were working. He was tall, skinny and VERY VERY DARK, no doubt due to the fact he was an actual African (!) in our country and going to school on a track scholarship. In fact, track practice was the reason he was among the handful of students still on campus. He spoke English perfectly, in fact with a bit of an accent, which I found curiously charming. I'm not going to lie and say I didn't notice his body while he was wiggling under our desks making sure our pc's were plugged in correctly...

YES, I had 'noticed' him in THAT way, thinking he was kinda cute (the other ladies in my class had noticed him as well, and spoke of that polite/sweet/cute African boy in our computer lab)...and yes, over the course of the week I had pictured him naked more than once and YES, Simon's face and body popped up in my head during my nightly after-work masturbation sessions...

and YES, I wondered what it might be like to get him alone during this trip...but our group was all on the same hall on the hotel and it wasn't like I could just invite him to come over (yes, I'd thought about the logistics of it all...)


(gotta love it when life throws you a BUT...)

it was FRI, our last day there...we spent a half-day in class, many of us using the 2nd half of the day to travel home...we were back at the hotel, packing up to leave when I realized I'd left my work badge and some papers back in the computer lab...

LOL, YES, looking back I wonder if I did this subconsciously so I'd have an excuse to go back to the lab where I knew Simon was working? Honestly I can't say that for sure...but I will say that once i realized I'd left my stuff there, a feeling washed over my body of...relief? Excitement? Not sure how to describe it, except that I didn't feel inconvenienced at all having to drive back to campus after telling all my co-worked "bye" and wishing them all safe travels home...

Yes, there was a noticeable pep in my step as I hurried to the computer lab...and yes, there was a sensation of (relief? expectation?) when I saw Simon's smiling face behind the desk, holding my badge and papers I'd left behind, saying he'd "hoped I'd come back for them"...

(LOL, my heart raced at that! He'd "hoped I'd come back"? Did that mean he was hoping to see me again? Was he crushing on me in the same way I was crushing on him...?)

It was painfully obvious to me now that he and I were alone for the first time all week...we commenced chatting and I couldn't help but feel this was all part of a master plan, a porn movie coming together right before my eyes. It was at this time I learned he was African and in this country on a track scholarship, and he learned I was only a few years older than him (he was 18!!) and a bit about my school/work/personal history as well...

Yeah, we chatted for the better part of an was quite a rush being in this nice building almost totally by ourselves...perhaps this is where I should point out that I was wearing my standard work clothes of the day: white blouse, navy blue skirt, dark heels, and tan pantyhose. Yes, pretty much the same thing I was wearing when I had sex with Courtney that first time. LOL, that fact was not lost on me, as I found myself getting quite horny as Simon and I chatted...

And I noticed that he was looking at me....very subtly, but he was, his eyes scanning me up and down, ESPECIALLY whenever I would fidget with my shoes, my feet slipping in and out of my heels. One thing I was learning is that ALMOST ALL GUYS like to look at that, to scan my legs up and down, ESPECIALLY when I slipped my feet in and out of my shoes...over time I've learned that not all guys are foot-fetishists, but pretty much all guys like to look at legs and feet...

Simon was clearly looking at my legs and feet, and the more he looked, the more I found myself fidgeting and teasing him...and was he standing closer and closer as we talked? Yes, I noted at one point that I was in my stocking feet, heels off and one leg slightly up, my toes gripping the rail of the desk in front of me, with Simon moving forward so that he was basically standing between my legs, our crotches pointed towards each other and relatively close...

Our flirting was interrupted by a janitor who showed up to empty trash cans...and it was at this moment that I took charge. Now understand, I wasn't *planning* on taking charge, but it just happened. Just like the way that Courtney had shaped and guided my first black dick experience, I suddenly knew that unless I sprang into action, this encounter would end in me and Simon staring goofily at each other and then wondering "what if?" afterwards...

LOL, I have become quite the ANTI-"what if?" girl the last couple years!

"SO, Simon..." I suddenly said, louder than I meant to. "You stay in a dorm over the summer? Here on campus...?"

LOL, it wasn't the smoothest pick-up line ever, but at least I wasn't giving up...

He nodded, and I continued...

"That's so cool!"

(LOL, was it really?)

"I would love to see it!"

and with that, I shouldered my bag, slipped my pantyhosed feet back into my heels, and moved towards the door with authority, assuming he was following me. I glanced back; he was!

It was a lovely late spring/early summer day on the mid-east coast and I have to admit I was totally loving walking across campus with this young African guy. Nobody knew me here! I kept reminding myself as we walked.

We got to his dorm and I asked if I had to be checked in at the front desk to go up to his room, like I had to do at the college I went to...
See what I did there?
I wasn't even allowing for a break in the action, I knew we'd need to get up to his room and I shifted the burden off him figuring out how it would happen, if it did indeed happen...
Yeah, I gave him a free pass...LOL

"No, we can just go on up..." he said, and I replied "!" and hurried thru the lobby and up to his room, as if doing that was never in question.

Hard to believe I had no plans of doing anything like this as recently as a couple hours eariler!
BUT, we were now heading toward his dorm room and my heart was pounding as I watched him fiddle thru his keys to unlock the door...

He opened the door and I sashayed inside, saying stupid words like: "oh yeah...this is nice..."

LOL, it was hardly "nice". It was cinder block walls painted light green with a divider separating 2 was closer to being a prison cell than it was being "nice"...

BUT...once I heard him close the door and the lock click into place, I turned to face him...I said "VERY NICE..." as i pressed my body against his and wrapped my arms around his neck, stepping up on my tip-toes so that I could kiss him...

YES! Kiss him!
As our bodies mashed together and we FINALLY broke thru that unspoken wall that had been between us, and we were MAKING OUT and grinding out bodies together. After a LOOOOONG and passionate kiss, i guided him backwards to his bed/cot...

Once we landed there, I was all over him, kicking my heels off and grinding against him as we kissed passionately on his hand went immediately to the bulge in the front of his pants, just as his hands immediately went to my tits thru my white blouse....

Yes, just like that he had my blouse opened and my boobs exposed, me feeling cool air on my nipples along with his fingers...and I had his pants open, his big black uncut dick suddenly popping up...I immediately dipped my head so that I could take it in my mouth...

OK, there was a *slight* hesitation on my part...I had never seen an uncircumsized dick in person before...I took a split-second to appreciate it before I leaned down to put my lips around it and taste it...

I'd been trying to taste as many black dicks as I could lately, and this one was especially wonderful!
I looked up at him, LOVING the wide-eyed shocked expression on his face while I sucked his dick...

Here's the thing:
I could've totally ended things at that point, finishing him off in my mouth and then going about my merry way...but I wanted more from him. And wasn't shy about asking for it.

"Let's fuck!"
I said, spitting his looooong black dick out of my mouth long enough to say it.

"I want you to fuck me..."
And have truer words ever been spoken?
I began digging at my tan pantyhose, yanking them down to my knees as I wiggled against him on the bed, pressing my backside against that hard black dick that had just been in my mouth...

I reached back to grip it and guided it into my wet and welcoming pussy...he jabbed his hard black dick into me and rolled over on top of me, his fat black lips and tongue all over my neck and ears while he began to fuck me...

His humping and pumping were terribly out of time, but I totally didn't care...all I was concerned with was that long thick black dick he was sliding in me...his face suddenly appeared over my shoulder and I covered it with kisses, OMG, it was like I couldn't kiss him enough, and when his tongue protruded, it was like I couldn't kiss and suck on IT enough either...I was reaching back to pull him closer (if that was possible) and DEEPER inside me, I wanted him MORE and DEEPER inside me and it was driving me crazy...

Honestly? The fucking only lasted maybe a minute or so.
Sorry that's not very sexy, but its a fact...still, there was so much PASSION and DESIRE in that minute or so, it had building up not just that day or even that had been building up in me since my first interracial sex with Courtney and was FINALLY exploding out of me now!

I heard Simon grunt and felt his body tense up on top of me...
(just for your visual image: he was on top of me, his pants pushed down past his knees, me with my heels off and pantyhose rolled down to my knees, blouse ripped open as he fucked me...)
And then...his release...
HOT COME squirting inside me, HOLY CRAP waves of it squirting inside me, almost like he was peeing!

OH. Em. Gee.
It was totally hot, and I laid there with him, his black dick so full inside me and dribbling...
After a respectable amount of time had passed, I asked if he would please take me to the bathroom on his floor...and being the perfect gentleman that he was, he did...

And while in that bathroom, I did some reflecting and soul-searching...
I had just fucked another black guy, an actual AFRICAN guy this time, and in case my mind wasn't believing it, my tingling pussy was validating it...

yes, I just hit "5" and that wasn't even the issue I was, the issue was that I wanted MORE!
I mean, I wasn't ready to let tha't be my only sexual encounter with had been so brief!
No, I demanded more...

So I emerged from the bathroom into his dorm room, and was immediately hit with the smell of sex in his tiny dorm room...LOL, that was ME...OH MY!

I stood before him as he reclined on his bed and I began peeling off my clothes...I think Simon assumed that a one-time thing had just happened between us and I don't think he was expecting me to be stripping.
He just laid there and stared at me, bug-eyed, as I got naked before him...placed one foot (at a time) on the bed to peel my pantyhose off...
In fact, I tore all my "administrative" Mandi clothes off until I was buck naked before him...
After that, I began removing his clothes as well, all the way down to his black socks off I tugged off and finally his boxers.

Now, it was MY turn to stare at him bug-eyed as I admired his amazing body...keep in mind, this was exactly the 3rd black man I'd seen fully naked in person (porn don't count!)...the first had been a middle-aged bear of a guy with a thick mid-section, a former high school/college football player who'd let himself go out of shape...the 2nd (Dom) was just a regular guy in his 30s, on the short side, with just an average build and didn't take particularly good care of himself.

But Simon was an athlete with a long lean body that didn't appear to have an ounce of fat on it! Not like a body-builder, but instead lean well-defined muscles of a track athlete...he totally reminded me of a sexy black jungle cat lying there. He had the most amazing body I'd ever see like that upclose and in person (and naked).

His dick looked like a long black snake lying against his leg in all its sheathed glory...Courtney had a nice thick one, the biggest I'd ever had up to that point, while Dom's was more medium-sized...but Simon's was truly a work of ebony art.

His dick was moist and a bit of dribble leaking out, and it made my head spin to know that MY saliva and MY pussy juices stuck to it and causing it to fact his whole body was covered in a light sheen of sweat, and while part of that was certainly due to the fact it was a warm day, I know that sweat was caused by the sex we'd just had and part of it was no doubt mine intermingled with his.

"Oh my!" I heard myself say, and noticed that I was absently rubbing my nipples as I looked him up and down...did I just lick my lips? I believe that I did...

And after that?
I worshiped his black body all over, from head to toe.
the URGENCY of our first fuck was now passed away and we could explore each other...
And I was OBSESSED with his EBONY skin, the taste of it all over...lapping at his delicious ebony sweat...
This wasn't the hurried blow job like the first time, but instead a NICE LONG exploration with my mouth/lips/tongue over his entire body...the tight muscles of his chest, arms, and legs...between those legs, working my way up to his nearly hairless balls...there was such an array of meaty flavors that flooded my mouth once the head of his dick slipped past his foreskin and past my lips.

Once I'd teased him 100% hard again (LOL, did he ever really NOT be hard?), I rolled him over on top of me so he could put it in me...nice and slow this time, his long dick slipping inside my soaked pussy inch by glorious inch, me wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him down so we could kiss while I begged him to...

"Fuck me, Simon..."
Yes, I said it to him again and meant just as much this time.

He responded appropriately by grinding into me while he covered my red lips with his big dark ones...

Yes, sexy missionary screwing...followed by doggy-style...followed by me riding him...and all sorts of positions in between...he and I fucked for the better part of the next hour or so, BUCK NAKED, our bodies getting slick with sweat...there was only an old fashioned window AC in his dorm room and before long we were both covered in perspiration, my hair-beginning to stick to the sides of my face...yes, I'd stop when we were switching positions to put his dick back in my mouth or run my tongue over some part of his body, just to taste his exotic and musky flavor...

I came while riding him, reaching down to play with my clit while he grabbed my ass and pivoted me up and down on his black dick...afterwards, I rolled off into a post-orgasm puddle and he climbed back on top me of to finish himself took him a little while to build up enough steam to come again and I was totally OK with that, laying there and watching my bare feet up on his shoulders and bouncing around on either side of his face while he pushed my legs back so he could get it in as deep as he could...

And when he came I watched my toes curling at the sensation of his hot come blasting HARD and DEEPER inside me than any guy ever had before...I imagined my poor ovaries getting soaked with his strong African sperm that were currently flooding it, and I wondered if my birth control would be strong enough to fight them off?

Afterwards we had a bit of pillow talk before I left...I had begun to suspect he might have been a virgin, but he told he had exactly one previous encounter that had been very awkward and quick...that I was the first "proper sex" he'd ever had...which was pretty amazing considering how good he was at during our 2nd session! I gave his dick one last tongue-cleaning, swooning at the taste of the mix of our orgasms all over it...

I did keep in touch with him and *did* have a couple more encounters with him over the years...and I'll tell you about them later, if you'd like to hear them?

be good,
发布者 mandilou0303
9 年 前
jj4wp 2 年 前
Amazing! :smile: --- Jamal
Omg omg ... Speechless ... Never have I wanted to be another man more in my life
bbcs4swedes 9 年 前
A story to read and well, wish you were there to live it...
KnightedArmor 9 年 前
Great story! How have you been?
kevin_young 9 年 前
"I want you to fuck me..."

oh Mandi, those words might have got him oozing!
italyman87 9 年 前
amazing, as always!
jojosmallone 9 年 前
so HOT. Those big black cocks love to be sucked off by a beautiful white woman like you. But they even like breeding a white woman better than bj's. Most black guys produce alot of strong thick seed and with their bigger cocks place it futher inside a woman than us tiny weak dick white guys.
theonetimer 9 年 前
you need to let him breed you
dirty_2001 9 年 前
Love it