My dream lastnight

My dream last night OK so its weird it was like a family reunion kinda thing and it was at my great grandparents house that isn't in the family anymore and like all the stuff that had always been there wasn't and that fits cuz I know its not there and some of it I have but umm...

My ex that just dumped me was there and he looked miserable idk y he would even be there but he was and he wanted to talk to me but I was reluctant we did walk around the house and I pointed out to him the way things used to be and where the things that I have were before

U would think this dream would be leading up to him telling me he wanted me back that's what I thought but it didn't

I thought I was getting over this over him but I guess not
发布者 Zedoary
9 年 前
TTT_X 9 年 前
Hey sweety some times the subconscious doesn't rebound as quickly as the heart. If he said it's over he has to win you back again. Be careful you are to precious to be hurt so often by the same guy.
daddio67 9 年 前
Dreams are more figurative than literal. Its your subconscious working through the process of getting over him... or it could be something completely unrelated.
Escorts 9 年 前
I think your getting over him, it's just your subconscious sorting out the junk.
jiminplym 9 年 前
Wish I could just take you out and talk. Just talk and laugh.. Yeah I look at your picture on here and always fantasize that I'm devouring every inch of your delicious body with my mouth and yeah I want to just fuck you madly all night. But would love to just look at your face and let you talk and hear you and get to know each other.. That would be great.
563156 9 年 前
just start dating again to try to get over him, you dont have to fuck