This week

OK so this past week I've gone out 3 times the first time I seen my x and his new girl the second time I ran in to an old friend that I was never that close to I couldn't even remember him at first but I did eventually and he had a couple of friends with him and all 3 of them wanted me but nothing happened the 3rd time was uneventful but fun I got to dance and I love that

Then the other night I let this guy come over idk if I ever told u about him or not I haven't seen him in a long time not cuz he didn't want to c me but cuz I didn't want to c him and he has been asking to c me for a while but he was a fb and I kept telling him no he asked me y a few different times and I've told him its cuz I know what he wants but he said it wasn't like that so I gave in under the conditions that he didn't touch me not at all he agreed

He lied

He tried everything and I do mean everything from being sweet to being dirty to trying to guilt me into it but I didn't give in and he was pissed off when he finally gave up and went home

I do feel bad but I know I never mislead him when I used him for sex in the past I told him I was just useing him and I told him when I was done and even the other night and for weeks before that I told him I didn't want to fuck I didn't want to do anything and I made him promise not to try but he did anyway and that would be OK if it was just a little but he just wouldn't stop
发布者 Zedoary
9 年 前
eternaldeath 9 年 前
If he can't understand what you want he is not worth knowing.
zich27 9 年 前
Proud of you for standing up for what you want
rmrmjmo 9 年 前
no shortage of assholes
cavalier098 9 年 前
Just a friend with benefits
wahlspyder 9 年 前
Sounds like you are trying to make the changes you need to in order to be taken seriously and being more than a fuck toy. stick to your guns. you deserve to be be special to and cherished by someone special. Hats off to you.
LickerLicense 9 年 前
Heartbreaker, no matter what you do.