Straight Men Wearing Thigh High Stockings

Well this entry may sound very very strange to some who read this, one of the Fetishes that some people would have on their Fetishes List if anybody questions why I a Straight Man would be into such a Fetish and wonders why or wants a explanation why this is the my story. If you are a Straight Man who wonders why or a Straight Woman who Loves - Likes to see "Straight Men Wearing Thigh High Stockings"! Or Thigh High Stockings in general with the added touch of Men wearing High Heels Oops did I miss something well that too is what I'm into also but not just what you may be thinking so hold on to your Jets of gender neutralism as you read on it will be made clear to you that things don't seam to be what they are.

Well it's more out of medicinal functionally than Fetish or Kink! I'm sure to raise some attention and my Dominant Stats is in question with My Fellow Men & Women Friends as well other Men & Women who are interested in me. But it is true I do and am into wearing Thigh High Stockings for medicinal functionally. It may be giving that I'm a Older Man but because of fatigued and at times tired legs, I also attribute it to a fall that I took back in the 70s I was working some in a work study thing in High School working in a Mushroom Farm. The fall that I took was identical to the one that Danial Day-Lewis took in the movie "There Will Be blood" "OH" Ouch every time I watch that movie I know just how much it hurt you only have to watch the first 10 minutes to see it where he grabs a run of a fixed latter pulling it out one of the runs and falling back into the Mine.

I was working picking a house up stairs and when finished I went took a short cut. I would go from the house that I picking to a empty one that the beds were rolled up in they resemble a horse stalls and the support rails were 2 Feet apart like a run of a ladder we all sometimes took this short cut instead of going out to a main hall and down stairs. My Fall was just like that and the added fact that I was wearing a Miner's Light & Battery the Battery was the size of a Bede Tape and hard as a brick it was over the back of my middle rear end I pulled this one 2X4 rail out it was nailed in and this was the days before deck screws where manufactured I fell 10 feet from my feet and falling that hard on concrete floor right on the Battery let me say this it didn't tickle it hurt like hell I got up and shook it off the pain soon faded I was alright so in hind sight "no pun" I thought now I should of went to a Doctor about it. Or the dirty thing would be is to sue the owners for medical compensation that was when that sort of thing first started back in the 70s or suing a employer at least to save your job. But the owners were good Italian People I didn't want to give them cause of worry.

So some year roll by and I developed some discomfort and fatigue in my Back, Rear and Thighs that got a little more worse if I was on my legs for some time without sitting down, I have to not just sit down but lay down for some minutes to relief my back, legs and rear. I needed some kind of support and wondered why some kind of compression wear for Men like there was Thigh High Stockings for Women that I always knew compression stocking or tights. Well little did I know it was in 2005 that I was at my Pharmacist waiting for a prescription to be filled and was just looking around and looked at the rack of support socks and hosiery, just what did I see Thigh High Stockings for Men from Jobst Brand I took note of the price. "WHAT"? Women complain about being charged more for their clothing these stocking cost $70. some dollars I took a pair from the rack and photo stated the back of the box for the size chart placed them back on the rack. I had to wait to get the money to get a pair well when I did "OH" The difference I did very much feel the compression and it was recommended to wear them all the time and cautioned if some one with Heart Trouble & Problems not to wear them to long or not at all, I have noticed when I do wear them and I am at rest I do notice my heart beats just a bit harder than usual. Heart Trouble & Problems that I do not at all have but only "One"! If anyone catches on my meaning!

When I was wearing them I started to see how it must be like for Women one side benefit was that I could having them on sticking things in under the top of the bands like extra pockets. "Men Can't Have Enough Pockets" ! ;-) Now although I wear them I do see and play with some Fetish or Kink and/or sexual gratification involved. Now I am in no way advocating, convincing, or endorsing trying to talk into that all Men should wear them for sexual gratification Men who are reading this buddy it is all up to your thing and your thing alone.

I am seduced to the Dark Side to a extend of the Idea of wearing them during a Domination-Sex Encounters. As if that isn't Bad Enough I do have a thing on wearing High Heels "not quite the DSW Feminine kind or any other kind as is and I'm not any where near quite a CD in fashion, I'm marginally moderate on just what kind style that I choose even if Feminine wrapped in plain brown packaging. So to those who are Rocky Horror Picture Show fans

I got onto the High Heel Kick "no pun" back when I went to My Nephew's Wedding August 4TH, 1990 at The Estate of Actor Mr. William Gillette a heir to the Gillette Razor Company who was a Known Actor of The Theater on Stage The First Actor to Star as "Sherlock Holmes". Days before the Wedding we went to a local Ames Store, I was in the Men's Wear department noticed the Shoes and Boots a pair of Boots caught my eye I couldn't believe the Boots that I was looking at I had to look around the rack to see if it was a rack of Men's Shoes and it was there a pair of Ankle Boots that looked like Women's more than Men's. they are rad boots and do look like they are more Female than Male I'm going to post a Photograph of me wearing them. Since then I've favored the style of boot - shoe that the heels they look or resemble a western style I've seen the referred as a Cuban heel. For Men I've found in this style on the Web in dance wear like those guys from Riverdance wear, in some other styles I have to brown package the Women's style. So if I have to fess up I'll only claim to be 5% a CD that is my limit. Anything more than that is not for me and to much for me so Ladies & Gentlemen I'm Straight! I'm so Straight I make a Cork Screw look like a Drill Bit!! I do get my sexual buzz from Women Only! "OH" Ladies!

"So What Do You Think"?! Your Comments Please!

9 年 前
RealAkiya 3 年 前
They are sexy , but I am glad that I don't have to wear them anymore ☺
sissybloke 4 年 前
You can never have enough pairs of high heels , i now have over 30 
stiv837 4 年 前
I love wearing them also. 