Over Fifty Single & Childless.
I am a Member of Fetlife.com My Name there is Wolfman_Jack My Address there is https://fetlife.com/users/506147 those who are not Members there can read this response a re-response to a Post I wrote there. When I read this Post it made "Me Fucking Mader Than Hell" and I mean so incensed and so angry about the Post I read I was prompt to write My 2 Responses to it. And to this date no one has responded to it since I wrote them over 2 years ago.
This is a transcript - Copy - Paste here it hasn't been retouched or re-edited in any way or form.
I received a Email Notification on Sat 04/27/13 08:42 AM titled "Fifty, Single & c***dless..." I took a interest and clicked on the Link upon after reading it I took strong, bitter and poisonous exception at a this Post I wrote a Response to it 3 weeks later on 3:56 AM 5/3/2013. To this day The 1 that wrote it and the 4 that responded to it all 5 of them haven't addressed themselves to respond to me there yet. I wrote a second response to go with my first if no other member responds before I can ad my second response but 2 others did respond. I had to rewrite my second response to include them and in writing I wanted to encourage them and support them. But to the others 1 that wrote it and the 4 that responded to it I'm not done with my Filibuster yet
The Group in question is "Older men and the younger women that love them" The Thread titled "Over" Fifty, Single & c***dless. you may click onto it and read it for yourself but I transcribed it here in it's entirety if you wish to make comments here or there you may do so I appreciate it either way. I will update it with others who read and Comments if others respond to it.
I've written a second response to my first one, upon reading the Group Rules I was concerned that I was out of line and violated the rules and I'd be admonished or even banded from being a Member so I messaged the Owner of The Group EvilDok he wrote back to me that as he said;
His Reply to me;
Thanx for your note. I have read through your responses and didn't really think you were trying to stir the pot. The only person you really responded to directly was WOW_Wilson and I have not received any complaints from her.
I have no plans to close or delete the thread. You did walk the line on some of your comments. Try to consider a bit before you respond in the future. I understand your frustration and know you were just venting.
You are right that it really isn't really on subject but I think at this point, I will just let it be and see if it will disappear from page one of the discussions. If I had caught it before any comments were made I probably would have closed it and then deleted it some time later.
Again thank you for your input
It was more than just frustration and venting as I see it I am angry to have to be subjected to something as shallow as that. I appreciate his plans to not close or delete the thread". Which is just what I did not want him to do. I am sure those who read it are intitled to your opinions and criticisms and comments to me remember this. "But"!
Matthew 7:1, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.
Fifty, Single & c***dless...
Date Posted Date On; Sat 04/27/13 08:42 AM
by JohnFeer 12 days ago
anyone else in that defiant category out there?
Following Discussion (stop following)
Responses (5 of 5)
Sicksdegreez: 12 days ago | report
Daddybear59: 12 days ago | report
Right there with you
WOWilson: 11 days ago | report
Don't have a maternal bone in my body so never had k**s. And I'm almost 50....
happy5inch: 11 days ago | report
Only wish i was c***dless
My First Response; 3:56 AM 5/3/2013
I'm sure you all here Glee over being over Fifty, Single and c***dless see it as a profound Blessing in your own life my own perspectives differ quite the opposite. "OH" do they! I am anything but the Happy Confirmed Bachelor c***dless as some guys here are. I am miserable and angry being over Fifty, Single and c***dless. Before anyone uses the ["Whining"] word on me to disassociate and deobligate themselves from my problems you don't walk in my ragged shoes, I'm not naive to think that is what some will say about my response.
I've never worked a day in my life and I can't find any kind of work so I could support a Wife and c***dren, I'd fucking through anybody out a fucking window that ever thought or ever say that I'm - I'm a Slacker or Lazy. Among other factors has kept me from having a family of my own. I can't help myself I think of what I could have had and feeling I am never going to have it, I think of what could have been but never was in what would be for me to have a Woman of my or a Woman to (own) and c***dren of our own, the poison of anger is just to strong in my blood without a bloodline of my own.
I am so spent tired of crossing Women who are bitter & forbidden fruit involved, engaged or Married Owned by some other Man or that they are unobtainable, unavailable and uninterested in some other way, writing to this one that one and the other one trying to build foundations faith, trust gaining some Woman's attention and affections. I've been at this for [35 to 40 Years] wasting my life away of looking for Work & Women, trying to make some opportunity or the right fit a social atmosphere with the right people trying to find both Work & Women for myself with nothing just happening for me. I don't go around blowing steam on my nails and polishing them on my shirt trying to impress them with false impressions telling them that I'm a Gynecologist for the CIA or a Proctologist for the FBI.
One night some days back I went through a psychotic episode that I was very dazed and dizzy with a rush of worry and grief overwhelmed with what I'm going to do to find some kind or Work to do for the rest of my life, and finding a Women here and every other rotten shit I've experienced been through pass through my mind like my whole life passed before my eyes that I was just about to kill myself, I nearly did had a scalpel within my reach. My entire life consists of a 24/7 trying to make things happen for me sitting here at My Computer that needs to be looked at the it make me even angrier it is the only outlet there is available to me, I'm a prisoner to my home. A hermit without a cause.
I've got no Automobile to look for Work or to get out and attend Lifestyle events I couch potato hammering my head with the remote control trying to come up with anything. I am looking into a Real Estate Investing I am looking for financing into cookie cutting of the purchasing of Tax Foreclosures and flipping them to a Reliable Realtor I know some people and some here would think it is profiting on someone else's misery like Donald Trump but no less than others have profited on mine.
I've also put up with one form or another of those who are well meaning trying to be commiserating with me who don't know even come near to or understanding my problems or who can offer constructive advise to me instead of just kind words and help me out. Not I appreciative of someones kind words and thought to me I am and don't want them taking me in a wrong way. I too need companionship to keep me from going absolutely crazy which is a daily fight for me The reason I'm looking for a Woman 18 to 30 years old and one who is a fertile value , who in her desire wants c***dren as mush as I do at my age with a Older-man. I don't want to pass from this plain of life without a bloodline of my own.
I'm 57 years old now I'm the youngest c***d in a family 5 I have 2 brothers & 2 sisters. My 2 brothers are living Great-grandfathers at their ages of 68 & 80. My 2 sisters the Oldest has 2 Sons who they have no c***dren my other sister has 1 Son also he has no c***dren. I'm poisoned by hatred and bitterness about it all too! The anger is just to strong in my blood. I was Born a Uncle I have 2 Nephews older than me my Oldest sister's Sons. I became a Granduncle at age 27 and now I'm a Great-granduncle at 55 two years ago but the thing that has alluded me so fucking much is being a Father if by God's Blessing if I am lucky enough to live long enough to become a living Grandfather & Great-grandfather that is/was on of my life's goals. "OH I could literally Growl & Howl"
I don't see where referring "A Woman" wanting A Man or "A Man" wanting a Woman with the natural desires of having a family with c***dren as "maternal interest". Yes I have maternal interest if you want to refer a Woman & c***dren in My Life as that, I want a Glamazon Beauty embraces me with the same desire of maternal interest of having c***dren (("A Real Housewife of Armstrong County")), Pennsylvania. U.S.A. Some may seen as a annoyance; Changing c***dren's diaper, Coming home to see a Trike or Bicycle in the middle of the driveway, a toy car or doll one to trip on the stairs, Catching my face in Pantyhose or Stocking, that old argument of the toilet seat install a Urinal or Making Personal & House finances balance Ect... It can't be any other annoying than not having as I have not and doing without never knowing if I ever will! Some may seen those as a annoyance I'd see them as something refreshing.
Growls & Howls
Wolfman Jack
OdysseusMI: 1 day ago | report
Not quite there with the age, but fairly close and very c***dless... and wondering if there are any younger women in the Detroit area interested in older men with no c***dren.
Anon-dom: about 4 hours ago | report
Wanting to have at least one c***d is a key factor in my interest in women younger than me by enough for that not to be a problem!
My Second Respondence; 3:50 PM 5/23/2013
@OdysseusMI & @Anon-dom and any other "Men" who read and respond here, or Women who read and respond in support of us.
I'd had hoped to post a second response here before anyone else, you both beat me to it before I did! In my writing of my 2 responses to this Thread Posted it was not my intention to Flame member JohnFeer or to offend him when I'm the one who is offended and felt Flame hell Incinerated by this kind of attitude. I respect the way of life that he wants to life in his own way that is his and other like him their own thing. This Group is Named; Older men and the younger women that love them, a Forum Discussion Group for Young Women to communicate with Older Men to find Young Women the one that one wants to share life together and "MEET TOGETHER". I don't think or feel that the subject of his Post is a topic for the place like here where there are Men & Women the subjects of this Group that it is not a good fit.
I Thank You admire and respect both you Gentlemen in your courage for your response or should I use the word this way cou-"rage" which is how I do feel most seriously, to you both of "The Other "Defiant Class Category" like myself. To reinforce and quote myself in my first response, which holds true and fact as I stated.
Before anyone uses the ["Whining"] word on me to disassociate and deobligate themselves from my problems you don't walk in my ragged shoes, I'm not naive to think that is what some will say about my response.
It pierces through my heart like a Poisoned Dart rather than Cupid's Arrow through my heart in Passion Love and Desire for a Woman to see other Men with Wives and c***dren with none of my own. I barely can stand to live in my own house to hear see and heard from the neighbors the laughter and screams of joy of c***dren at play others enjoying life, seeing Men with their Wives and/or Wives and c***dren in public where I have to endure it in torment, hearing from the News of a c***d abused or m*****ed and the senseless murder of a c***d is something that I rather not hear if I hear it I'd rather want to forget it than remember it. Looking at other Women with a Ring or Rings on her finger that sparkles and shines blinds me, she engaged or Married Owned by some other Man or that they are unobtainable, unavailable. It is said that Parents - Men & Women shouldn't out live their c***dren. Well the same should be applied be respected for Men & Women who want to be Parents shouldn't live without c***dren of their own.
It is sad that us Men in the flower of our Youth fore the circumstances of our lives reason or fate are destined to be over looked by who we seek and want to Love and enjoy to Love with Life's Passion in our Hearts share life with that we are trying to connect up with in time and years we wither away never to blossom and grow again except for a blood Line of our own with a Woman of our "own"!!
It is no mistake and escapes me not that Feminism the abolitionist of Womanhood who take up the cause of Women label us as of our sexual nature opinions as chauvinism and sexist violent vile cretins just to stay away from. I stand my ground that I am not a Misogynist, but a "Ms.ogynist" that I am and I have no regard or use for Feminist nurtured polices and indictments of Men. A Man of this Lifestyle as many of us in are own way do Love and Respect Women, I am one who is and wants a well balanced mix of The Vanilla Lifestyle and The BDSM Lifestyle I want great power and control over a Woman as a Dominant Man as I am but I want to Love her and be responsible for her care and welfare as she must be responsible for my care and welfare insuring me as well other Men like me of my freedom from being labeled, classed or being accused of as a Sex Offender or Predator. Embrace herself as the subjugated Submissive/Slave she proclaims to be that is above reproach.
We us Men walk a balancing act on a tight rope in society as Men that Women we think that we have their informed consent that we have our way in their total subjugation to us that we have to worry more than having a Woman press our pants than having charges pressed against us or worst we meat up with Jodie Airis but they must understand we are no Ted Bundy. I hope Jodie Airis is made a example of the consequences what Women do to Men as Ted Bundy was made a example of the consequences what he did to Women. That us Men are more than the sum parts of Domination that we are, Men willing to be responsible for their care and welfare as they must be responsible for ours in their judgement of what they are looking for and want. I'd rather be just a little Chicken Shit than be in Deep Shit running around with my head cut off crying to others that the sky is falling.
The Vanilla Lifestyle and The BDSM Lifestyle in whole is grinding against us Men who are single with no Women of our own It was commented at me by another member [ Adolphus ] at Singles Night that I leave it for others to read for themselves to judge me of my motives and expectation
seems you have an expectation of this site, and this community, of being a place to find exactly what you are looking for. A sub/pet/slave/whatever.
"OH" Guilty As Charged I am! I do have an expectation of this site, and this community, of being a place to find exactly what I'm looking for, before it is to late to matter and to late for me and other Men like me. I like to read and respond to those who post threads here and them to read and respond to those posts threads that I write. I want to learn more than I know, I want to learn more than I understand, I want to learn if there are Real Women here willing to get to know me and meet with me much like the expectations of other Men here seeking theirs.
With my hand on a Bible a sworn oath I will admit that I am a very Hard Man forged of Steel given that My Father; Henry Clair Jack a Vandergrift Steeler 40 years in the Mill born with a Stainless Steel Spoon jammed in my mouth I like to think and feel that something else is forged in my product that of tenacity and determination polished romanced with a side of gentle Love and Passion to offer to any Woman who is "Miss Right" who wants to wear not just the Collar that I place and Lock around her sweet fine neck but she also wants that I place on her to wear in pride and honer "My Name" as "Mrs. Jack" who will bless us both with God's Blessing of c***dren. For my age without going into great detail I'm in a reasonably healthy Man with fine health prostate, liver and colon in working order both k**neys still in tact, I am no decrepit Old Man to be ignored kicked aside or long forgotten. Older Women with Younger Men are "Cougars". Older Men with Younger Women are "Lions". "I Roar Loud and Proud"! Or given My Nickname "I Howl Loud and Proud"!
I don't want to make this a Diatribe of Accusations It may be seen that all of what I write how is it relevant to the topic of my response or those who read my words and writings, I do not want to be misjudged misconstrued taken out of any context, this is my life's experience and other Men who believe they feel slighted but trying to survive what live has put before us before we are gone from this Earth.
I leave with words of encouragement to [ OdysseusMI & Anon-dom ] and other Men like me in the pursuit of Younger Women and Women their pursuit of us Older Men. That we understand and aid each other in one another's pursuits of finding the one of our Life.
"crede quod habes, et habes", "Vive, quod ne aetas et ambitio iceberg in Oceano, sed quasi viburnum In NIVIS CASUS ".
"Believe that you have it, and you do", "Live Life, Age And Ambition As Not A Iceberg in the Ocean, But As A Snowball In A Avalanche".
"So Ends My Filibuster" - ?
Growls & Howls
Wolfman Jack
9 年 前