Sexy Survey: Masturbation - Robyngoodfello

Male or Female? Male
Date of Birth? 07-29-1978
At what age did you start masturbating? 12 or so
How many days a week do you masturbate? Every day

In bed: Yes
In the shower: Yes
In the tub: Yes, on occasion
Outdoors: Yes, quite often
At work: Only once, just to say that I have :)
Every room in the house: Yes
Other people's Houses:Yes, It's actually a hobby of mine to try and do it in any home I visit.
In a car while traveling: Yes, this is my secret for surviving long car trips.

With the left hand: Yes
With the right hand: Yes
With lubrication: Sometimes if I'm in the mood.
With a toy: I have in the past, but currently, I do not own any. :(
With a pillow or sheet: When I was younger I would sometimes use a pillow.
With water jets or streams in a pool or tub: Yes, whenever I get the chance.

Dirty magazines: Yes, back in the day. lol
Chat room conversations: No, never even been in one.
E-mail messages: No
Erotic books or stories: Yes
Phone conversations: Yes, both with and without their knowledge of it. lol
Pornographic movies or videos: Yes
Telavision Programs: Yes, in fact, my first orgasm came during an episode of HBO's "Real Sex".

Been caught masturbating: Yes, quite a few times I'm afraid lol
Masturbated for a man: Yes, me and a few friends of mine use to do it together often.
Masturbated for a woman: Yes, my wife and I do it all the time.
Masturbated with a friend: Yes, see above. lol
Masturbated in a group: Yes, a group of friends and I use to play "Truth or Dare" and it happened then.
Masturbated for a photo: No
Masturbated for a webcam: No
Masturbated for a video: No

Play with your nipples/breast when masturbating: Sometimes if I'm really into it.
Insert something into or play with your ass: Once in a rare while
Insert something into your mouth when masturbating: No, is that even a thing people do? lol
Make noise for yourself: Sometimes if I'm really into it.
Taste yourself: Yes, Maybe I'm a freak, but I enjoy the taste of my cum very much.
Use pain as a method of playing: I like to pinch and twist my nipples sometimes, but nothing crazy.

When was the last time you masturbated: About an hour ago (as of answering this)
Are you wet or hard now: A little
Are you going to masturbate now: Yes
Does it turn you on when to talk about masturbation: Very much
What's the most you've played in one day: Around 10 or so I would guess
Did you touch yourself while answering this survey: Not yet, but it's why I'm :)

9 年 前